EMB Final Review

  1. Sales
    Sell Advertising
  2. Programming/Operations
    Develop format/programming. Develop what station is going to play.
  3. Marketing/Promotions
    Market the station's image and brand throughout the community. Buy advertising on other media outlets (TV ads)
  4. Traffic
    Inner-office paperwork, list of songs, advertisements played
  5. General/Station Manager
    Person who is the head of the department
  6. Dayparts
    Different audiences for different parts of the day. Morning drive, Afternoon drive most important for radio. Prime time for television.
  7. Format
    Programming radio decides to use, genre.
  8. Niche programming
    Not interested in big, diverse audience but rather a smaller specific audience.
  9. Syndication
    First-run and off-network. Shows that used to be networks shows, but are now in re-run (syndicated program, think Scrubs). First-run: Game shows, talk shows, anything that wouldn't be re-run.
  10. Demographics
    Age, ethnicity, gender, income. Can be observed and measured.
  11. Psychographics
    Values, qualities, lifestyles
  12. Methods
    How you gather information
  13. Ratings
    All households within a market; percentage.
  14. Share
    Observes how many people have TV/Radio turned ON
  15. Arbitron
    Radio ratings
  16. Neilson
    Television ratings
  17. Diary method
    Recording what you're watching/listening to. Problem: Lying, forgetting
  18. Set meter
    A box that records what you're watching. Problem: People leave TV on even when they're not watching/turning TV off and leaving cable box on.
  19. Portable people meter
    A "beeper-style" device that listens to what you're listening to throughout the day, then it's plugged into the computer and sends results to Arbitron. Problem: May not actually be listening, may pick up background noise (cars driving by with radios on)
  20. Telephone recall
    Someone calling you to ask what you've listened to or watched throughout the week. Problem: Forgetting, embarrassment which leads to lying.
  21. Coincidental telephone interview
    Calling and asking what is currently playing/on television. Problem: Not actively watching/listening, not many have a home phone.
  22. Hook testing
    Something that radio stations do to determine whether a song is a problem or not, see if people can recognize the song through a small sound clip to validate popularity or not.
  23. Film producer
    Make sure everything stays on a budget. Look at money and budgets.
  24. TV producer
    Head writers
  25. Executive producer
    Paid for, financed or invested in television show to major motion picture. Can work for studio as an employee and has the power to determine how studio will spend money.
  26. Below-the-line
    Director or photographic, grips, gaffers, work for unions. Have a standard rate, production professionals. Understand what they will cost per day.
  27. Above-the-line
    More talented, writers, directors, main-stream actors. Can do high end negotiating based off experience and popularity to the public.
  28. ENG style
    Fewer people, no special audio, 2-3 people reporting news. Electronic News Gathering
  29. Principles of Journalism
    Accuracy, balance, objectivity, ethics
  30. Frequencies
    Cycles per second over radio waves, each station broadcasts at a different frequency. Measured at cycles per second. Referred to at hertz.
  31. Wattage
    Power of a frequency
  32. Wavelengths
    Size of radio waves. Direct relationship between a frequency and the wavelength. Smaller the frequencies (10 cycles/second, 10 hertz) is going to be bigger. Bigger the radio wave, the more likely your antennae will catch it. FM has small wavelength.
  33. Radio wave propogation
    AM: Skywaves, ground waves
  34. Electromagnetic Spectrum
    All the air around us
  35. Radio Act of 1927
    We have to start licensing people who can use which particular frequency.
  36. FCC
    Initially FRC determines what broadcasters will get which licenses.
  37. PICON
    Public Interest, Convenience, Or Necessity: Since you're using a frequency licensing that is owned by the public, it must be used accordingly.
  38. Indecency
    Protected by the constitution. Seems inappropriate, but it is protected by freedom of speech.
  39. Obscenity
    Communication that is so inappropriate that it is harmful to society as a whole, and government can shut it down.
  40. Safe harbor
    10p-6a because children should be sleeping and wouldn't be exposed to this content.
  41. Economies of scale
    Bigger the cheaper
  42. Risk pooling
    Gambling, making cheap movies until a big one comes along and can pay of the debt of films that failed. Big hit makes big profits that can pay off other debts.
  43. Deficit Financing
    Going in debt to product a TV show that IF successful, the media conglomerate will pay off and begin to fund.
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EMB Final Review
EMB Spring '11 Final Exam Review