Module "B" Midterm Review

  1. Red blood cells have the ability to pass through cell walls because they are extravascular.

    A) True
    B) False
    B) False - White blood cells are extravascular, giving them the ability to pass through cell walls.
  2. This additive commonly experiences carryover problems.

    A) Sodium Citrate
    B) Anticoagulants
    C) Heparin
    D) EDTA
    D) EDTA or Ethylenediamenetetraacetic Acid
  3. If you need to collect blood from your patient who has a hematoma, where should you collect blood?

    A) From the heel.
    B) Distal from the site of the hematoma.
    C) From the hematoma.
    D) Blood cannot be collected from patients with hematoma.
    B) Distal from the site of the hematoma.
  4. At a job site, doing this more than two times may cause you to lose your job.

    A) Not getting the needle in the vein on the first attempt.
    B) Misidentifying your patient.
    C) Not labeling your blood collection tubes.
    D) Making your patient feel uncomfortable.
    B) Misidentifying your patient.
  5. Which statement should you never tell a child before collecting blood from them?

    A) "It'll feel like someone is pinching you."
    B) "You can close your eyes if you want to."
    C) "You have to be brave and be real still for me, OK?"
    D) "It's alright, don't worry; this won't hurt at all."
    D) "It's alright, don't worry; this won't hurt at all." - If the child feels pain during the collection, they'll become more agitated and less cooperative because you lied to them. Never tell a child that a shot will not hurt.
  6. What type of needle should be used on patients who have difficult or little veins?

    A) BD Vacutainer system
    B) Lancet
    C) Winged Infusion Set
    D) Evacuated tubes
    C) Winged Infusion Set - This is also referred to as Butterfly needles.
  7. Before drawing blood from an inpatient, how should you identify them?

    A) Have them state their name.
    B) Check to see if their name is correct on their arm band.
    C) Compare their name on the lab requisition.
    D) All of the above
    D) All of the above - First, have the patient state their name. Next, check to see if this name corresponds with the name on their arm band, then compare this name from the lab requisition.
  8. When a doctor tells you, "I need blood drawn from this patient, stat!" what does he mean?

    A) You need to draw blood immediately.
    B) You need to draw blood within the next half hour.
    C) You need to draw blood immediately, then wait half an hour for the blood to mix with the additives from the collection tube.
    D) You need to draw 2cc's of blood immediately.
    A) You need to draw blood immediately.
  9. This blood collection system is efficient, safe, and direct.
    ETS or Evacuated Tube System
  10. What is an autologous blood transfusion?

    A) It is blood transfusion performed only on patients who are O-.
    B) It is the donation of blood for self-use.
    C) It is blood transfusion using a small amount of blood so that the patient can withstand allergic reactions.
    D) It is using blood from one A+ patient to another A+ patient.
    B) It is the donation of blood for self-use.
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Module "B" Midterm Review
Review questions for Module "B" regarding introduction to Phlebotomy.