Vocabulary Unit 4

  1. abscond
    • (v) to run off and hide
    • Synonyms: bolt, make off, skip town
  2. access
    • (n) approach or admirrance to places, persons, things; an increase
    • (v) to get at, obtain
    • Synonyms: (n) entry, admittance, entree
    • Antonyms: (n) total exclusion
  3. anarchy
    • (n) a lack of government and law; confusion
    • Synonyms: chaos, disorder, turmoil, pandemonium
    • Antonyms: law and order, peace and quiet
  4. arduous
    • (adj) hard to do, requiring much effort
    • Synonyms: hard, difficult, laborious, fatiguing
    • Antonyms: easy, simple, effortless
  5. auspicious
    • (adj) favorable; fortunate
    • Synonyms: promising, encouraging, propitious
    • Antonyms: ill-omened, ominous, sinister
  6. biased
    • (adj) favoring one side unduly; prejudiced
    • Synonyms: unfair, partial, bigoted
    • Antonyms: fair, impartial, unpredjudiced, just
  7. daunt
    • (v) to overcome with fear, intimidate; to dishearten, discourage
    • Synonyms: dismay, cow
    • Antonyms: encourage, embolden, reassure
  8. disentangle
    • (v) to free from tangles or complications
    • Synonyms: unravel, unwind, unscramble, unsnarl
    • Antonyms: tangle up, ensnarl, snag
  9. fated
    • (adj) determined in advance by destiny or forune
    • Synonyms: destined, preordained, doomed
    • Antonyms: accidental, fortuitous, chance, random
  10. hoodwink
    • (v) to mislead by a trick, decieve
    • Synonyms: dupe, put on over
    • Antonyms: undecieve, disabuse, clue in
  11. inanimate
    • (adj) not having life; without energy or spirit
    • Synonyms: lifeless, dead, inert, spiritless
    • Antonyms: living, alive, energetic, lively, sprightly
  12. incinerate
    • (v) to burn to ashes
    • Synonyms: burn up, cremate, reduce to ashes
  13. intrepid
    • (adj) very brave, fearless, unshakable
    • Synonyms: caliant, courageous audaciuos, daring
    • Antonyms: timid, cowardly, craven, pusillanimous
  14. larceny
    • (n) theft
    • Synonyms: stealing, robbery, burglary
  15. pilant
    • (adj) bending readily; easily influenced
    • Synonyms: supple, flexible, elastic, plastic
    • Antonyms: rigid, stiff, inflexible, set in stone
  16. pompous
    • (adj) overly self-important in speech and manner; excessively stately or ceremonious
    • Synonyms: pretentious, highfalutin, bombastic
    • Antonyms: unpretentious, unaffected, plain
  17. precipice
    • (n) a very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster
    • Synonyms: cliff, crag, bluff, promontory, ledge
    • Antonyms: abyss, chasm, gorge
  18. rectify
    • (v) to make right, correct
    • Synonyms: remedy, set right
    • Antonyms: mess up, botch, bungle
  19. reprieve
    • (n) a temporary relief or delay;
    • (v) to grant a postponement
    • Synonyms: (n) stay, respite; (v) postpone, delay
    • Antonyms: (v) proceed
  20. revile
    • (v) to attack with words; call bad names
    • Synonyms: inveigh against, malign, vilify, denounce
    • Antonyms: praise, acclaim, revere, idolize
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Vocabulary Unit 4
Vocabulary Unit 4