
    • Italian Baroque 1600-1700
    • Borromini
    • *S. Agnese
    • Italian Baroque 1600-1700
    • Borromini
    • St. Ivo
    • Italian Baroque 1600-1700
    • Maderno and Bernini
    • *Facade and square of St. Peter's
    • Italian Baroque 1600-1700
    • S. Maderno
    • *Santa Cecilia
    • Italian Baroque 1600-1700
    • Bernini
    • David
    • Italian Baroque 1600-1700
    • Bernini
    • *The Ecstacy of St. Teresa
    • Italian Baroque 1600-1700
    • Bozzetti
    • Sculptural sketch: Head of St. Jerome
    • Italian Baroque 1600-1700
    • Bozzetti
    • *Head of an Angel
    • Spanish Baroque 1600-1700
    • J.S. Cotan
    • Quince, Cabbage, Melon, and Cucumber
    • Spanish Baroque 1600-1700
    • Velazquez
    • The Water Carrier of Seville
    • Spanish Baroque 1600-1700
    • Velazquez
    • *The Maids of Honor
    • Spanish Baroque 1600-1700
    • Zurbaran
    • St. Serapion
    • Flanders (Flemish Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Rubens
    • *The Raising of the Cross
    • Flanders (Flemish Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Rubens
    • The Garden of Love
    • Flanders (Flemish Baroque) 1600-1700
    • A. Van Dyck
    • *Portrait of Charles Hunting
    • Flanders (Flemish Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Snyders
    • Market Stall
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Hals
    • The Jolly Toper
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Leyster
    • Self Portrait
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Rembrandt
    • The Blinding of Samson
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Rembrandt
    • *The Night Watch
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Rembrandt
    • *Self Portrait
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Ruisdael
    • *The Jewish Cemetery
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • W.C. Heda
    • Still Life
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Jan Steen
    • The Feast of St. Nicholas
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Vermeer
    • *Officer and a Laughing Girl
    • Holland (Dutch Baroque) 1600-1700
    • Vermeer
    • *Woman Holding a Balance
    • French Baroque 1600-1700
    • G. de La Tour
    • *Joseph the Carpenter
    • French Baroque 1600-1700
    • Poussin
    • *The Abduction of the Sabine Women
    • French Baroque 1600-1700
    • Lorrain
    • A Pastoral Landscape
    • French Baroque 1600-1700
    • Rigaud
    • Portrait of Louis XIV
    • French Baroque 1600-1700
    • Hardouin-Mansart
    • *Church of the Invalids
    • French Baroque 1600-1700
    • Puget
    • *Milo of Crotona
    • English Baroque 1600-1700
    • C. Wren
    • *Facade of St. Paul's Cathedral
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