Med Term

  1. a-
    Without, absence of
  2. Ab-
    Away from
  3. Ad-
  4. Ambi-
  5. Anti-
    Against, opposite of
  6. Bi-
  7. Brady-
  8. Circum-
  9. Contra-
    Counter; against
  10. Dys-
    Bad, abnormal, painful, difficult
  11. Endo-
  12. Epi-
    Upon, over, above, on top
  13. Eu-
    Normal, good
  14. Exo-
    Outside, away from
  15. Hemi-
  16. Heter-
  17. Hyper-
    Excessive, abnormally high, above
  18. Hypo-
    Deficient, abnormally low, below
  19. Inter-
  20. Intra-
  21. Macro-
  22. Mal-
  23. Micro-
  24. Mono-
  25. Multi-
    Many, more than once, numerous
  26. Neo-
  27. Nulli-
  28. Oligo-
  29. Para-
    Alongside, abnormal
  30. Peri-
  31. Poly-
    Excessive, over, many
  32. Post-
    To follow after
  33. Pre-
    To come before
  34. Primi-
  35. Pseudo-
  36. Semi-
    Half, partial
  37. Sub-
    Under, beneath, below
  38. Super-
  39. Sym-
    Together, joined
  40. Tachy-
    Rapid, fast
  41. Tetra-
  42. Trans-
    Through, across, beyond
  43. Tri-
  44. Abdomin/o
    Abdomen, abdominal cavity
  45. Anter/o
  46. Auto-
  47. Crani/o
    Skull, cranium
  48. Cyt/o
  49. Home/o
  50. Infer/o
  51. Inguin/o
  52. Lumb/o
    Loin, lower back
  53. Py/o-
  54. Poster/o
  55. Tom/o
    To cut
  56. Carcin/o
  57. Crypt-
  58. Cutane/o
  59. Kerat/o
    Horny tissue
  60. Leuk/o
  61. -malacia
  62. Melan/o
    Dark, black
  63. Myc/o
  64. Onych/o
  65. -opsy
    View of
  66. Scler/o
    Thick, hard, sclera
  67. -tome
    Cutting incision
  68. Xer/o
  69. -cele
    Hernia, swelling, protrusion
  70. -centesis
    Surgical puncture
  71. -desis
    Surgical fixation, fusion
  72. -ectomy
    Surgical exision, removal
  73. -emesis
  74. -emia
    Condition of blood
  75. -gram
    A record, image
  76. -graph
    Instrument for recording
  77. -graphy
    Recording process
  78. -itis
  79. -logist
    One who studies
  80. -logy
    Study or science of
  81. -oma
    Abnormal swelling, tumor
  82. -osis
    Condition of
  83. -pathy
  84. -penia
    Abnormal reduction in number, deficiency
  85. -phagia
    Eating or swallowing
  86. -philia
    Loving, affinity for
  87. -plasty
    Surgical repair
  88. -pnea
  89. -rrhagia
    Condition of bleeding, hemorrhage
  90. -rrhaphy
  91. -rrhea
    Excessive discharge
  92. -sclerosis
    Condition of hardening
  93. -scope
    Instrument, used for viewing
  94. -scopy
    Process of viewing
  95. -stasis
    Standing still
  96. -tomy
    Incision, to cut
  97. -stomy
    Surgical creation
  98. -tripsy
    Surgical crushing
  99. -algia
    Condition of pain
  100. -clasis
    Break apart
  101. -dynia
  102. -crit
    To separate
  103. -lysis
    Lossen, dissolve
  104. -megaly
    Abnormally large
  105. -capnia
    Condition of carbon dioxide
  106. -ptysis
    To cough up
  107. -spasm
    Sudden, involuntary muscle contraction
  108. -iasis
    Condition of
  109. -pexy
    Surgical fixation, suspension
  110. -plegia
  111. -ptosis
  112. Anterior (Ventral)
    Toward the front or belly side
  113. Distal
    Away from the origin of attachment to the trunk
  114. Posterior (Dorsal)
    Toward the back
  115. Inferior
    Away from the head end or toward the lower part of the body
  116. Lateral
    Toward the side
  117. Medial
    Toward the midline, which is an imaginary vertical line down the middle of the body
  118. Superior
    Toward the head end or upper part of the body
  119. Coronal Plane
    A vertical plan passing through the body from side to side, dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions.
