1989 NBDE Test microbio/pathology/histology/dental anatomy and occlusion

  1. Arthus Reaction
    Type III Hypersensitivity

    • - antibody-antigen complex after intradermal injection of an antigen
    • - causes local vasculitis bc immune complexes deposit in dermal blood vessels
    • - PMNs come in and result in inflamm response
  2. Which of the following drugs is likely to aid in treating or preventing influenza in high risk subjects during epidemics?A) StilbamidineB) AcyclovirC) AmantadineD) Amphotericin BE) Griseofulvin

  3. In the photomicrograph of enamel, the degree of calcification of C, compared to that of D, is
    A) lower.B) similar.C) higher.
    A) lower

    • - center- enamel rods (prisms)
    • - rods surrounded by rod sheath and separated by inter-rod substance that consists of HA apatite crystals aligned in diff direction than rods themselves

    - Gnarled enamel= when enamel rods appear twisted and intertwined at cusp tips

  4. Which of the following sagittal views of the Posselt's envelope is the correct tracing for a patient with coincidence of centric occlusion and centric relation?
  5. Which of the following positions would yield the smallest measurement of vertical dimension?

    C) maximum intercuspation
  6. Fordyce's granules/spots in mucous membrane of cheek
    ectopic/aberrant sebaceous glands- departs from normal, but not bad
  7. Moving the mandible from a maximum intercuspal position to a retruded contact position usually results in

    D) all of these

    - MIP- gives the lowest value of occlusal vertical dimension bc all cusps are maximully intercuspated
  8. Which of the following characterizes the alveolar bone proper of a tooth socket?

  9. A broad, flat facet existing on the outer aspect of the mesiolingual cusp of a maxillary first molar, and running in a mesiolingual to distofacial direction, was probably caused by which of the following contacting movements?

    A) ProtrusiveB) WorkingC) Lateral protrusiveD) Non-working
    B) working
  10. Which of the following premolars has a mesial marginal ridge that is more cervically located than its distal marginal ridge?

    A) mandibular first

    maxillary first has mesial marginal groove and mesial buccal cusp ridge is longer than distal cusp ridge
  11. During delayed hypersensitivity reactions, sensitized small lymphocytes produce
    A) leukotrienes.B) lymphokines.C) antibodies.D) none of these.E) histamine.
    B) lymphokines (interleukins= cytokines)

    - leukotrienes are produced by arachidonic acid
  12. Collagen degradation observed in chronic periodontal disease may result directly from the action of collagenase enzymes of oral microbial origin. Such enzymes have been demonstrated as component systems of

    E) bacteroides species
  13. The spacing between anterior teeth in the primary dentition is most frequently caused by

  14. The first succedaneous tooth to erupt is the


    because succedaneous means a permanent tooth that succedes a primary tooth
  15. The cervical line on adult teeth has the greatest depth of curvature toward the incisal on the

    B) mesial
  16. Behcet's Syndrome
    • - most common in turkey and Japan
    • - mouth and genital ulcers
    • - inflamed cartilage
    • - vasculitis
  17. Which of the following enteric microorganisms is NOT typically found in normal human intestinal flora?A) Salmonella typhi
    B) Bacteroides fragilis
    C) Escherichia coli
    D) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    E) Proteus vulgaris
    Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever; motile
  18. In a longitudinal section of a premolar crown, the enamel is thickest in the
    A) occlusal third.B) cervical third.C) junction of the cervical and middle thirds.D) middle third.
    A) occlusal 1/3
  19. The type of infection most commonly transmitted by transfusion of properly screened blood is

    • D) Hepatitis C
    • - Chronic, Cirrhosis, Carcinoma, Carriers
  20. The connective tissue sheath that surrounds a muscle as a whole and is synonymous with the gross anatomic deep fascia is the

    A) periosteum.B) perimysium.C) perichondrium.D) endomysium.E) epimysium.
    endomysium (individual muscle fibers)--> perimysium (bundle of fibers)--> epimysium (bundle of fascicles)
  21. Salivary, sweat, sebaceous, and von Ebner's glands all have in common the characteristic of being

    A) exocrine.B) simple.C) holocrine.D) merocrine.E) compound.
    exocrine glands

    Exocrine glands are named apocrine gland, holocrine gland, or merocrine gland based on how their product is secreted.

    Apocrine glands - a portion of the plasma membrane buds off the cell, containing the secretion.

    Holocrine glands - the entire cell disintegrates to secrete its substance.

    Merocrine glands - cells secrete their substances by exocytosis.
  22. In an ideal intercuspal position, the cusp tip of a permanent maxillary canine should contact

    B) No other tooth
  23. Which of the following primary teeth has the smallest faciolingual dimension of its crown?

    B) Mandibular central incisor
  24. The lingual height of contour on a permanent mandibular second molar is located

    B) middle 1/3

    All facial HOC= cervical

    • Linguals:
    • all anterior teeth= cervical
    • all posterior teeth= middle 1/3
  25. Connective tissue proper is characterized as having


    collagen is main protein of CT
  26. Prolonged administration of streptomycin may result in damage to which of the following nerves?

    A) FacialB) TrigeminalC) OpticD) Auditory
    • Auditory- hearing loss (ototoxicity)
    • - bactericidal--> protein synthesis inhibitor that binds 30S ribosome- precents synthesis of proteins
    • - aminoglycoside
    • - IM injection
  27. The non-working pathway of the maxillary cusps on the mandibular posterior teeth is toward the

    A) mesiolingual.B) distofacial.C) distolingual.D) mesiofacial.
    B) distofacial

    the mandibular nonworking cusps move mesiofacially
  28. Properdin
    • - aka Factor P
    • - protein in blood
    • - innate immune system
    • - component of alternative pathway for complement activation "properdin pathway"--> complexes w/ C3b
    • - alternative "properdin" pathway is activated by IgA immune complexes, bacterial endotoxins, cell walls, polysaccharides--> results in anaphylatoxins, opsonins, chemotactic factors, MAC to fight pathogens
  29. Proprioceptors are found in each of the following EXCEPT

    • D) pulp of the tooth
    • - pulp of tooth

    • Zones of pulp:
    • (Outside--> inside)
    • 1. odontoblastic layer- odontoblasts lining pulp chamber
    • 2. Cell free zone of Weill- acellular
    • - contains Rashkow's plexus (parietal plexus of nerves) and mesenchymal cells
    • 3. cell rich zone= fibroblasts and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells
    • 4. pulp core- fibroblasts, leukocytes, blood and lymph vessels, myelinated (mostly A-delta and C fibers), collagen I and II; no elastic fibers
  30. Which of the following permanent incisors most frequently have concave areas on both mesial and distal root surfaces?

    (a) Maxillary central; (b) Mandibular central; (c) Maxillary lateral; (d) Mandibular lateral
    B and D
  31. In a patient with a left canine protection, the mesiolingual surface of the maxillary right first molar contacts the distofacial surface of the mandibular right first molar during a left lateral excursion. This contact is

    E) a non-working side interference

    group function- when the working side canines and posterior teeth contact, but they disarticulate teeth on the non-working side

  32. In an ideal permanent tooth relationship, the tip of a mandibular canine in lateral excursion passes

    C) mesial to the tip of the maxillary canine cusp
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1989 NBDE Test microbio/pathology/histology/dental anatomy and occlusion
1989 NBDE Test microbio/pathology/histology/dental anatomy and occlusion