exam 4 exam

  1. The subcutaneous hemorrhages associated with several diseases are called
  2. Which fo the following causitive agents of bacterial meningitis is normally a member of the vaginal microbiota in many women?
    Streptococcus agalactiae
  3. All of the following are true statements concerning botulism except
    death occurs from paralysis of the diaphragm
    botulism toxin is the deadliest toxin known
    transmission can be rpevented by destruction of clostridium endospores
    it is not always a true infection
  4. Which is the most liekly manner in which legionella pneumophila is transmitted?
    from contaminated water supplies as aerosolized mist
  5. 90% of cases of viral meningitis are caused by
  6. A mild form of pneumonia called walking pneumonia is associated with bacterial infections caused by..
    mycoplasma pneumoniae
  7. List 3 facts about TB
    • Multi-drug-resistant strains have emerged
    • It produces mycolic acid, which protects the bacterium from host defenses
    • It causes tubercles to from that calcify
  8. What are 2 characteristics of the influenza vius?
    • Undergoes antigenic shift and drift
    • Different serotypes are based on surface proteins
  9. Which fo the following is associated with Yersinia pestis infections?
  10. ____infection leads to bloody diarrhea
  11. ______Infection leads to invasion and inflammation
  12. Tetanus toxin acts by
    causing muscles to contract constantly
  13. Which of the following is the most correct treatments for rabies
    • Immunoglobulin inections
    • vaccination
  14. Bacterial endocarditis results in...
    • Abscess formation
    • Cytokine production
    • Strok
  15. Chronic lyme disease has the following symptoms:
    • arthritis
    • heart disease
    • meningitis
  16. Tularemia is mostly associated with bites from
  17. Diptheria toxin kills cells by interfering with which fo the following processes?
    protein synthesis
  18. All of the following are true statemtns concernign inhalation anthrax:
    • It is the most severe form of anthrax
    • It is transmitted by endospores
    • An effective vaccine is available
  19. Limiting exposure to rodents and their waste materials is an important means of controlling
    hantavirus pulmonary yndrome
  20. Develops 48 hours after hospital
    nosocomial pneumonia
  21. exhibits red hepatization
    community acquired pneumonia
  22. can have a purulent sputum
    community acquired pneumonia
  23. Is most often caused by staph aureus
    nosocomial pneumonia
  24. Urease is an important virulence factor of what?
    helicobacter pylori
  25. The ultimate complication associated with genital warts is
  26. Dental carries begins witih the production of what by the causitive agent?
  27. What is responsible for more than 90% of UTIs?
    escheria coli
  28. What disease is cahracterized by foul-smelling, yellow-green vaginal discharge?
  29. Caused by shigella species
  30. has the characteristic of rice-water diarrhea
  31. caused by salmonella enteric typhi
    typhoid fever
  32. What type of diarrhea is most common?
  33. will enteric diarrhea contain blood?
  34. Why are cold viruses prevented fro infecting most areas of the body?
    because they are either too hot or too acidic
  35. Otitis media is more common in children than adults because of differnces in the anatomy of the head
    this is true
  36. What causes otitis media?
    typically, normal microbiota
  37. What is a key factor in knwing if one has food poisening due to an intoxication of an infection?
  38. Is the effect of botulism and tetanus toxins similar to one another?
  39. viral and bacterial meningitis are ...
    different in severity
  40. How is CMV infection diagnosed?
    through the presence of inclusion bodies
  41. Brucellosis is also known as...
    undulant fever
  42. How are arboviruses spread?
    mosquito bites
  43. How are hep A, B, and C transmitted?
    • A: fecal oral
    • B: blood
    • C: blood
  44. chagastrypanosoma cruzi
  45. streptocuccus mutans
  46. vibrio cholerae
  47. corynebacterium diptheriae
  48. filovirus
  49. wuchereria
  50. borrelia burgdorferi
    lyme disease
  51. helicobacter pylori
    peptic ulcer
  52. bordetella pertusis
  53. plague
    yersinia pestis
  54. strep throat
    streptococcus pyogenes
  55. syphilis
    treponema pallidum
  56. trichomoniasis
    trichomoniasis vaginalis
  57. tularemia
    francisella tularensis
  58. viral encephalitis
  59. What are the three types of botulism
    infant, oral, food poisening
  60. 4 types of polio infections
    • paralytic: paralyzing
    • non-paralytic: muscle stiffness
    • asymptomatic: no symptoms
    • post-polio: muscle degeneration
  61. What are the effects of infectious endocarditis?
    • Bacteria acuires in the heart
    • This stimulates the immune response
    • Then there's growth of vegetation which can dislodge and case a clot
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exam 4 exam
exam 4