BETULACEAE Betula nigra
- LVS: Rhombic-ovate (1-3")
- Acute Base
- Deeply Serrate
FLWS: males pendulous catkins w/3 flws in each scale, females short 3 flws in axils
- Other: Bard dark reddish, ragged
- Exfoliating in papery flakes
SAPINDACEAE Acer platanoides
- LVS: ~3 (5) lobed, shallow
- Sharp acuminate tips
- Milky latex in petiole
- FLW: Infl-erect corymbs w/many flws
- yellow, perfect, small, appear b/f lvs
Fruit: Schizocarp spreading at ~120 o
SAPINDACEAE Acer campestre
- LVS: 3-5 lobes (with middle lobe also 3-lobed)
- 2-4" long and wide
- Entire
- Milky latex
FLW: Infl-corymb w/several flowers, Green
Fruit: Schizocarp (double samara) >180 o
SAPINDACEAE Aesculus pavia
- LVS: Palmately compound w/5 leaflets
- Leaflets short stalked
- Long petioles ~ red colored
- Lflts obovate, serrate 3-6"long
- FLW: Infl--terminal upright panicles, 4-8" tall
- Pink to deep red ~ red stems
PINACEAE Tsuga mertensiana
- LVS: needles spirally arranged (looks like bottle brush)
- "star" at branch end
Cones: Large (2-3" long)
CELASTRACEAE Euonymus alatus
LVS: Opp or sub-opp, simple, obovate, finely serrate
FLW: Infl--cyme w/~3 fls in leaf axil, yellowish green
Fruit: seeds covered by reddish aril, capsles red, split open to reveal 2 orange fruits
BERBERIDACEAE Berberis darwinii
- LVS: oval 1in dark green, leathery,
- "spiny" serrate margin
- apex 3 pronged similar to Ilex cornuta
Flw: showy--orange-yellow, sometimes reddish
HAMAMELIDACEAE Parrotia persica
- Lvs: wavy-edged
- coursely serrate (upper 1/2 of leaf)
- widely spaced lvs
- base assymetric
- other: exfoliating barl considered decorative
- trunk forks into many branches near ground
CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera ciliosa
- lvs:opp, simple, elliptic to ovate
- entire margin with hairs
- lvs at end of twig fused to form 1 leaf surrounding the infl
flw: terminal clusters of orange-red tubular shaped flws
other: vine
STYRACACEAE Halesia carolina
- lvs: Shallow toothed to entire
- Ovate to elliptic
- 2-5” long
- flw: pendulous flws in small groups
- perfect, white
fruit: dry winged 1-seeded fruit
SALICACEA Azara lanceolata
- LVS: large lvs lanceolate
- pairs of large and small lvs
FLW: showy rich yellow flws
Fruit: mauve, lilac or lavender colored berries
CUPRESSACEAE Metasequoia glyptostroboides
- LVS: branchlets opp
- linear, ~3/4-1" long
- soft light green
- Cones: Male cones in pairs on pendulous tassles
- female cones globose w/ long stalk
Other: trunk w/"armpits" on older trees
CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis obtusa
- LVS: scales closely appressed of 2 sizes
- lateral pair much larger
- blunt at apex
- white "Y" markings below
other: branchlets are rounded at the end instead of coming to a point as in Thuja or Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
ERICACEA Arbutus menziesii
- LVS: elliptic, 6" long 3" wide
- young: serrate
- old: entire
- flws: upright panicles <4" long
- corolla white
- urn shaped
other: peeling bark
ULMACEAE Zelkova serrata
- LVS: alt, simple, oblong-ovate
- 2-5" long, 3/4-2" wide
- lvs coursely serrate
- 8-14 vein pairs--pinnate
- acuminate tip
- LVS: needle-like, whorled and spreading or scale-like
- often both leaf types on same plant
- cones: dioecious, males small, female cone scales fuse to become round an berry like (covered w/wax)
- cones are used to flavor gin and smell like gin when crushed
CORNACEAE Cornus florida
- LVS: oval to ovate
- 3-6" long, abruptly acuminate tip
- base broadly cuneate
- 6-7 vein pairs, arcuate
- FLS: 4 bracts, whit, obovate, 2" long, often indented at tips
- bracts greenish yellow
other: usually somewhat gnarled
STAPHYLEACEAE Staphylea pinnata
- Lvs: opp, pinnately compound 5-7 leaflets
- serrate margins & acuminate tips
- fls: infl--drooping panicles, 2-5" long
- perfect, 5-merous
- 2-3 styles
- petals form tube but are separate, not fused
- white with greenish bases
Fruit: inflated capsules, 2-3 lobed
PINACEA Abies grandis
- lvs: flat needles, shiny
- 2 ranked (not curving upward like A. lasiocarpa)
- other: cruciform buds
- gray bark
- Lvs: lanceolate to ovate and up to 8" long
- short petioles
fls: dioecious, upright, catkin like heads
- fruit: capsules
- seeds have silky hairs
CORNACEAE Cornus sericea
- LVS: elliptic to ovate,
- 5-7 vein pairs
- arcuate veins
flw: terminal cyme, 4-merous, no bracts, white petals
fruit: white drupe
other: branchlets dark red
SALICACEAE Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa
- lvs: alt, simple, broadly ovate
- paler below
- round petioles
fruit: pubescent capsule
- other: tree "Q-tip" shaped
- lvs have reddish resinous buds with a strong cinnamon scent, underside may have orange blotches
- lvs: linear and flat
- decurrent (leaf base extends down the stem)
- 2 ranked
cones: female flsw are small and green near shoot tips with a singe seed w/fleshy red aril.
