igneous rocks from from...
intrusive igneous rocks
- crystalize below surface
- cools slowly
- coarse texture
extrusive igneous rocks
- crystalize at the surface
- cool quickly
- fine grained texture
magma type from high silica to low silica (3)
fine --> coarse
- rhyolite --> granite
- andesite --> diorite
- basalt --> gabbro
magma composition from high silica to low silica (4)
- felsic (granite, rhyolite)
- intermediate (diorite, andesite)
- mafic (gabbro, basalt)
- ultramafic
accresionary wedge
marine sedimente being pushed towards subduction zone
- reduce pore space between sediments
- water expelled
higher temperature and pressure makes
metamorphic rocks
low pressure and temperature makes
sedimentary rocks
igneous + heat and pressure =
contact metamorphism
magma injected through the ground, increasing the temperature
regional metamorphism
under mountains
law of horizontality
layers are always horizontal unless something happens to it later
principle of superposition
rocks on bottom is older than rocks on the top
cross-cutting relations
tying layers of different location based on sediments
gaps in geologic time
contact surface of different types of sediments
angular unconformity
border of layers that's diagonal and horizontal
the orientation of older strata are parallel to younger strata
use biological fossils to tell relative time
what % of water is in ocean
hydrologic cycle is what type of system
- closed
- but an island is an open system
residence time
- amount (or volume) / rate
- 12 cookies in a jar, 3 cookies a day
- residence time = 4 days (12/3)
densest water is what temperature
water table
boundary between ground and water in the ground
stream that has water all year
stream that sometimes has water
drain basic/water shed/catchment
smaller streams going into bigger river
cut bank
outer side of the curve of a river that's going faster and erodes
point bar
inner side of a curve of a river that's going slower and deposits
oxbow lake
meandered river ends up with a C-shape lake
the newly disconnected part of an oxbow lake
10-year flood and 100-year flood
- 10-year flood: 10% chance of having discharge
- 100-year flood: 1%
saturation zone
where there is water in the ground
cone of depression
well depresses water table
impermeable rock
lowest elevation where there is snow all the time
basal flow
melt the boundary of ice and ground and lubricate
glacial striations
lines left by glacial movement erosions
- 1st to explore sea
- Mediterranean and Red Sea
main ions in seawater
- chloride (55.07%)
- sodium (30.62%)
low salinity
- equator
- a lot of precipitation
depth of ocean where temperature rapidly changes
depth of ocean where temperature rapidly changes
depth of ocean where density rapidly changes
determines density
temperature and salinity
Coriolis effect on Earth
- N hemisphere: right
- S hemisphere: left
ekman spiral and ekman transport
- surface current is 45 degrees to the right compared to the wind
- net transport is defected 90 degrees from the wind to the right
passive vs active continental margins
- passive margin: no plate boundary
- active margin: trench
1/2 wave height =
wave base
- deep into the water where there is no movement anymore
- 1/2 wave length
Venus has what % of CO2
- lowest layer
- weather happens here