the nervous system's capability to acquire (through storage and retrival of info) and retain usable skills and knowledge
-the persistence of learning over time
have problem of retrieval of info
-they can encode, but cannot retrieve knowledge, memories
Retrograde Amnesiacs
have problems of encoding and storage
Can't form new memories or store new info, but can recall old info
EX: dori from finding nemo
Anterograde Amnesics
the processing of info so that it can be stored
*happens automatically when events are highly emotional or vivid/salient/surprising
*only thinks paid attention to are encoded
*if you don not initially encode something, you will never be able to and you can never recall it
*can also happen effortfully (ex: studying)
**Information is changed to neural code**
structural encoding, noticing physcial features
phonemic, what words sound like or rhyme with
meaning--> can take place in many forms
easier to remember concrete and vivid objects or events, so visual image mneumonics ccan work
ex: grocery list by putting items in places around the "house"
thinking about information
a type of deep level processing
you are more likely to remember information when you connect it to yourself
Self-Reference Effect
1/3 of a second, sensory infor persists in its original form
-memory for sensory information that is stored briefly close to its original sensory form
ex: why our vision is not jerky when we move our heads
Sensory Memory
limited capacity that can maintain unrehersed material for 20 seconds
Short-term Memory
theoretically unlimited in capacity
Long-term Memory
an active processing system that holds different types of information available for current use
storage duration- 20-30 sec
Capacity- 7 +/- 2 items
Short-term/working memory
can separate chunks of meaningful information to help us remember
can remember 7 chunks each with more information
one for holding onto visuouspatioal infromation and another for auditory/verbal(ex: reading to self) info
Multiple short term systems
unlimited in capacity and can hold for unlimited amount of time, organized
Long-term Memory
learning over time
distributed practice
the system underlying unconcious memory
implicit memory
the processes involved when people remember a specific memory
explicit memory
a type of explicit memory
*knowledge that can be declared, stuff you can talk about
declarative memory
memory for knowledge about the world
semantic memory
memory for one's personal past experiences (autobiographica)
it is lost in retrograde amnesia
episodic memory
a type of implicit memory that involves motor skills and behavioral habits
involves: motor memory and habitual patterns of behavior and associations formulated by classical conditioning (ex: little albert's continued fear despite not remembering actual experiment)
Procedural memory
remembering to do something in the future
prospective memory
learned through removal of different parts of rats' cortexes....
less cortex=less memory DUH
his study: temporal stimulus lead to recall of events, but so did stimulus to other areas
no single storage place for memories
-memory for sensory experiences stored/activated in same sensory cortex as original experience
Current theory on the seat of memory
part of brain important for explicit or declarative memory, consolidation
**removal leads to anterograde amnesia
important for spatial memory
process of transfer of contents from immediate memory to long term memory
part of brain important for encoding and working memory
*the prefrontal is associated with deeper encoding
holding onto info long enough to acto on it ex: goal pursuit)
ex: monkey's with damaged ____ could not remember to find food under cloth is distracted or covered for too long
frontal lobes
seat for emotional memories- often implicit
behave in accordance with memory but no declarative recollection
Ex: HM's mom died, he grieved but did not know why
the act of recalling or remembering stored info to use it
can be automatic or effortful
can be enhanced by cues encoded w/memory
external cues (location, odors, etc) which were identical to when you stored the memory
context dependent memory
internal cues (mood, drugs, etc)
state dependent memory
a confusion in memory caused by cues in a new situation that are strongly similar to cues in the past
-usually recalls episodic memories
most memories are a construction rather than a reflection
memory can be altered by future interpretations/expectations
ex: loftus car accident experiment
misinformation effect
can remember information without the source
ex: Raegan war story
source monitoring-errors
when memory is false and source is internal
ex: imagination, dreams, parents telling a story- you"remember" it
Lochtus study- kid lost in mall
*pedophile fear and leading questions-->led to rash of "remembered" memories
Reality-monitoring errors
most forgetting occurs rapidly after we have learned something
-learned list of words
*recall decays more rapidly than recognition
Ebbinghoaus's Forgetting Curves
most of this occurs because of interference
when new information interferes with old
ex: learning a new phone number and forgetting the old one
Retroactive forgetting
when old information interferes with new information
ex: getting a new number that has similar numbers
Proactive Forgetting
Freud thatough that we pushed negative memories into subconscious
-->tied w/ pedophile discovery
Motivated Forgetting
then inability to retrieve a memory from long-term storage
normal ____ is helpful, we only remember important things, too much info can get confusing
will forget spanish, but will be easier to "relearn" it because of savings
Ebbinghaus's methods of savings
Divided into Forgetting and Distortion
Theory of Schacter
7 Sins of Memory
one of seven sins of memory
reduced memory over time
one of seven sins of memory
reduced memory due to lack of attention
one of seven sins of memory
inability to remember needed information
one of seven sins of memory
assigning a memory to a wrong source
one of seven sins of memory
altering a memory becasue of misleading information
one of seven sins of memory
influence of current knowledge on our memory for past events
one of seven sins of memory
the resurgence of unwanted or distrubing memories of what we would like to forget (ex: PTSD)
a type of blocking
where you cannot recall specific/obscure words
tip of the toungue phenomena
the inattentive or shallow encoding of events
deficits in long-term memory that results from disease, brain injury or psychological trauma
strategies for improving memory
a mneumonic
testing more effective than rereading
_____ recalling info
to think about the meaning, and use your own words
this is a deeper level of processing=better memory
practice recalling, cramming not as good as multiple sessions
a good way to improve memory, recollection
I need some
Adequate sleep
a good way to remember things, used often in slogans and advertisments
verbal mneumonics
a type of imagery
visually placing objects in familiar locations
method of loci
a method of imagery
putting/visualizing new info on pegs