other: twigs stay green for 2+ years
Lvs: needle-like, deciduous, 1-2" long in dense shoots (koosh ball like)
cones: new cones often red or green
other: leaves are soft
PINACEAE Pseudolarix amabilis
- lvs: linear, 1-2" long, wide and flattened (Much wider than larix)
- Bright green
- spirally arranged and scattered on the long shoots
- fascicled on the lateral spurs ~ along one plane
BERBERIDACEA Nandina domestica
- LVS: tri-pinnately compound
- leaflets sessile
- flws: infl-divided upright panicles up to 1ft long
- anthers huge, yellow
- 3-merouse white
fruit: globulose bright red or white berry
OLEACEAE Osmanthus delavayi
- lvs: Opp, ovate to elliptic-ovate
- sharply serrulate
flw: fragrant, white petals, trumpet shaped
SALICACEAE Azara microphylla
- lvs: obovate or round
- lvs of 2 dif sizes paired at nodes
- fls: stalked clusters in leaf axils
- tiny non-showy yellow flws
- vanilla or choc scented
other: slender twigs
POACEAE Phyllostachys nigra
Lvs: lanceolate
- Other: nodes w/2 rings, upper ring more prominent, nodes edged with white below
- Stems green at first then speckled, then black to 25ft
lvs: opp, decussate, sometimes scale-like
- fls: infl--upright dense spike-like heads in leaf axils
- white, purple
fruit: capsules w/2 cells
- other: shrub or tree, often small
- branches w/conspicuous leaf scars
- LVS: alt, palmately compound (5-leaflets)
- leaflets elliptical to ovate
fls: chocolate-purple colored
fruit: sausage like pods, flattened, purple, 2.5-4" long
- other: twining woody vine or ground cover
- fls fragrant
- Fls: corolla tubular to bell-shaped
- 5 lobed, lobes often unequal but not 2-lipped
fruit: 2 valved capsule
other: arching branches
MYRICACEAE Morella californica
- Lvs: extend from all sides of branch
- lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate
- fls: infl-- rounded clusters
- red when young
- fruit: winged nutlets in brown cone-like spikes
- thinly coated with wax
- clustered below leaves
- LVS: opp, simple, entire to serrate, no stipules
- FLS: infl- axillary or terminal clusters
- fls often paired--corolla fused at base & tubular
- mostly bilateral
ROSACEAE Amelanchier
- LVS: finely serrate
- red in fall
- small deciduous stipules
- fls: white, 5 sepals fused at base with small teeth
- 5 narrow petals
fruit: small black or red pome
LVS: opp, ovate to elliptic, often acuminate apex, entire margin
- FLS: In pairs or whorls or umbel like
- bilateral
- often scented
- 5 petals fused at base to form a tubular corolla
- 5 stamens with 1 style
CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera involucrata
LVS: opp
- FLS: yellow or tinged w/red
- pubescent
- in pairs cupped by large greenish purplish bract
fruit: 2 shiny black berries w/2 pairs of maroon-purple bracts
ASPARAGACEAE Cordyline australis
- LVS: sword shaped
- very long (2-3ft), narrow
- lvs in tufts on ends of trunk
fls: small fls on large upright branching infl
- LVS: small with a short petiole
- usually has parallel veins and is either shallowly lobed or toothed
- usually 2 ranked
- undulating margins in evergreen variety
Fls: male solitary or in 3-5 cymes, female short stalked in clusters of 3
CERCIDIPHYLLACEAE Cercidiphyllum japonicum
- lvs: opp on delicat-looking shoots
- cordate or rounded
- palmately veined
- crenate-serrate margin
fls: dioecious, on spurs b/f lvs
other: tree to 30ft, slender, divided at base into several upright branches
ROSACEAE Chaenomeles
- lvs: alt/clustered and simple
- serrate margin
- large stipules
fls: perfect, radial, pink red or orange, 5 waxy petals
other: often has spines, fls b/f lvs
PINACEAE Cedrus atlantica
- lvs: rigid needles
- needles shorter and thicker than C. deodora
- densely fascicled on spurs
other: gray bark
ROSACEAE Cotoneaster dammeri
- lvs: alt, simple, entire, elliptic to oblong
- mucronate tips
- short petioles
- fls: solitary or corymb or 3 fls
