Ch 8 Pelvis T/F

  1. The internal and external iliac veins join to form the inferior vena cava
    • FALSE: the internal and external iliac veins join to form the common iliac veins
    • The R and L common iliac veins unite to form the IVC
  2. Sperm are produced in the epididymis
    • FALSE: sperm are produced in the testes along with male sex hormones
    • the sperm are stored in the epididymis as they undergo final stages of maturation
  3. The round ligaments extend laterally from the body of the uterus to prevent posterior movement
  4. The pectineal line is located on the upper surface of the superior pubic ramus
  5. The psoas muscle unites with the obturator internus muscle to form the iliopsoas muscle
    • FALSE: the psoas muscle unites with the iliacus muscle to form the iliopsoas muscle
    • the iliopsoas is an important muscle for flexing the leg and making walking possible
  6. The concave anterior surface of the ala is termed the iliac fossa which is seperated from the body of the ilium by the pectineal line
    FALSE: the arcuate line seperates the iliac fossa from the body
  7. An inferior band of fibrous connective tissue from the external oblique muscle folds back on itself to form the inguinal ligament
  8. The gluteus maximus muscle is the most important muscle for flexing the leg which makes walking possible
    FALSE: the iliopsoas muscle is the most important muscle for flexing the leg
  9. The posterior surface of the bladder is referred to as the fundus or base
  10. The apex of the bladder is attached to the anterior abdominal wall by the median umbilical ligament which is the remains of the fetal urachus or aka the obliterated umbilical artery
Card Set
Ch 8 Pelvis T/F
True or False Q's