Pathological elevation of disc margins.
When rim tissue has a white color and is dying. (pt would have (+)APD.)
Optic nerve atrophy
The observable compression of the central retinal wein at the disc.
SVP (Spontaneous Venous Pulsation)
Normal A/V ratio...
2/3; observed at least 1 disc diameter from disc
Normal Arterial Light Reflex...
1/3; observed at least 1 disc diameter from disc
Impeded blood flow at a vessel crossing.
The light reflection of the fovea in the macula.
FLR (Foveal Light Reflection)
Degeneration of the macula causing permanent loss of visual acuity.
Macular degeneration
An area of hyperpigmentation.
A leakage of blood outside the vessel.
Microinfarcts of the nerve fibers, with swelling of the nerve fibers from occlusion of small afterioles; white, fluffy.
Fluid leakage that has been reabsorbed, leaving a yellow, flat appearance.
Any break in the retinal later from trauma, disease, or anatomical variation.