- 5 sepals, 5 rounded petals, white
- purple stamens
fruit: fleshy red pome w/persistent calyx
other: trailing evergreen groundcover
ROSACEAE Cotoneaster
- lvs: sessile or short petioled
- usually entire margin, often with prominent veins
- often pubescent
fls: perfect, radial, and white pink or red
fruit: pomes, red or black, persistent calyx
- Lvs: lanceolate with a short petiole
- margin usually serrate
- bright red new foliage
fls: wide corymbs or short panicles w/ white fls
fruit: red pome
ROSACEA Crataegus monogyna
- lvs: ovate to diamond shaped
- pinnately lobed w/3-7 lobes, w/veins extending to the points of lobes as well as sinuses
- sinuses go most of the way to the midvein
fruit: pome w; 1 hard-shelled seed, red
other: branchlets ~spiny
BUXACEAE Sarcococca
- lvs: usually alt and simple
- narrowly lanceolate w/an acuminate apex
- margin entire
- glossy and leathery
- fls: monoecious, short racemes in leaf axils
- small, white, very fragrant
- no petals
fruit: drupe-like berry, fleshy
other: evergreen shrubs to 3ft
ARAUCARIACEAE Araucaria araucana
lvs: spirally arranged, triangular, stiff, closely overlapping, spiny pointed
- other: branches symmetrically whorled
- young tree covered by leaves
PINACEAE Pinus coulteri
lvs: 3 per fascicle, very long (12")
cones: very large (14") and very spiny
other: deeply fissured bark
CUPRESSACEAE Sequoiadendron giganteum
lvs: scale-like, bluish green, spiral in 3 longitudinal rows
- cones: female cones 2-3" long
- ovoid w/peltate (shield shaped) wrinkled cone scales
- other: huge tree to 325ft
- spongy, fibrous, red bark
- trunk buttressed at base
PINACEAE Abies lasiocarpa
- LVS: flat needles, radially spreading, turned up on twig (like a hairbrush)
- tightly spaced on twig
cones: purple, 2-4" long, deciduous, upright
CUPRESSACEAE Sequoia sempervirens
- Lvs: 2 ranked (flat plane)
- shorter at base and tip of branchlet
cones: ovoid, ~1" long, 15-20 wrikled scales spirally arranged
other: sheds branchlets not leaves
CUPRESSACEAE Cupressus sempervirens
Lvs: Scale-like, ~0.1-0.4" long
cones: woody, oblong, grayish brown, 4-6 paired flattened scales
other: columnar shaped when young
CUPRESSACEAE Calocedrus decurrens
- lvs: scale like, whorled set of 4 lvs
- lvs longer than wide, little to no white underneath
- laterals almost covering facials
cones: oblong (ducks bill when closed)
other: branchlets are horizontal and vertical-"fluffy" appearance
SCIADOPITYACEAE Sciadopitys verticillata
- Lvs: Linar, 3-5" long
- revolute margins
- whorled in 10+
- lvs thick and grooved (looks like 2 fused needles)
ARALIACEAE Hedera hibernica
- Lvs: young 3-5 lobed
- adult lvs ovate, entire
- long petioles
- prominent veins
- fls: infl--umbellate raceme
- only adult plant flowers after 15-20 yrs in the fall
other: creeps on ground or climbs trees
MAGNOLIACEAE Magnolia x soulangeana
- lvs: entire, large stipules, obuvate
- lower: pubescent
- 6" long 3" wide
- apes narrow, pointed
- fls: large, solitary and terminal
- appear b/f lvs
- purplish on outside to white inside
- sepals half as long as petals
ROSACEAE Kerria japonica
- lvs: ovate to narrowly ovate
- doubly serrate
- fls: orange-yellow
- petals: 5 to numerous
other: green twigs
ROSACEAE Rubus spectabilis
- Lvs: ternately compound
- terminal leaflet stalked and largest
- doubly serrate
fls: solitary, pink or purplish red
lvs: soft, often pubescent, serrate
- fls:pink to red to white (if white then some pink on bud, often more color on outside of petal)
- Yellow pollen
fruit: apple shaped pome with persistant sepals
PINACEAE Pinus sylvestris
- Lvs: fascicles, 2 per
- short and twisted
- cones: woody scales spirally arrangeds, scale tip flat to pyramiday
- Scale has small prickle
- other: tree bark orange-red
- irregular peeling
PINACEAE Pinus strobus
- lvs: needles in 5 per fascicle
- 2-5.5" long
- soft and slender
- serrulate
