CH 24M Hydrotherapy & Spa Apps.

  1. Considered to be any therapeutic use of water, is the internal and external use of water and complementary agents such as soaps, essences, aromatics, minerals, seaweed, salt, carbon dioxide and oxygen.
    What is Hydrotherapy?
  2. from Worshofen,Bavaria he was known as the father of Hydrotherapy, possessed exceptional knowledge and skill in using water to heal the ailments that afflicted others. These treatments, known as Kneipp therapy, are still used today. Wrote the book My Water Cure, in 1886.
    • Who is Father Sebastian Kneipp?
    • (1821-1897)
  3. Most Famous or early physicians, advised both hot and cold bathing. Was the first to record the role of opposites, or contrasts baths.
    Who was Hippocrates?
  4. Origin is uncertain, place where water therapies are administered. translated from the Latin term sanus per aqua meaning healing through water or cure of water.
    What is a Spa?
  5. a variety of body treatments administerred in spas that may or may not incorporate massage, but water is the heart of the spa experience. Spa esthetics and ambience play an important role because beauty and art go hand and hand.
    What is Spa Therapies?
  6. Four types of Spas
    1. ____ Spa - Offer services on a day-use basis. Overnight accommodations are not available
    2. ____ Spa - owned by and located within a resort or hotel. These facilities provide professional administrated spa services, fitness and wellness components and spa cuisine menu choices.
    3. ____ Spa - on-site accommodations, professionally administered spa services, physical fitness and wellness elements, educational programming, and spa cuisine, lifestyle improvements and health enhancement.
    4. ____ Spa - provide medical and wellness care in an environment that integrates spa services. Both conventional and complmentary therapies are provided.
    • 1. Day Spas
    • 2. Resort or Hotel Spa
    • 3. Destination Spa
    • 4. Medical Spa
  7. one of the four types of spas, provides beauty, health, and therapeutic treatments, with services varying by provider. Offer services on a day-use basis. Overnight accommodations are not available.
    What is a Day Spa?
  8. One of the four types of spas, these spas are owned by and located within a resort or hotel. These facilities provide professional administrated spa services, fitness and wellness components and spa cuisine menu choices.
    What is a Resort or Hotel Spa.
  9. one of the four types of spas, these facilities offer on-site accommodations, professionally administered spa services, physical fitness and wellness elements, educational programming, and spa cuisine to provide their guests with lifestyle improvements and health enhancement.
    What is a Destination Spa?
  10. one of the four types of spas, the primary purpose of this spa is to provide medical and wellness care in an environment that integrates spa services. Both conventional and complmentary therapies are provided.
    What is a Medical Spa?
  11. 1. What is the temperature water turns to ice?
    2. What is the temperature water turns to steam?
    • 1. 32 degrees Farenheit
    • 2. 212 degrees Farenheit
  12. application of water as a healing agent, causes an intial action of increasing blood flow to the skin. The skin becomes hyperemic as a result of blood vessels dialation, perspiration is produced in an attempt to cool the body. Prolonged application depresses blood flow and increases swelling and inflammation.
    What is Heat Application?
  13. application of water as a healing agent, cause the skin to blanch initially as a result of blood vessel constriction. Prolonged application produces a reaction that stimulates dilation of blood vessels and increases blood flow to bring warmth to the area. This application also reduces swelling and decreases inflammation. The skin becomes hyperemic and sensations may be felt as heat is carried to the application site by the bloodstream.
    What are Cold Applications?
  14. What are the (4) factors that contribute to the effects of water on the body?
    • 1. Temperature - most common tool used by hydrotherapy treatments, maintaining the body at a comfortable and consistent level.
    • 2. Moisture- the amount of humidity or dampness in the air.Steam baths at 100% humidity help moisten the mucous membranes, help keep the skin supple.
    • 3. Mineral Content - Chemical content of water Famous Spas are often sought out for the health giving properities of these waters.
    • 4. Mechanical Effect- immersion in water, mechical effects are Density and Buoyancy. The mechanical effect intensifies with increased pressure.