  120. Sagittal Plane
    A vertical plane dividing the body into right and left portions.
  121. Transverse Plane
    A horizontal plane dividing the body into superior and inferior portions.
  122. Thoracic
    Area of the chest
  123. Pathology
    The study of disease
  124. Diagnosis
    Identification of an illness
  125. Symptom
    Experiences of the patient resulting from a disease
  126. Sign
    A finding that can be discovered by an objective examination
  127. Acute
    A disease of short duration, often with sharp or severe effect.
  128. Chronic
    A term frequently used to describe diseases that are of long duration
  129. Prognosis
    Prediction of the probably course of the disease and its probably outcome
  130. Abrasion
    A common injury to the skin caused by scraping produces a superficial wound
  131. Comedo
    Pimple; a local elevation of the skin arising from the buildup of oil from sebaceous (oil) glands
  132. Contusion
    Bruise; a discoloration and swelling of the skin that is symptomatic of an injury, such as a blow to the body.
  133. Cyst
    A closed sac or pouch on the surface of the skin that is filled with liquid or semisold material
  134. Jaundice
    • Abnormal yellow coloration of the skin and eyes.
    • A sign of liver or gallbladder disease
  135. Nevus
    • A pigmented spot that is commonly called a mole.
    • A sign of a benign tumer.
  136. Pallor
    An abnormally pale color of the skin
  137. Uticaria
    A common allergic skin reaction to medications, foods, infection, or injury produces small fluid filled skin elevations.
  138. Albinism
    A genetica condition characterized by the reduction of the pigment melanin in the skin.
  139. Alopecia
    A loss or lack of scalp hair is a clinical sign known as baldness.
  140. Ecchymosis
    A condition of the skin caused by leaking blood vessels in the dermis, producing purplish patches of purpura larger in size than petechiae.
  141. Pediculosis
    Head lice
  142. Tinea Pedis
    Ringworm that forms on the feet and is also known as athlete's foot.
  143. Biopsy (Bx)
    A minor surgery involving the removal of tissue for evaluation.
  144. Rhytidectomy
    Surgical removal of wrinkles.
  145. Kaposi's Sacrcoma
    A form of skin cancer arising from the connective tissue of the dermis.
  146. Arthr/o
  147. Ataxia
    The inability to coordinate muscles during a voluntary activity.
  148. Atrophy
    Reduced muscle size
  149. -trophy
    Process of development
  150. My/o
  151. Ten/o; Tend/o
  152. Ankylosis
    The general disorder resulting in inflammation and degeneration of a joint.
  153. Kyph/o
  154. Lord/o
    Bent forward
  155. Myel/o
    Bone marrow
  156. Oste/o
  157. Scoli/o
  158. Synov/o
  159. Electr/o
  160. Orth/o
  161. Eczema
    A chronic form of dermatitis characterized by flakiness of the epidermis.
  162. Edema
    Swelling due to leakage of fluid from the bloodstream into the interstitial space between body cells.
  163. Erythema
    Any redness of the skin.
  164. Pruritus
    Symptom of itchy skin
  165. Anaphylaxis
    A reaction to an antigen that spreads quickly to cause bodywide inflammation, which can become life-threatening.
  166. Anemia
    Reduced ability of red blood cells to deliver oxygen to tissues.
  167. Anticoagulant
    A chemical agent that reduces the clotting process in blood.
  168. Communicable Disease
    Disease capable of transmission from one person to another.
  169. Autoimmune Disease
    A disease caused by a person's own immune respsone attacking otherwise healthy tissue.
  170. Dyscrasia
    Any abnormal condition of the blood
  171. Idiopathic Disease
    Disease that develops without a known or apparent cause.
  172. Nosocomial Infection
    An infectious disease that is contracted during a hospital stay.