- cones: female narrow cylindrical 4-8" long
- scales thin, rounded and flat
- yellow-brown, no prickle, but resinous
MYRTACEAE Eucalyptus
- lvs: waxy surface, often gray or blue in appearance
- aromatic oils
- evergreen
other: often peeling or exfoliating bark (shrub-tree_
ERICACEAE Leucothoe fontanesiana
- lvs: alt, simple, elliptic, serrate to dentate
- stem has a "zigzag" pattern (slightly changes direction at each node)
- fls: spikes in leaf axils
- urn shaped with toothed lobes
ERICACEA Vaccinium ovatum
- lvs: ovate (0.5-1" long) ~2 ranked on horizontal branchlets
- serrulate
- fls: infl-short racemes
- urn shaped fls w/5 lobes
- white or pink
fruit: black round edible berry
other: reddish branchlets
ROSACEAE Prunus serrulata "Kwanzan"
- lvs: apex long acuminate
- 5-6 inches
- no hair
- coursely serrate or doubly serrate
- pair of glands near top of petiole -- large and noticable
- fls: usually double corymbs
- pink, fls double, appear b/f lvs
CAPRIFOLIACEAE Lonicera nitida
lvs: small (1/4-5/8") ovate to round, margin entire, glossy dark green
fls: paired, axillary, petals form tube, 5 parted, white, fragrant, 1/4-1/2" long
SAPINDACEAE Aesculus hippocastanum
lvs: opp, palmately compound, very large, long petioles, leaflets sessile, obovate, serrate
fls: terminal upright panicles, white fls with yellow spots (yellow changes to pink after pollination)
fruit: 3 valved spiny capsule with shiny seed inside
- lvs: usually obique (assymetric) base, usually cordate
- usually toothed or serrate
fls: umbel-like clusters attached to a thin, narrow bract
ADOXACEAE Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum
- lvs: coarsly serrate
- veins 8-12 nearly straight to margins, obvious
- densely pubescent
- fls: opp pairs along branches
- white, inner fls small, fertile, marginal flowers are large and sterile
lvs: opp, pinnately compound, ovate to elliptic lvs
- fls: dense flat topped umbels, panicles or racemes
- white to ivory fls
fruit: red, black or white fruit
BETULACEAE Alnus rubra
lvs: broadly elliptic, serrate margins, margin rolled under (revolute) at base of leaf
BETULACEAE Betula papyrifera
lvs: serrate, ovate (much larger than B. pendula)
- fls: males pendulous catkins w/3 fls in each scale
- females short, 3 fls in axils, no perianth
other: bark will peel in horizontal strips
BETULACEAE Betula pendula
- lvs: very ovate-rhombic and narrows greatly to acuminate apex
- base~cuneate
- doubly serrate
- fls: male pendulous catkin w/3 fls in each scale axil
- female short, 3 fls in axils, no perianth
other: bark grayish with larg dark triangles esp toward base
ROSACEAE Prunus cerasifera var atropurpurea
- lvs: serrate, elliptic (1-2"long)
- no extrafloral nectaries
fls: solitary, white/ pale pink
ROSACEAE Cotoneaster coariaceus
- lvs: broad-elliptic, mucronate at apex
- upper: dull green
- lower: whitish, fuzzy
- 6-9 prominent vein pairs
fls: corymbs, 2-3" wide, hairy, white
other: largest lvs within genus
SAPINDACEAE Acer saccarum
lvs: opp, palmately lobed w/5 deep lobes w/ acuminate tips and few narrow pointed teeth on margin
- fls: drooping clusters on hairy stalks
- small, yellow-green, bell-shaped with 5 lobes and 2 styles
fruit: double samara, (looks like a horseshoe "U")
GINKGOACEAE Ginkgo biloba
- lvs: alternate, fan shaped w/parallel veins
- incised (bifid lobes)
- cones: male catkin like
- female small, stalked seed with fleshy aril (looks like silver plum), smelly pulp
CUPRESSACEAE Thuja plicata
- lvs: "butterfly" stomata on back
- yellowish green color
cone: wooden rose
other: bark reddish brown and stringy
CUPRESSACEAE Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
lvs: White "X or Y" mark on underside
cones: "soccer ball", male cones red
- lvs: alt, margin serrulate (crenate) on upper blade
- small, mostly flat
- lower: dotted with glands
fls: 4 parted, females solitary, males in 3-7 cyme