  15. What are the (3) kinds of mineral waters found at these spas?
    • 1. Saline - waters containing dissolved salts are used for their purgative effects
    • 2. Iron Oxide- This rust-colored water is used for its restorative effects.
    • 3. Sulfur - This water is used for its cleansing effects.
  16. Most important mechanical effect in water immersion is this principle, discovered by Archimedes (287-212 bc ). This famous discovery, made during a bath, made him realize that when a body is immersed in water, it experiences an upward force equal to the weight of water. Objects with less will float and objects with more will sink.
    What is Density?
  17. 1. What is the Relative Density of water?
    2. What is the Relative Density of humans?
    • 1. Set as 1.00
    • 2. average 0.97 This ratio varies with age and deposition of fat.
  18. The other mechanical effect of water immersion, because the density of water is near that of the human body, it produces this effect on immersion equal to the weight of the water displaced. The water pressure exerted against the body when in water offsets some or all of the effect of gravity and allows it to bob or float.
    What is Buoyancy?
  19. Another essential factor in hydrotherapy and bathing. The Law of Pascal (1623-1662) states that when a body is immersed in fluid, the pressure exerted on it is equal at a constant depth and is exerted equally in a horizontal direction at any level. The side-ways pressure is equal on all surfaces at certain depths. Increases with depth and increases fluid density. Research indicates when a body is immersed for 1 hour, urination increases by 50%.
    What is Hydrostatic Pressure?
  20. The external application of heat for therapeutic purposes. The body can tell whether something is hot or cold only in relation to the skin temperature. Heat is transferred into the body only when the temperature of water is greater than the body temperature. Heat moves using one of the four elements of delivery.
    What is Thermotherapy?
  21. What is the four methods of delivery of Thermotherapy?
    • 1. Conduction - involves the exchange of thermal energy while the bodys surface in direct contact with a thermal agent or conductor. (hot packs, hot stones)
    • 2. Convection - involves transferring heat energy through movement of air or liquid (sauna, steam bath)
    • 3. Radiation - transfer of heat energy in rays. Heat transfer occurs without direct contact (infared lamps)
    • 4. Conversion - one energy source changing (or converting) into a heat energy source as it passes into the body (diathermy, ultrasound) Method not generally used by massage therapists.
  22. What are the 15 Effects of Heat Application
    • 1. Increases sweating so evaporation can create a cooling effect.
    • 2. Stimulates vasodilation so excess heat is dissipated through skin
    • 3. Increases local blood flow
    • 4. Increases oxygen absorption
    • 5. Increases blood volume by stimulating circulation in dormant capillary beds
    • 6. Increases metabolism
    • 7. Reduces pain
    • 8. Relieves stiffness and soreness
    • 9. Induces relaxation
    • 10. Increases joint range of motion
    • 11. Increases white blood cell count
    • 12 Stimulates the immune system and inhibits growth of many bacteria and viruses
    • 13. Reduces muscle spasms by inhibiting motor nerve activity and muscle spindle activity
    • 14. Increases extensibility of collagen in connective tissue
    • 15. Distends and softens superficial fascia.
  23. What are the 27 Contraindications of Heat?
    • 1. Acute Injury 2. Autoimmune diseases 3. Clients with an aversion to heat. 4. Area over fresh bruise under the skin 5. Recent burns, including sunburn
    • 6. Cardiac Impairment 7. Cerebrovascular accident suvivior 8. Edematous conditions. 9. Directly over the eyes. 10. Fever or Systemic Inflammation
    • 11. Hypertension or Hypotension 12. Directly over injection sites. 13. Area of recent injury 14. Directly over areas of local inflammation 15. Area over joint prosthetics
    • 16. Malignant or chronic illness 17. Significant obsesity 18. Over open wounds, blisters or abrasion burns 19. Over area with phlebitis 20. Over implanted devices
    • 21. Pectoralis angina 22. Pregnancy 23. Areas with Rosacea 24. Sensory impaired individuals 25. Over areas of skin infections or rashes
    • 26. Area over tumor or cyst. 27. Clients who are weak or debilitated
  24. What are the 12 Effects or Cold Application?
    • 1. Reduces acute inflammation
    • 2. Reduces swelling
    • 3. Reduces muscle spasm
    • 4. Reduces pain through nerve conduction velocity
    • 5. Recuces muscular spasticity by reducing muscle spindle activity
    • 6. Stimulates circulation
    • 7. Stimulates Vasodilation
    • 8. Decreases Metabolism
    • 9. Temporarily decreases local oxygen supply.
