Poetry Test

  1. Sir Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542)
    • * courtier of Henry VIII
    • * brought the Petrarchan sonnet (or love sonnet) to England
    • - rhyme scheme: abba abba cde cde
    • - 14 lines iambic pentameter
    • - octet (problem/situation) + sestet (answer/comment)
    • * had a �thing� for Anne Bolyn (who was beheaded by Henry VIII)
    • * published by Tottle in Tottle�s Miscellany
  2. �Whoso list to hunt, I know where is an hind��
    • * Wyatt
    • * pun on deer/dear
    • * use of hyperbole in line 8: �Since in a net I seek to hold the wind�
    • * archaic language
    • * extended metaphor/conceit: love = hunt
    • * noli me tangere = don�t touch me
    • * volta or shift beginning with �since�
  3. �They flee from me that Sometime did me Seek�
    • * Wyatt
    • * not a sonnet, about a strong woman + weak man
    • * has animal imagery
    • * bitter tone
    • * funny poem passed around the court
    • * inversion in title draws attention
  4. Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey
    • * courtier of Henry VIII
    • * beheaded by Henry at 30 because he was a rival to the throne (royal blood)
    • * introduced blank verse in English poetry (unrhymed iambic pentameter)
    • * gave sonnet rhyme scheme that became the English/Shakespearean sonnet
    • - 3 quatrains and a couplet
    • - rhyme scheme: abab cdcd efef gg
  5. �Love that doth reign and live within my thought�
    • * Surrey
    • * 1st quatrain is about battle words, male's thoughts
    • * 2nd about female reaction (anger)
    • * 3rd about love�s retreat
    • * 4th is like a punchline: �I will love her no matter what�
    • * published in Tottle�s Miscellany
  6. Sir Walter Raleigh
    • * Queen Elizabeth�s confidential secretary, captain of her guard, her lover
    • * had passion for being a soldier, colonization, tobacco (1st Englishman to smoke it)
    • * convicted by James I of treason, put him in Tower of London in 1603
    • * executed in 1618
  7. �Nature, that washed her hands�
    • * Raleigh
    • * personification of nature, love, time
    • * mother nature = woman
    • * time = man
    • * theme is that time destroys everything
    • * caustic
    • * cynical, not typical of a Petrarchan lover
    • * has an apostrophe: "Oh, cruel time," addressing something not there, can't respond
  8. "What Is Our Life"
    • * Raleigh
    • * life is a play ("short comedy"/"play of passion")
    • * microcosm (little world) of macrocosm (big world)
    • * laughter is music, wombs are dressing rooms, heaven is an audience/judge, graves are curtains
    • * light hearted during quatrains
    • * shift occurs in final couplet, becomes serious
    • * no curtain call
  9. "The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd"
    • * Raleigh
    • * 1600
    • * Philomel is an allusion to a mythical character who turned into a nightingale
    • * reply to Marlowe's pastoral lyric: "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"
    • * tempus fugit doesn't allow for carpe diem as short time allows few mistakes
    • * says that the world is not young
    • * reverses Marlowe's positive words into negative images
    • * woman says to man the his promises will not last
    • * winter inevitably follows spring
    • * "nymphs grow old and shepherds grow cold"
  10. Sir Philip Sidney
    • * soldier of the queen
    • * fought in battle, led 600 Englishmen against 4,500 Spaniards
    • * wounded in thigh, died of gangrene
    • * wrote first substantial critical essay defending imaginative literature
    • * wrote first sonnet sequence/cycle, Astrophel and Stella
  11. Astrophel and Stella
    • * Sidney
    • * star-lover and star)
    • * 1st sonnet sequence/cycle
    • * 108 poems to Penelope Devereux
    • * Petrarchan lover = modest, unrequited love
  12. "Loving in truth"
    • * Sidney
    • * about writer's block, how he loves but doesn't know how to say it
    • * looked at other writer's poems
    • * "fresh and fruitful showers" = ideas, productivity
    • * metaphor of being pregnant, wanting to give birth to thought
    • * Muse = allusion in shift where he decides to think for himself
  13. "With how sad steps"
    • * Sidney