  173. Prophylaxis
    A preventative treatment
  174. Sepsis
    A systemwide disease caused by the presence of bacteria and their toxins in the ciruclating blood; also called septicemia.
  175. Sickle Cell Anemia
    A type of anemia in which the hemoglobin is defective within cells, resulting in misshaped red blood cells that cause obstructions in blood vessels.
  176. Ischemia
    Abnormally low flow of blood to tissues
  177. Stent
    An artificial, usually plastic, scaffold that is used to anchor a surgical implant or graft.
  178. Anoxia
    The absence of oxygen
  179. Asphyxia
    Absence of respiratory ventilation, or suffocation.
  180. Aspiration
    A procedure that removes fluid, air, or foreign bodies with suction.
  181. Asthma
    Condition characterized by widespread narrowing of the bronchioles and formation of mucous plugs.
  182. Emphysema
    Chronic lung disease characterized by dyspnea, chronic cough, barrel chest, and chronic hypoxemia and hypercapnia.
  183. Epistaxis
  184. Pertussis
    Acute infectious disease that causes inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi with spasmodic coughing and commonly known as whooping cough because of the noise produced.
  185. Anorexia Nervosa
    Emotional eating disorder in which the patient avoids food due to a compulsion to become thin in appearance.
  186. Ascites
    An accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity that produces an enlarged abdomen.
  187. Cirrhosis
    Chronic, progressive liver disease characterized by the gradual loss of liver cells and their replacement by fat and other forms of connective tissue.
  188. Cleft Palate
    A congenital defect in which the bones supporting the roof of the mouth, or hard palate, fail to fuse during fetal development, leaving a space between the oral cavity and nasal cavity.
  189. Constipation
    Infrequent or incomplete bowel movements.
  190. Flatulence
    Gas expelled through the anus.
  191. GERD
    • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
    • Recurring reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus.
  192. Glossitis
    Inflammation of the tongue often caused by exposure to allergens, toxic substances, or extreme heat or cold
  193. Halitosis
    Condition of bad breath
  194. Hemorrhoid
    Varicose, or swollen, condition of the veins in the anus that produces painful swellings that may break open and bleed.
  195. IBS
    • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    • Chronic disease characterized by periodic disturbances of large intestinal (bowel) function without clear physical damage.
  196. Steatorrhea
    Abnormal levels of fat in the feces, literally "discharge of fat."
  197. Diuresis
    Exessive discharge of urine.
  198. Epispadias
    A congenital defect that results in the abnormal positioning of the urinary meatus.
  199. Hematuria
    The abnormal presence of blood in the urine.
  200. Hemodialysis
    A procedure that pushes a patient's blood through permeable membranes within an instrument to artificially remove nitrogenous wastes and excess ions.
  201. IVP
    • Intravenous Pyelogram
    • A pyelogram of the renal pelvis which uses iodine as the contrast medium and is injected into the bloodstream.
  202. Lithotripsy
    A surgical technique that applies concentrated sound waves to pulverize or crush (or dissolve) kidney stones.
  203. Nocturia
    The need to urinate frequently at night
  204. Oliguria
    Reduced urination
  205. Polyuria
    Chronic excessive urination
  206. Stricture
    Condition of abnormal narrowing
  207. Ureters
    Paired, narrow tubes that conduct urine from each kidney to the posterior part of the urinary bladder.
  208. Urethra
    A tube that conveys urine from the urinary bladder to the exterior, through the external urethral orifice (urinary meatus).
  209. Urinary Retention
    Abnormal accumulation (or retention) of urine within the urinary bladder.
  210. UTI
    • Urinary Tract Infection
    • An infection of urinary organs, usually the urethra and urinary bladder.
  211. Abruptio Placentae
    Premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall.
  212. Azoospermia
    Absence of living sperm in semen.
  213. C-Section (Cesarean Section)
    An alternative to the nonsurigcal birth of a child through the birth canal, birthing can be accomplished surgically by making an incision through the abdomen and uterus.
