What is the success rate for Angioplasty?
Rate is greater than 98%
What equipment is used for Angioplasty?
Guide catheter, Guide wire, and angioplasty balloon.
What is the key factor of choosing a guide catheter?
Sufficient guide support
List the standard dimensions of a guide catheter.
- French Size: 6
- Length: 100 cm
Why are side holes in catheters.
Promotes profusion (the ability for blood to flow through the arteries)
List the standard dimensions of a guide wire.
- Length: 180-300cm
- Diameter: 0.014in
What is the standard profile for balloons and stents?
0.032 inches or less
How is the pressure of a balloon measured?
What is the diameter range for:
What are indications for Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PCTA)?
angina w/signifigant symptoms, angina w/ischemia, unstable angina, angina post CABG, acute MI, restenosis of a previous stent
What are some contraindication of PTCA?
unstable cornary anatomy, extreme high risk anatomy, bleeding disorder, non-compliance w/procedure or post procedure care, multiple PTCA restenosis, and unable to give consent
What is the TIMI scale?
A scale to classify blush
Define the term "blush"
Angiographic opactication on microvasculature.
What is TIMI Grade 0
Failure of contrast to enter microvasculature
What is TIMI Grade 1?
Contrast is slow to enter, but fails to exit
What is TIMI Grade 2?
Delayed entry and exit
What is TIMI Grade 3?
Normal entry and exit
What are prerequisites for pulling the sheath?
ACT must be lower than 150 seconds and systolic BP must be lower than 160
If ACT is greater than 150 seconds, what action should take place?
Suture the sheath in place and retake ACT in 30 minutes
If the BP is above the 160 systolic, what action should take place?
Check with doctor to see what medications should be ordered.
What is the first step of removing the sheath?
Palpate femoral site for pulse and sheath