    • 10. Decreases tissue damage
    • 11. Reduces blood clot formation
    • 12. Increases urine production
  25. What are the 11 Contraindications of Cold Application?
    • 1. Arthritis
    • 2. Aversion of cold
    • 3. CVA Survivor
    • 4. Cold or plastic allergies
    • 5. Over injection sites
    • 6. Open Wounds
    • 7. Hypertension
    • 8. Over implanted devices
    • 9. Pectoralis Angina
    • 10. Rheumatoid conditions
    • 11. Client with Sensory Impairments
  26. The external, therapeutic application of cold. Is the safest, simplest and most effective method for reducing pain and swelling in injuries and had replaced the use of heat in many sports and rehabilitation clinics. Client will experience sensations Coldness or cooling, Burning, Stinging or aching, Numbness or reduced sensation.
    What is Cryotherapy?
  27. The up and down cycle of vasoconstriction and vasodilation that brings blood into and out of the area, flushing out tissue debris and bringing oxygen during Cryotherapy.
    What is the Hunting Response?
  28. What are the Four Phases of the Hunting Response?
    • 1. First Phase - during the first 9 to 16 minutes of cold application, area undergoes reflexive vasoconstriction. Skin will blanch or pale and local edema is reduced and hemotoma formation is controlled
    • 2. Second Phase - Sudden deep -tissue vasodilation occurs lasting for 4 to 6 minutes. This reaction is thermoregulatory response to restore homeostasis and raise local temperature.
    • 3. Third Phase - Vasoconstriction resumes (one complete rotation takes approx 15 to 30 minutes)
    • 4. Fourth Phase - Removal of cold application before tissue damage
    • If application is more than 20 minutes, frost bite may occur.
  29. What are the three categories of Hydrotherapy?
    • 1. Packs -
    • 2. Baths
    • 3. Rubs
  30. A device for the application of heat, cold, or nutrients. It can refer to the actual item (hot stones) a pouch (vinyl bag) or products themselves (seaweed and clay)
    What is a Pack?
  31. A broad category of hydrotherapy application encompassing partial or full immersion in water or vapor. The enveloping substance can also be wax, light or air that is heated.
    What is a Bath?
  32. a Hydrotherapeutic friction includes all modalities in which clients skins is stimulated by rubbing. Category encompasses body shampoos, skin brushing , polishes, scrubs and glows.
    What is a Rub?
  33. What are the 8 types or Packs?
    • 1. Hot and Cold Compress
    • 2. Hot and Cold Packs
    • 3. Cryokinetics
    • 4. Thermal mittens and booties
    • 5. Stones
    • 6. Body mask
    • 7. Body Wraps
    • 8. Contrast Pack
  34. What are the 15 types of Baths?
    • 1. Hot Tub
    • 2. Spa
    • 3. Whirlpool
    • 4. Underwater Massage
    • 5. Ice Immersion
    • 6. Pool Plunge
    • 7. Watsu
    • 8. Floatation
    • 9. Sauna
    • 10. Steam Bath
    • 11. Parrafin Bath
    • 12. Swiss Shower
    • 13. Vichy Shower
    • 14. Jet Blitz or Jet Douche
    • 15. Contrast Bath
  35. What are 8 types of Frictions?
    • 1. Swedish and Turkish Shampoos
    • 2. Dry Brush Massage
    • 3. Salt Glow
    • 4. Body Scrub
    • 5. Body Polish
    • 6. Udvartnana
    • 7. Ice Massage
    • 8. Cold-towel friction
  36. A wet cloth, generally a washcloth or towel, that has had water wrung from it and is applied to the skin's surface.
    What is a Compress?
  37. 1.________ compresses are used to soothe, relax or warm clients during or after massage
    2.________ compresses are used to help keep clients comfortable during thermotherapy such as hot baths, steam baths or during body wraps.
