topically on animal
on inanimate objects
Iodine compounds
- - include Iodophores: betadine and Povidine
- - moderately to highly bactericidal and fungicidal, highly virucidal
- - presurgical scrub, solutions, tinctures, thermometers, corrosive to surfaces, stains
- - not effective for spores
may be used to lavage wounds (diluted out); solution for pre-surgery, stains
Tinctures of iodine
- dip navel, used for navel infection in farm animals, since antibodies are not absorbed through placenta
- - include: Chlorhexidine (Nolvasan, Hibiclens, Virosan)
- - used for skin wounds, presurgical scrub, oral cleansing solution, cages
- - residual action
- - highly bactericidal, moderately virucidal, and poorly fungicidal
- - no staining
- - 70% isopropyl
- - for instruments and thermometers
- - highly bactericidal, some virucidal, and poor fungicidal
- - affected by organic material and dirt
- - contact time isn't long enough
- - surgical--- degreases the skin
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
- - benzalkonium chloride (Benz All)
- - didecyl dimethyl ammonium choride (Roccal-D)
- - cold sterilization for instruments, rubber, inanimate objects
- - moderately bactericidal, virucidal, and fungicidal
Chlorine compounds
- - sodium hypochlorite (chlorox)
- - for floors, cages (not on stainless steal-- leaves residue
- - virucidal/bactericidal/fungicidal
- - OSHA recommended
- - solutions have short potency span, replaced every 2-3d
- - easily inactivated in organic material
- - unstable if exposed to light
- - 1:10 dilution
- - toxic and irritating
- - gluteraldehyde
- - for instruments
- - highly bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal
- - action not affected by organic debris
Ethylene Oxide
- - carcinogen; highly flammable
- - gas sterilization for objects that cannot withstand heat: rubber goods, blankets, lensed instruments (endoscopes)
- - highly bactericidal, virucidal and fungicidal