    • * asks the moon about how bad women are, if they're the same in heaven
    • * concerns love and women
  14. Edmund Spenser
    • * "poet's poet"
    • * wrote the Faerie Queene (longest poem in English language, even though he didn't even finish it)
    • * wrote Amoretti ("little love") sonnet cycle/sequence to Elizabeth Boyle (2nd wife)
    • * buried in poet's corner
  15. "the Faerie Queene"
    • * Spenser
    • * Canto 8, the one we read in the book, is an allegory: a Christian beguiled by falsehood loses his purity, falling to pride can can only be restored by truth
    • * Prince Arthur and Una (one/truth/purity) go to Orgolio's Castle (Orgolio = pride)
    • * Arthur kills the 7-headed beast and disrobes Duessa (two/falsehood) who has the (starving) Redcrosse Knight
    • * when Duessa's ugliness is known, she retreats to the wilderness
    • * Duessa = Mary Queen of Scots; calls herself "Fidessa," or faithfulness
    • * Orgolio = Pope of Rome
    • * Gloriane = Queen Elizabeth
    • * Redcrosse Knight = knight of holiness/country of England
  16. the 7 deadly sins
    • - idleness (sloth)
    • - gluttony
    • - lechery (lust)
    • - avarice (greed)
    • - envy
    • - wrath
    • - pride (worst of the sins, leads to all the rest)
  17. "Sonnet 30"
    • * Spenser
    • * about unreciprocated love
    • * very paradoxical (ice is kindling to fire, fire freezes ice)
    • * metaphorical (his love his fire, her hate is ice)
  18. "Sonnet 75"
    • * Spenser
    • * about immortality of love
    • * his lover's name written in the sand may wash away, but love will live forever in his poetry about her
    • * name in the sand = archetypal
  19. Christopher Marlowe
    * "spy who died with a dagger in his eye"
  20. "The Passionate Shepherd to His Love"
    • * Marlowe
    • * 1599
    • * pastoral lyric
    • - expresses emotions in an idyllic setting
    • - related to "pasture," as in shepherds writing songs to their flocks
    • * themes are carpe diem and immediate gratification of sexual passion
    • * "free love" movement of the 1960's
    • * love in the springtime, a "roll in the grass," would be like returning to the Garden of Eden
    • * passed around like a joke, supposedly
    • * replied to by Raleigh from the nymph's perspective (shoots him down)
  21. Shakespeare
    • * wrote a lot of poems to a boy (possibly to his son, right?)
    • * obviously wrote in Shakespearean/English sonnets
    • * pretty famous guy
    • * married Anne Hathaway in a shotgun wedding (he was 18, she was 26)
  22. "Sonnet 46"
    • * Shakespeare
    • * eye beauty/love vs. heart beauty/love
    • * court/law conceit throughout
    • * ends by giving outward love to his eyes and inward love to his heart
  23. "Sonnet 29"
    • * Shakespeare
    • * man pities himself and is jealous of other man's hope, looks, friends, talents
    • * metaphor to being a lark who sings to the heavens
    • * heaven changes from being deaf to hymnal
    • * "when I'm with you, I don't wanna be anybody else"
  24. "Sonnet 73
    • * Shakespeare
    • * fall = old age * winter = death
    • * spring = birth * summer = youth
    • * seasons as metaphors/conceits are archetypal
    • * boughs = limbs
    • * metaphors of time of day: night is death, obviously
    • * west is death, sunset
    • * paradox: "consumed with that which it was nourished by"
    • * couplet at end: "you see how I'm growing old, but it makes our love stronger"
    • * carpe diem: "ceize the day"
    • * tempus fugit: "time flies"
  25. "Sonnet 116"
    • * Shakespeare
    • * personification of love
    • * love is permanent
    • * love>time
    • * "edge of doom" = end of time
    • * last couplet: if this poem isn't true, than I'm not a writer, and no man has ever loved!
  26. "Sonnet 130"
    • * Shakespeare
    • * not typical, basically calls his lady ugly
    • * but he loves her anyway
  27. *Petrarchan conventions:
    • - devotion by lover (man)
    • - rejection by loved (woman)
    • - complaining persona
    • - unrequited love (sonnet sequence/cycle)
    • - use of paradox and metaphor
    • - physical vs. spiritual love
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Poetry Test
Test over British Poets (Wyatt, Raleigh, Shakespeare, etc.) as well as petrachan conventions