    • 1. Hot
    • 2. Cold
  38. Also known as fomentation packs, these packs are used to prepare and area before massage because heat softens and distends fascia and brings fresh blood into the area. Some are electrical, heated in microwave or filled with hot water.
    What are Hot Packs?
  39. a stainless steel kettle that keeps water temperture at approximately 165 degrees. Submerged in the hot water are canvas pouches containing channels filled with silicon granules.
    What is a Hydrocollator?
  40. The application of a cold pack, ice immersion, or ice massage with or followed by full joint range of motion, the effect of the ice allows the client to move previously unformfortable areas more comfortably.
    What is Cryokinetics?
  41. A type of Pack rarely used as an independant treatment, they add another demension of luxury and pampering to a massage or spa treatment. The two types are ones filled with buckwheat, the other uses small, electrically warmed sleeves for the hands and feet.
    What are Thermal Mittens and Boots?
  42. A method used to apply heat or cold or as a massage tool to the body. For this application, the size determines its placement. Smaller may be placed on the clients face or between the tones, and larger one are placed in a pattern on a table for supine or directly on the back for prone clients.
    What are Stones?
  43. A type of spa treatment in which mud or other products are applied to most of the body. May be used as an independant treatment or combined with a body wrap. Products include moisturizers, such as oils, creams, lotions, and natural agents such as moor mud.
    What are Body Mask?
  44. an ayurvedic treatment that uses a thick herbal paste, adding an exfoliating element.
    What is Udvartnana?
  45. A treatment using wet or dry sheets or bandages to wrap most of the body. Some increase circulation, some reduce swelling, and some soften and nourish the skin, helping eliminate toxins. Devided into two categories: Compression and cover.
    What are Body Wraps?
  46. A type of Body Wrap encases selected parts of the clients in elastic bandages that have been soaked in a special solution which increases circulation, detoxifies, and supposedly helps remove cellulite and fatty deposits.
    What are Compression Wraps?
  47. A type of body wrap using either wet or dry sheets are used to wrap the body and raise the body's temperture into eliminating toxins and opening the skins pores. Dry sheets are used to wrap the body after applying a body mask product such as Parrafin Wraps. Wet Sheets are soaked in medicinal herbal teas before the body is wrapped such as Herbal Wraps.
    What are Cover Wraps?
  48. Type of wrap when the body is wrapped in warm sheets that have been soaked in herbal teas. Decoction is a tea made from boiling parts of the plant. Infusion is a tea made from steeping the parts of the plant.
    What are Herbal Wraps?
  49. type of body wrap using hot oil and dry brushing techniques to remove dead skin cells. Then an emollient-heat was is applied to the skin for an intense hydrating treatment.
    What is a Parrafin Wrap?
  50. An ayurvedic treatment uses oil, usually sesame, poured in a steady stream over the clients forehead, particularly the brow and in the region between the eyes from a copper vessel hung above the clients forhead.
    What is Shirodhara?
  51. Method of the most potent techniques in hydrotherapeutics is to combine heat and cold. Two variations are alternate packs and simultaneous packs.
    What is the Contrast Method?
  52. Most commonly used contrast pack, this application involves alternating hot and cold packs, which intensify the circulatory effect through cycles of vasodilation and vasoconstriction. Apply cold for 10-15 minutes, remove and apply heat for 10 minutes repeating sequence for a total three times.
    What is a Alternate Contrast Pack?
  53. A type of contrast pack, the treatment a cold pack is placed on the area of complaint, and a heat pack is placed next to the cold pack at the same time, causing the heat impulses to interfere with the cold impulses, and the sensation of comfort to induce relaxation.
    What is a Simultaneous Contrast Pack?
  54. the art and science of bathing for therapeutic and relaxation purposes. This broad category submerging all or part of the body in water, wax, light, heated air or steam. Also included are showers, sprays and hoses.
    What is Balneology?
  55. Best used before a massage session, these baths help soften superficial fascia and relax muscles, making them more pliable. Include spas, hot tubs, whirlpools, herbal baths, footbaths, underwater massage, flotation, and plunges.