  214. D&C (Dilation and Curettage)
    A common proceudre that is used for both diagnostic and treatment purposes invovling the widening of the cervial canal and scraping of the uterus lining.
  215. Episiotomy
    An incision through the vulva and perineum to widen the vaginal orifice to prevent tearing during child birth.
  216. Preeclampsia
    A circulatory disorder that places a pregnant woman and her child at risk; also called pregnancy-induced hypertension.
  217. PSA
    • Prostate-Specific Antigen
    • A clinical test that measures levels of the protein, prostate-specific antigen, in the blood.
  218. ADHD
    • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    • A neurological disorder characterized by short attention span, poor concentration, and hyperactivity; usually associated with school-age children but can aslo affect adults and makes learning very difficult.
  219. Analgesics
    A common form of pain management; includes aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen.
  220. Astigmatism (Ast.)
    A condition in which the curvature of the eye is defective, producing blurred vision.
  221. Bipolar Disease
    A mental disorder characterized by alternating periods of high energy and mental confusion with low energy and mental depression.
  222. Cataracts
    A condition in which the eye lens transparency is reduced.
  223. Concussion
    An injury to soft tissue that results from a blow or violent shaking
  224. Conjunctivitis
    Inflammation of the conjuctiva
  225. CVA
    • Cerebrovascular Accident
    • Irreversible death of brain cells caused by inadequate blood supply to the brain.
  226. Diplopia
    A condition of double vision
  227. EEG
    • Electroencephalography
    • A diagnostic procedure that records electrical impulses of the brain to measure brain activity.
  228. Glaucoma
    A loss of vision caused by an increase in the fluid pressure within the anterior chamber of the eyeball.
  229. Hyperopia
  230. MRI
    • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    • A diagnostic imaging procedure that uses margnetics and computer enhancement to reveal details of internal structure and function.
  231. Myelitis
    Inflammation of the spinal cord
  232. Myopia
  233. Otalgia
    The symptom of pain in the ear.
  234. Otitis Media
    A form of otitis in which the middle ear is involved to cause pain and a temporary loss of hearing
  235. Paresthesia
    The abnormal sensation of numbness and tingling.
  236. Presbyopia
    A reduction in vision due to age.
  237. Schizophrenia
    A mental condition characterized by delusions, hallucinations, and extensive withdrawal.
  238. Syncope
    A temporary loss of consciousness.
  239. Vertigo
    A sensation of whirling motion
  240. Cretinism
    A condition in which the thyroid gland is unable to produce normal levels of growth hormone.
  241. Diabetes Insipidus
    A disease characterized by polydipsia and polyuria.
  242. Hirsutism
    Excessive body hair
  243. Angina Pectoris
    Chest pain that is a primary symptom of an insufficient supply of oxygen to the heart.
  244. Bacter-
  245. Erythr/o
  246. Hemo-
  247. Leuk/o
  248. Thromb/o
  249. Necr/o
  250. Angi/o
    Blood vessel
  251. Arteri/o
  252. Cardi/o
  253. CHF
    • Congestive Heart Failure
    • A chronic form of heart disease characterized by the failure of the left ventricle to pump enough blood to supply systemic tissues and lungs.
  254. EKG
    • Electrocardiogram
    • Recorded data resulting from electrocardiography, a procedure in which electrodes are pasted to the skin of the chest to detect and measure the electrical events of the heart conduction system.
  255. MI
    • Myocardial Infarction
    • Death of a portion of the myocardium.
  256. ABG
    • Arterial Blood Gases
    • Clinical test to identify levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood.
  257. COPD
    • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    • General term for several different forms of pulmonary obstruction, including chronic bronchitis, bronchospasm, cystic fibrosis, and emphysema.
  258. CABG
    • Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
    • A srugical procedure that involves removal of a blodd vessel from another part of the body and inserting it into the coronary circulation.
  259. Ather/o
  260. Infarction
    "stuff into"
  261. Embol/o
  262. Ech/o
  263. Phleb/o
  264. End/o
  265. Phlebotomist
    A healthcare professional who performs a phlebotomy.
