DAH 131 EXAM 1

  1. Area distinguished by color differentiantion form adjacent tissue.
  2. Small circumscribed lesion usually less than 1 cm in diameter elevated about surface of normal tissue
  3. Circumscribed elevated lesion greater than 5 mm in diameter with serous fluid, looks like a blister
  4. Small elevated lesion less than 1 cm in diameter containing serous fluid
  5. Various sized round elevations containing pus
  6. Base of a lesion that is flat or broad instead of stem like
  7. Attached by a stem-like or stalk base
  8. Segment of lobe that is a part of the whole.
  9. Feeling of area with fingers.
  10. Shortened or blunted and irregularly shaped.
  11. Paleness of skin or mucosa.
  12. Cleft or groove showing prominent depth.
  13. Wrinkled.
  14. Resembles small, nipple-shaped projections or elevations found in clusters.
  15. One compartment or unit that is well defined.
  16. Lesion extending beyond the confines of one distinct area. Many lobes.
  17. Borders are specifically defined and can clearly see that exact margins and extent.
    Well circumscribed
  18. Ill defined or spread out
  19. Lesion extending beyond roots (traumatic bone cyst)
    Scalloping around the root
  20. Palpable solid lesion up to 1 cm found in soft tissue.
  21. Erythematous
  22. 5 malignant "-oma's"
    Melanoma, sarcoma, carcinoma, lymphoma, multiple myeloma
  23. Lesions are described based upon:
    • 1. clinical appearance
    • 2. tissue consistency
    • 3. color
    • 4. size
    • 5. surface texture
    • 6. radiographic appearance
  24. 8 Diagnostic Categories:
    • 1. clinical
    • 2. radiographic
    • 3. historical
    • 4. laboratory
    • 5. microscopic
    • 6. surgical
    • 7. therapeutic
    • 8. differential
  25. Clinical Diagnosis could consist of:
    appearance of lesion, color, shape, location or history
  26. Occurs in black women in 60's, asymptomatic, teeth are vital and usually the anteriors are affected
    Periapical Cemental Dysplasia
  27. Elevated serum alkaline phosphatase level
    Paget's Disease
  28. B-compled deficiency, most commonly a fungal. responds to antifungal cream
    Angular Cheilitis
  29. ANUG
    Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis
  30. Clusters of ectopic sebaceous glands. Occurs on lips and buccal mucosa.
    Fordyce Granules
  31. Pigment that gives color to skin, eyes, hair, mucosa, and gingiva
  32. Sessile nodule on gingival margin of the lingual aspect of mandibular canines.
    Retrocuspid Papilla
  33. Prominent veins located on ventral/lateral surfaces of tongue
    Lingual Varicosites
  34. "white line" on buccal mucosa along occlusal plane, usually bilateral. Prominent with bruxism and clenching.
    Linea Alba
  35. Generalized opalescence of buccal mucosa, most commonly in African Americans. Disappears when mucosa is stretched.
  36. Throid tissue that has become entrapped in the tissues of the tonue. More common in females. Located as a mass in the midline of dorsal of tongue in the area of the foramen caecum. Benign.
    Lingual Thyroid Nodule
  37. Deep groves in dorsal of tongue. Possibly associated with vitamin deficiency or chronic trauma. unknown cause
    Fissured Tongue
  38. Flat or slightly raised oval or rectangular erythematous area in the midline of dorsal surface of tongue. Devoid of Filiform papillae, no specific treatment
    Median Rhomboid Glossitis
  39. Diffuse areas of desquamation of filiform papillae. Erythematous patches with well defined boreder of white or yellow. "Benign Migratory Glossitis"
    Geographic Tongue
  40. Filiform papillae become enlongated and appear white, yellow, black or brown
    Hairy Tongue
  41. Short duration, arises quickly
  42. Within bone
  43. Movement of WBS's to area of injury
  44. Long duration, persists for a long time
  45. Passage of WBC's through endothelial wall of small blood vessels
  46. Redness
  47. Inflammaroty fluid (pus)
  48. Elevation of body temperature higher than 98.6 degrees F
  49. Excess of blood in a part of the body
  50. Abnormal multiplication or increase in the NUMBER of normal cells.
  51. Enlargement of tissue or oran due to an increase in the SIZE of the cell
  52. Affects body as a whole
  53. Temporary increase in the number of WBC's circulating in the blood
  54. confined or limited to a part
  55. Enlargement or swelling of a lymph node
  56. Occurs in the early stage of inflammation; WBC's occupy the periphery of a blood vessel and adhere to endothelial cells lining the blood vessel
  57. Pathologic death of cells or portions of tissue
  58. The adherence of WBC's to the endothelial cells lining an injured blood vessel
  59. Located away from the center
  60. ingestion and digestion of a foreign substance by cells
  61. Containing or forming pus
  62. restoration of damaged or diseased tissue
  63. having a fluid or water consistency (relates to serum)