    What are Immersion Baths?
  56. What are the 11 Types of Immersion Baths?
    • 1. Mineral Baths
    • 2. Herbal Baths
    • 3. Milk Baths
    • 4. Hot Tub Baths
    • 5. Spa Tub Baths
    • 6. Whirlpool Baths
    • 7. Ice-immersion baths
    • 8. Underwater
    • 9. Pool Plunge
    • 10. Watsu
    • 11. Flotation
  57. 1.__________ bath is created by epsom salts or commercial bath salts like Batherapy.
    2.__________ bath is created by blended herbs in the form of sachets, oils or extracts.
    3.__________ bath is created by Goat or cow milk added to the water, a luxirous bath choice.
    • 1. Mineral
    • 2. Herbal
    • 3. Milk
  58. A type of bath where wooden barrels of hot or cool water are used to soak. The can be found at both spas and private residences. Water can be heated by electricity a wood fire or propane.
    What are Hot Tubs?
  59. A type of bath in which a heated pool that uses high-pressure jets to agitate and circulate the water. Jets are positioned on the sides and sometimes the bottom of the tub. Temperatures are maintained between 99 degrees and 104 degrees.
    What is a Spa Tub?
  60. a type of bath, is essentially the same as a spa tub, except the tubs are filled with hot water just before use and drained after each use.
    What is a Whirlpool?
  61. Treatment involves initial time spent in a warm-water tub. Some tups are equipped with high pressure jets and a hand-held hose delivering a continuous stream of water that massages the neck, shoulders, feet, calves, thighs and hips intended to induce relaxation.
    What is Underwater Massage?
  62. Bath involves soaking the affected area, usually a limb, in icy water, ideal for injured or inflamed areas. Since this treatment is often uncomfortable, most clients may elect to leave their fingertips or toes out of the icy water.
    What are Ice Immersion Baths?
  63. A type of bathing method involving small how or cold deep-water pools that are used alone or alternately to enhance circulation. Hot version is equivelant to a hot tub or spa. Cold version follows a sauna, steam, or hot immersion bath where the water is maintained at a chilly 50-60 degrees.
    What is a Pool Plunge?
  64. Also known as Water shiatsu, the therapist holds the client in a near-body-temperture pool while, at the same time, messaging and stretching his or her muscles and mobilization the joints to release and open energy pathways. Warm water and the buoyancy it provides are ideal for reducing mental and physical tension.
    What is Watsu?
  65. A sensory deprivation spa technique, uses a tank or capsule close in size to a twin bed. The tank is filled with sterile salt water regulated to body temperature for a sense of buoyancy and weightlessness.
    What is Flotation?
  66. A type of bath where the client sits in a heated room used to generate perspiration and induce artificial fever. All bathers must be in good health. Involves both Steam Baths and Saunas
    What are Hot Air Baths?
  67. Type of Hot Air Bath wherein the client is in a wood-lined room that is able to withstand and insulate intense temperature ranging from 160 to 210 degrees with 10% to 20% Humidity. Used to treat general tension, insomnia and increases metabolism and circulation in the aid of removing toxins.
    What is a Sauna?
  68. A type of bath conducted in a ceramic-tiled room filled with steam. Temperatures maintained 105 and 120 degrees with 100% hummidity. Also known as sweat lodges, used to decrease stress and assist removal of toxins from the body. Essential oils may be used to create an aromatherapy experience. Types of tools are canopy, steam cabinet or Russian bath.
    What is a Steam Bath?
  69. An ayurvedic heat treatment, encourages the client to sweat via a steam bath. The most common and practical option for therapist is a steam canopy or steam cabinet.
    What is Swedhana?
  70. Dipped Baths in a heated waxy mixture. Wax treatments are used to apply heat and are particularly useful on angular bony areas such as hands, feet, wrists, ankles elbows and knees. These treatments soften the skin and are used for pain relief. Can be dipped or painted on. Lotion or cream is applied to assist in the wax removal.
    What are Parrafin Baths?