  266. -rhythmia
    Condition of rhythm
  267. -tension
    Process of pressure
  268. Alveol/o
    Air sac, alveolus
  269. Laryng/o
    Voice box, larynx
  270. Pharyng/o
    Throat, pharynx
  271. Pleur/o
    Pleura, rib
  272. Pneum/o, Pneumon/o
    Air, lung
  273. Throac/o
    Chest, thorax
  274. Trache/o
    Windpipe, trachea
  275. --rrhexia
    Condition of a rupture
  276. An-
    Without or absence of
  277. -oxi
    Condition of oxygen
  278. -spasm
    Sudden involuntary muscle contraction
  279. Tonsill/o
    Almond, tonsil
  280. -coniosis
    Condition of dust
  281. Spir/o
  282. Ventilation-Perfusion Scanning
    A diagnostic tool that uses nuclear medicine, or the use of radioactive material, to evaluate pulmonary function.
  283. Cholecyst/o
  284. Col/o
  285. Enter/o
    Small intestine
  286. Esophag/o
    Gullet, esophagus
  287. Gastr/o
  288. Ile/o
    To roll, ileum
  289. Pancreat/o
    Sweetbread, pancreas
  290. Peps/o
  291. Stomat/o
  292. -pepsia
    Condition of digestion
  293. Polyp
    • Any abnormal mass of tissue that projects inward from the wall of a hollow organ.
    • "Small growth"
  294. Anti-
  295. Vag/o
    Vagus nerve
  296. Gingival
    Pertaining to the gums
  297. Lith-
  298. Lapar/o
  299. N&V
    Nausea and vomiting
  300. Nasogastric Tube
    Tube inserted into a patient's nose that extends through the esophagus to enter the stomach.
  301. Acute Renal Failure
    A condition in which kidney function ceases
  302. Glomerul/o
    Little ball, glomerulus
  303. Glycos/o
    Sweet, sugar
  304. Nephr/o
  305. Pyel/o
    Renal pelvis
  306. Ur/o
  307. Py/o
  308. Cyst/o
  309. -stenosis
    Condition of narrowing
  310. Balan/o
    Glans penis
  311. Mamm/o; Mast/o
  312. Men/o
    Mouth, menstruation
  313. Orchid/o
  314. Colp/o
  315. Salping/o
    Trumpet tube, fallopian tube
  316. Hyster/o; Metro
  317. Oophor/o
  318. Pap Smear
    • Papanicolaou Smear
    • A common diagnostic procedure that screeen fro precancerous cervical dysplasia and cervial cancer.
    • It involves the gentle scraping of cells from the cervix and vagina followed by their microscopic examination.
    • Named after Dr. George Papanicolaou
  319. Vaginal Speculum
    • An instrument used during a gynecological exam.
    • Used to open the vaginal orifice wide enough to permit visual examinatino of the vagina and cervix.
  320. Tubal Ligation
    • The most common form of female sterilization as a contraceptive measure.
    • The fallopian tubes are severed and closed to prevent the migration of sperm upward into the tube.
  321. Priapism
    • An abnormally persistent erection of the penis, often accompanied by pain and tenderenss.
    • Most common cause is drug overdose.
  322. Chlamydia
    • The most common bacterial STI in North America
    • Symptoms include urethral or vaginal discharge and pelvic pain among women, urethritis and proctitis in men, and inflammatin of the eye's conjunctiva in newborns that can lead to blindness.
  323. Gonorrhea
    • An STI that is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
    • It produces ulcerlike lesions on the mucous membranes and skin of the genital region and is characterized by urethral discharge.
    • Term means "a flow of seed."
  324. Belphar/o
  325. Cephal/o
  326. Encephal/o
  327. Ir/o
  328. Mening/o
  329. Neur/o
  330. Ot/o
  331. Psych/o
  332. Retin/o
  333. Para-
    Alongside or abnormal
  334. Schiz/o
    To divide or split
  335. Tinnitus
    Ringing in the ears
  336. Quadr/i
  337. Hemi-
  338. Aden/o
  339. -thyroidism
    Condition of the thyroid
  340. Acr/o
  341. Acromegaly
    • Enlargement of bone structure.
