EMT-B Chapter 19

  1. A persistent mood of sadness, despair, and discouragement; may be a symptom of many different mental and physical disorders, or it may be a disorder on its own.
  2. A change in the way a person thinks and behaves that may signal disease in the central nervous system or elsewhere in the body.
    Altered Mental Status
  3. A technique used to gain insight into a patient''s thinking, involving repeating, in the form of a question, what the patient has said.
    Reflective Listening
  4. The point at which a person''s reactions to events interfere with activities of daily living; this becomes a psychiatric emergency when it causes a major life interruption, such as attempted suicide.
    Behavioral Crisis
  5. A disorder in which there is no known physiologic reason for the abnormal functioning of an organ or organ system.
    Funtional Disorder
  6. Temporary or permanent dysfunction of the brain, caused by a disturbance in the physical or physiologic functioning of brain tissue.
    Organic Brain Syndrome
  7. The basic activities a person usually accomplishes during a normal day, such as eating, dressing, and bathing.
    Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
  8. A symptom or illness that is caused by mental factors as opposed to physical ones.
  9. How a person functions or acts in response to his or her environment.
  10. An illness with psychological or behavioral symptoms and/or impairment in functioning caused by a social, psychological, genetic, physical, chemical, or biologic disturbance.
    Mental Disorder
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EMT-B Chapter 19