  71. A bath technique in which water pressure is sprayed in fine streams or shower. The two most popular varieties are Swiss and Vichey where the client may stand or lie down.
    What is a Shower?
  72. What are the 3 types of Showers?
    • 1. Swiss Showers
    • 2. Vichy Showers
    • 3. Het Blitz/ Jet Douche
  73. Originating in Switzerland, this type of shower which features water sprayed over a standing client from both overhead and side-positioned needlelike jet valves. The water pressure and temperature vary to create a stimulating or invigorating effect.
    What is a Swiss Shower?
  74. Also known as an affusion shower, is taken while a client reclines on a special table as jets of water spray from multiple overhead-mounted showerheads. Originating in France, this shower is used mostly to rinse off treatment products. The needlelike steams of water are either warm or alternately hot and cold.
    What is a Vichy Shower?
  75. This shower type is recieved in a standing position performed by a therapist who uses a hose to spray strong jets of water on the client's body. The water temperature alternates from hot to cold at regular interverals. Can be with a relatively high-pressured hose used at a distance and gives an invigorating hydromassage which is called Scotch hose, or Blitz Gus.
    What is a Jet Blitz or Jet Douche Shower?
  76. A type of bath combining applications of hot water with cold. This treatment choice boosts the immune system, tones the body, closes the pores and blood vessels opened with heat treatments, and helps the body get rid of metabolic wastes.
    What is a Contrast Bath?
  77. Any treatment in which the client's skin is rubbed with the therapists hands, a cloth, brush, sponge, grainy agent, or ice. Pressure used during this treatment must be monitored because areas may become easily irritated. If brushes, sponges or loofahs are used, must be disinfected in a dishwasher top basket.
    What are Frictions?
  78. The is the removal of dead skin cells during a treatment.
    What is Exfoliation?
  79. What are the 4 types of Frictions?
    • 1. Shampoos
    • 2. Body Scrubs
    • 3. Ice Massage
    • 4. Cold-Towel Friction,
  80. A type of friction involving gently scrubbing the client's skin using a brush dipped in warm, soapy, water. The client may stand, sit on a water resistant stool, or lie on a wet table. May be administered outdoors.
    What is a Body Shampoo Treatment?
  81. 1. __________ Shampoo includes a pail of hot water (105"F) over the client's skin.
    2. __________ Shampoo includes a pail of hot water but concludes with a tepid pour (90"F) after the hot pail pour.
    • 1. Swedish
    • 2. Turkish
  82. What are the 4 types of Body Scrubs?
    • 1. Dry Brush Massage
    • 2. Body Scrub
    • 3. Body Polish
    • 4. Udvartana
  83. Also know as a body Rub or glow, this type of Friction is any procedure that exfloliates the skin using either a dry natural bristle brush (or loofah) or grainy products. The client may be standing, sitting on a stool or bench, or lying on a table. This treatment is beneficial if the client is undergoing a fast or other self-cleansing regimen. Products range from salt, sugar, oatmeal, cornmeal, ground seeds or nuts such as almonds or sesame, or sea algae (dulse scrub)
    What is a Body Scrub?
  84. Highly stimulating type of Body Scrub, uses a dry natural bristle brush or loofah to friction massage the skin and stimulate the skin glands and circulation. The clients skin should turn light pink, a sign of heat which will stimulate the removal of waists products. Garshana, an ayurvedic treatment, is used with textured white gloves, loofah and wool or raw silk gloves.
    What is a Dry Brush Massage?
  85. The type of Body Scrub which uses a fine grainy substance to gently exfoliate, refine, and buff the skin. The products used are not as coarse or abrasive as scrubs or glows. Some use Gommage, which is a cream-based polishing agent.
    What is a Body Polish?
  86. A type of Body Scrub treatment that uses an herbal paste to stimulate lymphatic circulation. The consistency of the paste adds an exfoliating element. Usually done before Swedhana (steam therapy) for optimal effects.
    What is Udvartana?
  87. A treatment that combines the use of ice with circular friction. The therapist may elect to combine active range of motion of the affected area after numbness is achieved.