  64. Localized swelling of tissue due to edema, accompanied by severe itching
  65. What eliminates injurious agents, contains injuries and heals defects?
  66. Nonspecific response to injury and occurs in the same manner regardless of nature of injury
  67. "-itis"
    suffix meaning inflammation
  68. Cardinal Signs of Inflammation
    • 1. redness
    • 2. heat
    • 3. swelling
    • 4. pain
    • 5. loss of tissue function
  69. A formation of a natural drainage passage boring through tissue allowing drainage of exudates
  70. 6 Types of White Blood Cells
    • 1. neutrophils
    • 2. monocytes
    • 3. lymphocytes
    • 4. plasma cells
    • 5. eosinophils
    • 6. mast cells
  71. 1st cell to emigrat and first cell involved in acute inflammation
  72. 2nd cell to emigrate
    monocyte (macrophage)
  73. Involved in chronic inflammation and immune response
    lymphocyte and plasma cell
  74. Both inflammation and immune respone
    Eosinophil and mast cell
  75. Macrophages, lymphcytes and plasma cells become predominantes during what?
    Chronic inflammation
  76. 60 - 70 % of WBC, phagocytosis then dies
  77. Become Macrophages, 3 - 8 % of WBC, lysosomal enzymes to aide in destruction of foreign substances
  78. Start or enhance the inflammatory response
    chemical mediators
  79. 3 Systems of Chemical Mediators
    • 1. Kinin System
    • 2. Complement System
    • 3. Clotting System
  80. Mediates inflammation by causing increase dilation of blood vessels at eh site permeability of blood vessels by widenign gaps between endothelial cells. Early phase of inflammation
    Kinin System
  81. Production of sequential cascade of plasma proteins that are present in the blood in an activated form. Rease of Histaine (mast cells)
    complement system
  82. Clots blood and helps with repair, platelets
    Clotting Mechanism
  83. Body temperature regulated by:
    Hypothalamic Thermoregularoty center
  84. the body's final defense mechanism in its attempt to restore injured tissue to its original state
  85. Healing of an injury in which there is little loss of tissue, surgical incision, edges joined by sutures, less scar tissue
    Healing by Primary intention
  86. Injury whereby there is a loss of tissue and the edges of the injury cannot be joined during healing
    Healing by secondary intention
  87. Infection occurs at the site of surgical incision that is healing by primary and secondary intention may ensue
    Tertiary Intention
  88. Wearing away of tooth structure during mastication
  89. Grinding and clenching teeth together for nonfunctional purposes
  90. Signs of bruxism
    • 1. wear facets
    • 2. abnormal rate of attrition
    • 3. hypertrophy of masticatory muscles
    • 4. increase muslce tone
    • 5. muscle fatigue
    • 6. cheek biting
    • 7. TMJ pain
  91. Pathological wearing away of tooth structure that results from a repetitive mechanical habit, pulp exposure usually not present
  92. Loss of tooth structure resulting from chemical action (usually on lingual/facial but can be occlusal/interproximal)
  93. Eating disorder of food binges followed by self-induced vomiting
  94. Characterized by distored perception of body image along with depression, intense fear of gaining weight and self-imposed starvation
    anorexia nervosa
  95. Occurs when patient places aspirin beside a tooth with a toothache
    aspirin burn
  96. Causes whitening of area/ulcer if not removed quickly
    Phenol Burn
  97. Usually children who have bitten/chewed a live electric cord or inserted something into an electric socket
    Electric Burn
  98. Lesions located at midline of hard palate varifying from ulcers to keratotic to exophytic reactive lesions. Caused by smoking crack
    Cocaine use
  99. Chronic rubbing or friction against mucosa resulting in a thickening of the keratiin on the surface
  100. Benign lesion on hard palate associated with smoking
    Nicotine Stomatitis
  101. Lesion that forms whena salivary gland duct is severed and teh mucous secretion spills into the adjacent CT
  102. Occurs as a result of an obstruction of a salivary gland duct or infection
  103. Common occuring intraoral lesion characterized by proliferation of CT containing blood vessels/inflammatory cells, surgical excision
    Pyogenic Granuloma
  104. Broad based, persistent exophytic lesion composed of dense, scar-like CT. Occurs as a result of Chronic trauma. On gingival, surgical excision
    Irritation Fibroma
  105. Caused by an ill-fitting denture and is located in the vestibule along denture border
    Epulis Fissuratum
  106. Form of denture stomatitis. Palatal mucosa is covered by multiple erythematous papillary projections. surgical removal
    Papillary Hyperplasia
  107. Increased in bulk of the free/attached gingiva, especially the interdental papilla; no stippling and rounded margins
    Gingival Hyperplasia
  108. Excessive proliferation of chronically inflamed dental pulp tissue (EXT or RCT)
    Pulp Polyp
  109. Most common cyst in oral region
    Radicular (PA) Cyst
  110. Appears as slight raggedness or blunting of the apex and can proceed to severe loss of tooth root structure
    External Root resorption
  111. Change in bone near apex thought to be reaction to low grade infection. Usually associated with carious tooth or large restoration. Asymptomatic in young adults. No treatment
    Focal Sclerosing Osteomyelitis
  112. "Dry Socket" Post-op complication of tooth extraction. Loss of blood clot exposing bone which become infected.
    Alveolar Osteitis
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DAH 131 EXAM 1
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