    • The enlargement causes disfigurement, especially in the hands and face, and is a sign of hypersecretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland during adulthood.
    • Literally means "abnormally large extremity"
  342. Goiter
    • A common symptom of thyroid gland disease is a swelling on the anterior side of the neck in the location of the thyroid gland.
    • Its an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland caused by a tumor; lack of iodine in the diet, or an infection.
  343. -calcemia
    Condition of calcium in the blood
  344. Diabetes Mellitus
    • The chronic disorder of carbohydrate metabolism.
    • Has very little in common with diabetes insipidus.
    • A result of resistance of body cells to insulin, or a deficiency or complete lack of insulin production by cells of the pancreas.
    • Type 1 (less common, usually requires hormone replacement therapy with insulin and appears during childhood or adolescence)
    • Type 2 (Usually be managed with dietary restrictions and regular exercise, and it can be controlled with oral antidiabetic drugs.
    • Symptoms (polyuria, polydipsia, glycosuria)
    • Type 2
  345. -dipsia
    Condition of being thirsty
  346. -glycemia
    Condition of sugar in the blood
  347. -gonadism
    Condition of the gonads
  348. Glucose Tolerance Test
    • A test that may be used to confirm a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus examines a patient's tolerance of glucose.
    • The patient is given glucose either orally or intravenously, then at timed intervals blood samples are taken and glucose levels measured and recorded. Large fluctuations of blood sugar confirm the diagnosis of diabete mellitus.
  349. Postprandial
    After a meal
  350. Grave's Disease
    • Believed to be an autoimmune disease.
    • Also known as hyperthyroidism.
    • Excessive activity of the thyroid gland produces abnormally high levels of thyroid hormone.
  351. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
    A hormonal disturbance characterized by lack of ovulation (called anovulation), amenorrhhea, and infertility. Numerous ovarian cysts may develop, sometimes increasing the size of the ovary dramatically.
  352. Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
    If unmanaged causes large fluctuations in blood sugar levels, leading to circulatory deficiencies that result in kidney damage called diabetic nephropathy, peripheral nerve damage as diabetic neuropathy, and a form of potentially sight-threatening damage to the eye called diabetic retinopathy.
  353. Pan-
  354. Constructed Terms
    Made up of multiple word parts that are combined to form a new word.
  355. Nonconstructed Terms
    Terms that are not formed from individual word parts.
  356. Prefix
    • A word part that is affixed to the beginning of a word.
    • Its purpose is to expand or enhance the meaning of the word
  357. Word Root
    A word part that provides the primary meaning of the term.
  358. Suffix
    • A word part that is affixed to the end of a word.
    • Often indicates the word's part of speech or modifies the word's meaning.
  359. Combining Vowel
    • Used when a word root requires a connecting vowel to add a suffix that begins with a consonant or another word root when forming a term.
    • Does not add to or alter the meaning of the word root; it simply assists us in pronouncing a term.
    • In most cases, the combining vowel is the letter "o", and in some cases it is the letter "i" or "e."
  360. Cardiovascular
    Transport substances to and from body cells
  361. Lymphatic
    Remove unwatned substances and recycle fluid to the blood.
  362. Respiratory
    Exchange gases between the external environment and blood.
  363. Digestive
    Prepare foods for absorption into the bloodstream, and eliminate solid wastes from the body
  364. Urinary
    Remove nitrogenous wastes and excess water and salts from the bloodstream.
  365. Female Reproductive
    Provide for creation of new individuals
  366. Male Reproductive
    Provide for creation of new individuals
  367. Nervous
    Control homeostasis by sensing changes in the environment, processing information, and intiating body responses.
  368. Endocrine
    Control homeostasis by releasing hormones into the bloodstream, which alter body functions.
  369. Musculoskeletal
    Muscles allow movement of body parts; bones and joints support and protect soft body parts, allow movement by forming attachments to muscles, store minerals, and form blood cells.
  370. Integumentary
    Protect body from fluid loss and injury.
  371. Axilla
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Med Term