    Have a 6oz foam or paper cup filled with water frozen with a tongue dispressor in the middle ready to go. Use circular friction on the affected area for 5 to 10 minutes or until numb, whichever comes first. Dry Treatment area.
    What is an Ice Massage?

    How is it performed?
  88. Also called cold-mitten friction, this treatment combines ice application through towels dipped in ice water and friction movements. This application is regarded as a tonic treatment because it is thought to aid in the prevention of colds, low energy and endurance, poor resistance to infections, poor circulation, and anemia. Causes blood vessels to contract and dialate promotes heat production, and reduces swelling. The client may sit, stand or lie on a wet table.
    What is a Cold-Towel Friction?
  89. The (10) Essential Oils in the Essential Oil Starter Kit for Aromatherapy

    1. _________ respiratory congestion
    2. _________ insomnia, calms,and balances the mind
    3. _________ added energy to mind and body
    4. _________ sense of excitement
    5. _________ Relaxation and soothing, can enhance sensuality
    6. _________ stimulates mental clarity, concentration, memory and detoxify the mind and body
    7. _________ promotes deep relaxation, abates depression, and quiets the mind and emotions
    8. _________ clear away negativity and opens up the heart by inspiring empathy and sensitivity.
    9. _________ antiseptic, can be used to disinfect contaminated items. Also helps strengthen immune system
    10._________ calm the nervous system, ease depression, and reduce frustration. Used topically, can irritate the skin.

    • 1. Eucalyptus
    • 2. Lavender
    • 3. Lemon
    • 4. Peppermint
    • 5. Rose Geranium
    • 6. Rosemary
    • 7. Sandalwood
    • 8. Tangerine
    • 9. Tea Tree
    • 10. Ylang-Ylang
  90. What are the (7) ways Aromatherapy can be administered in massage and spas?
    • 1. Inhalation - 5 to 10 drops while client is prone on nearby pillow case, face rest cover, or on a tissue
    • 2. Diffusion - used to disperse essential oils into the air
    • 3. Room Mister - 2 to 10 drops per one ounce of water in a spray bottle
    • 4. Baths - 5 to 10 drops in water well for steam baths, in the tub for immersion baths
    • 5. Compress - 2 to 5 drops of essential oil to a small dish of water, dip towel, drain and apply to client
    • 6. Massage Lubricant - 15 to 30 drops to a fat-based lubricant for a full-body massage
    • 7. Body treatment product - mix essential oil into a carrier then into the body product
  91. Also called essential oil therapy, is the use of plant-derived essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Dates back over 10,000 years to India, this therapy can be used in baths, candles, massage lubricants, incense, and specially designed diffusing units.
    What is Aromatherapy?
  92. What are the (2) reasons Aromatherapy should be used?
    • 1. Enhances treatment effectivness
    • 2. Creates and inviting atmosphere with a pleasant aroma
  93. In 1937, this scientist identified the structures of Olfaction (Smell) and that the structures of the limbic system respond to smell, taste, sound, sight and painful stimuli, all of which elicit emotional responses. He found that when these structures were stimulated, individuals experience emotions such as anger, aggression, fear, sadness, pleasure, happiness and sexual arousal.
    Who is J.W. Papez?
  94. Concentrated essences of aromatic plants in the forms of oils. There are over 200 oils available. These essecences are 75 to 100 times stronger than the dried version of the plant. This strength is the primary reason for dilution before its use and only a few drops are used. Stored in a dark, airtight container in a cool dry place, these oils have a shelf life of up to seven years unless mixed with carrier oils.
    What are Essential Oils?
  95. What are 8 parts of plants that Essesntial Oils can derrive from?
    • 1. Flowers
    • 2. Fruits
    • 3. Grasses
    • 4. Leaves
    • 5. Roots
    • 6. Seeds
    • 7. Tree Blossoms
    • 8. Woods and Resins
  96. The material that helps carry essential oils and is required to not only dilute it, but also suspend it. They Complement each other effects as the skin easily absorbs them. Examples are Olive, vegetable, almond, jojoba and Shea Butter.
    What are Carrier Oils?
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CH 24M Hydrotherapy & Spa Apps.
Massage Therapy Test