
  1. The modification of the Constitution or a law; may be either formal (written) or informal (unwritten).
  2. Measurement approach that provides an overall picture of an organization's performance as measured against goals in finance, customers internal business processes and learning and growth.
    Balanced Scorecard
  3. Analysis that Shows the point in time at which money put into an HR program is equal to or greater than its return.
    Break Even Analysis
  4. A measure of association that indicates the relationship between two variables.
  5. Involving applying specific premises to a given situation to develop certain predictions about understanding of a situation.
    Deductive reasoning
  6. Ratio that allows management to determine the financial impact particular activities and programs will have on a company's profitability.
    Cost/Benefit Analysis
  7. Sale by a company of an asset that is not performing well, that is not core to the company's business or that is worth more as a separate entity.
  8. Process of conducting an intensive investigation of a corporation as one of the first steps Ina pending merger or acquisition.
    Due Diligence
  9. A process that systematically surveys, identifies and interprets relevant data to identify external opportunities and threats.
    Environmental Scanning
  10. Form of budgeting in which an average cost is applied to comparable expenses and general funding is changed by a specific amount.
    Foumula budgeting
  11. Project planning tool that graphically dispays activities of a project in sequential order and plots them against TIME.
    Gantt Chart
  12. Involves looking at a set of observations and designing a rule that characterizes or explains a pattern underlying the observations.
    Inductive reason
  13. Form of budgeting in which the prior budget is the basis fir allocation of funds.
    Incremental budgeting
  14. Organizational structure that combines dwpartmentalization by division and function to gain the benefits of both.
    Matrix Structurr
  15. Project planning tool that is used to schedule, organize and coordinate TASKS within a project.
    PERT Chart
  16. Specifies what the comapny does, who its customers are and the priorities it has set in pursuing its work.
    Mission Statement
  17. Reasearch that utilizes open ended interviewing to exploe and understand the attitudes, opinions,feelings and behaviors.
    Qualitative analysis
  18. Seeks to obtain easily quantifiable data on a limited number of measurent points.
    Quantitive Analysis
  19. Number of members of an organization tht have to be present before official business may be conducted.
  20. Statistical methods used to predict a variable from one or more predictor variables.
    Regression Analysis
  21. Ability of an instrument to measure consistently.
  22. Diagram that shows the relationship between data items using x and y axes.
    Scatter Diagram
  23. A measure of variation that indicated how much scores are spread out around the mean or average.
    Standard Deviation
  24. Ability of an instrument to measure what it is intended to measure.
  25. Short term alliance between independent organizations in a potentially long term relationship to design, produce, and distribute a product.
    Virtual Alliance
  26. Form of budgeting that requires that expenditures be justified for each new period and in which budgets start at zero.
    Zero Based Budgeting
  27. Occurs when the selection rate for a protected class is less than 80% of the rate for the class with the highest selection rate; also know as disparate impact.
    Adverse Impact
  28. TESTS that measure the general ability of capacity to learn or acquire a new skill.
    Aptitude Tests
  29. Method of evaluating candidates, using content-valid work samples of a job; typically for managerial positions.
    Assessment Centers
  30. Analysis in which organization considers internal and external availability in determining theoretical availability of minorities and women for established job groups.
    Availability Analysis
  31. Situation in which gender, religion, national origin or age is reasonably necessary to carrying out a particular job function in the normal operations of the business or enterprise.
    BFOQ - Bona fide Occupational Qualification
  32. Specifies that federal enforcement agencies will not expect an employer to evaluate each component of the selection process individually if the total process does not have an adverse impact.
    Bottom Line Concept
  33. Situation in which an organization shares joint responsibility and liability for their alternative workers with an alternative staffing supplier; also known as joint employment.
  34. A type of criterion related validity determined by relating the test scores of a group of test takers who take a test (test A) to some other criterion measure (test B) that is administered at the same time.
    Concurrent Validity
  35. Degree to which an interview, test or other selection device measures the knowledge, skills, abilities, or other qualifications that are part of the job.
    Content Validity
  36. The extent to which a selection device measures the theoretical construct or trait (e.g. intelligence or mechanical comprehension).
    Construct Validity
  37. Occurs when an employer makes working conditions so intolerable that an employee has no choice but to resign.
    Constructive Discharge
  38. Refers to the link between a selection device and job performance
    Criterion related validity
  39. Failure to recognize responses of a candidate that are socially acceptable rather than factual.
    Cultural Noise
  40. Forecasting technique that progressively collects information from a group without physically assembling the contributors.
    Delphi Technique
  41. Occurs when protected classes are intentionally treated differently from other employees or are evaluated by a different standard.
    Disparate Treatment
  42. Provides some relief to employers using third parties to conduct workplace investigations.
    Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT)
  43. Act that prohibits discrimination against individuals on the basis of their genetic information in both employment and health care.
    Genetic Information and Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
  44. A systematic study of jobs to determine what activities and responsibilities they include, their relative importance and relationship with other jobs, the personal qualification necessary for performance to fit job, and the conditions under which the work is performed.
    Job Analysis
  45. Part of an affirmative action plan that lists all job titles that comprise each job group having similar content and responsibilities, wage and opportunities for advancement.
    Job Group Analysis
  46. Act that creates a rolling time frame for filing wage discrimination claims and expands plaintiff filed beyond employee who was discriminated against.
    Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
  47. Traditional term used to describe employees brought in from another country to work in the headquarters country for a specific period.
  48. Knowledge, Skills and abilities and personal attributes that can link individuals or teams to enhance performance; critical success factors needed to perform a given role in an organization.
    Job Competencies
  49. Uses information from the past and present to predict expected future conditions; includes managerial estimates, Delphi technique, and nominal group technique.
    Judgmental Forecasts
  50. Statistical method that can be used to project future demand; several variables are utilized.
    Multiple Linear Regression
  51. Group of individual who meet face-to-face to forecast ideas and assumptions and prioritize issues.
    Nominal Group Technique
  52. Citizens of an organization's headquarters country who reside and work abroad with intent of returning to the home country.
    Parent-country nationals (PCN's)
  53. Objectives or targets in an affirmative action plan when the percentage of protected class workers is less than is reasonably expected given availability.
    Placement Goals
  54. A type of criterion related validity; the degree to which the predictions made by a test are confirmed by the later behavior of test takers.
    Predictive Validity
  55. Latin term for "on first view" or "at first appearance", in an EEO case, when a plaintiff presents evidence of a prima facie case, the employer must articulate a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for its decision.
    Prima Facie
  56. Result of an employer 'punishing' an employee for engaging in activities protected by the law (e.g. filing a discrimination charge, opposing unlawful employer practices).
    Retaliatory Discharge
  57. Traditional term used to describe employee who are citizens of countries other than where they work or where the organization's headquarters resides.
    Third-country national (TCN's)
  58. Use of statistics to determine whether relationships exist between two variables.
    Trend and Ratio Analysis
  59. Legal doctrine under which a party can be held liable for the wrongful actions of another party.
    Vicarious Liability
  60. Procedural document designed to assist employers in complying with federal regulations prohibiting discrimination.
    Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
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Vocabulary Words