water in oil
(fn) hydrates, greasy
Oil in water
(fn) hydrate, variable
Powder in water
(fn) drying, cosmesis
water, alcohol, propylene, glycol
Solution that melts on contact with skin
(fn) drying
Burn time with cream divided by burn time without cream on
Sun Protection Mneomnic
"Seek, Slip, Slap, Slop"
- Seek Shade
- Slip on a shirt
- Slap on a hat
- Slop on sunscreen
Side effects of topical steroids
- Local
- -atophy
- -purpura
- -thin skin
- -perioral dermatitis
- -steroid acne
- -rosacea
- -contact dermatitis
- -tachyphylaxis (tolerance)
- Systemic
- -suppression of HPA axis
- (if high potency like clobetasol, large area, long time or under occlusion)
Side effects of systemic steroids
Erythema Nodosum Ddx
- No cause - 40%
- Drugs (slfonamides, OCP)
- Other infx (GAS+)
- Sarcoidosis
- Ulcerativ colitis and Crohns
- Malignancy (leukemia, Hodgkin's lymphma)
Pruritus Ddx
- Scabies
- Cholestasis
- Renal
- Autoimmune
- Tumorours (ca)
- Crazies
- Hematology (polycythemia, lymphoma)
- Endocrine thyroid, parathyroid, iro ndef)
- Drugs, Dry skin
Uncommon Causes of ulcers
- Cancer, Chromosomal
- Hemoglobinopathy
- Inflammatory
- Pyoderma gangrenosum
- Infections
- Necrobiosis lipoidica diabeticonum
Itchy Eruptions in Kids
- Urticaria
- Contact dermatitis
- Scabies
- Chicken pox
- Atopic dermatitis
- Bites
Urticaria Ddx
- Drugs / foods
- Allergic
- Malignancy
- Hereditary
- Infection
- Vasculitis
- Emotions
- Stings
- Pruritic
- Polygonal
- Peripheral
- Papules
- Penis (periphery)
For dermatoscopy, 7 point checklist....
Need >3 for melanoma
- Major (Ap Av BW) - 2pt each
- -Atypical pigment network (blue, white)
- -Atypical vascular network
- -Blue white veil
- Minor (BDRS) - 1pt each
- -Irregular blotches
- -irrecular dots + globules
- -Regression streaks
- -Irregular Streaks
Patterns and Distribution
- Acral - hands/feet
- Annular
- Follicular
- Guttate - drop like
- Koebner - isomorphic
- Morbilliform
- Reticular
- Satellite
- Target (iris)Discrete
- Clustered
- Linear
- Confluent
- Dermatitic
Types of cysts
- Epidermal cyst
- Pilar Cyst (Trichelemmal)
- Dermoid cyst
- Ganglion cyst
- Milium (pl = milia)
Dimple sign
Found on legs>arms>trunk
(dermatoscopy) hypopigmented centerally
- ddx:
- Dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans
- Malignant melanoma
- Kaposi's sarcoma
- Blue nevus
Skin tags, aka...
- Acrochordons
- Fibroepithelial polyps
- Soft fibrromas
- Pedunculated lippofibromas
- Cutaneous papillomas
Types of Actinic Keratoses
- Erythematous: typical AK
- Hypertrophic: thicker, rough papule/plaque
- Cutaneous horn: firm hyperkeratotic outgrowth
- Actinic chelitis: confluent on lip
- Pigmented: flat, tan-brown, scaly plaque
- Spreading pigmented
- Proliferative
- Conjunctival
Corns vs Plantar warts
- Corn
- -firm papule with central translucent cone shaped hard keratin core, pain with direct P, esp dorsolateral 5th toe
- Plantar warts
- -bleed when pared
- -pain with lateral P
- -thrombosed vessels give plantar warts a black speckled central appearance not seen in corns
Hemangiomas vs Vascular Malformations
- Hemangiomas
- -spon't resolution
- -tx: propranolol or topical corticosteroids (Timal) if superfical
Why are open comedones black?
- Oxidized melanin
- (NOT dirt)
Acne exacerbating factors
- Systemic meds - lithium, phenytoin, steroids, halogens, androgens, iodides, bromides, danazol
- Topical agents - steroids, tars, oints, oily cosmetics
- Mechanical P / occlusion
- Emotional stress
Mech of Action:
a) Clindamycin, Erythromycin
b) Benzoyl peroxide
c) Adapalene (differin), Tretinoin (Retin-A)
d) Diane 35 (cyproterone acetate ethinyl estradiol)
e) Isotretinoin (Accutane)
f) BenzaClin gel
g) Benzamycin
a) inhibit protein synthesis
- b) protein oxidant with bactericidal effect
- c) comedolytic)
- d) anti androgenic, incr levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), decr circulating plasma levels of androgens
- e) inhibits sebaceous gland fn and keratinization
- f) 1% clindamycin, 5% benzoyl peroxide
- g) 3% erythromycin, 5% benzoyl peroxide
Dose for oral tetracyclilne
- Tetracycline 500mg po OD -BID
- ***don't use with isotretinoin (risk of pseudotumor cerebri)
- -need 3-6months until see result
Erythromycin 500mg po BID
Tx for Perioral Dermatitis
- 1) Metronidazole 0.75% gel (metrogel) to area BID
- OR
- 2) Tetracycline 500mg po OD -BID
Types of Rosacea
- -Erythromatotelangiectatic
- -Papulopustular
- -Phymatous
- -Ocular
- -variant = granulomatous
Top ten allergens (via North American Contact Derm Gr)
- 1) Nickel sulfate - jewerly, buckles
- 2) Neomycin sulfate - topical Abx
- 3) Balsam of Peru - fragrance material
- 4) Fragrance mix
- 5) Thimerosal - common preservative, in vaccines, contact lens solution, cosmetics
- 6) Sodium gold - jewellery, dentistry
- 7) Formaldehyde - gas
- 8) Quaternium-15
- 9) Cobalt chloride - hard metal in cosmetics, jewellery, buttons, tools
- 10) Bacitacin - topical Abx
Woronoff's Ring
Blanched halo that surrounds psoriatic lesions a/f topical or phototherapy tx.
Dovonex vs Dovobet
Dovonex - calcipotriol (Vit D derivative)
Dovobet - calcipotriene + betamethasone diproportionate
PSORIASIS: presentation and pathoPSL
- P - pink papules/plaques/pinpt bleed (Ausptiz sign), physical injury (Koebner phen)
- S - silver scale//sharp margins
- O - onycholysis / oil spots
- R - rete ridges with regular elongation
- I - itch
- A - arthritis/abscess/autoimmune
- S - Stratum corneum with nucei
- I - immunologic
- S - stratum granulomsum absent
Mech of Biologics
- - mab = monoclonal Ab
- - rcept = receptor
PemphiguS VUlgaris vs
Bullous PemphigoiD
- PV = Superficial
- BP = Deep
Ddx for Urticaria
- D - drugs and foods
- A - Allergic
- M - Malignancy
- H - hereditary
- I - infectious
- V - vasculitis
- E - emotions
- S - stings
Approach to Vasculitis
- 1. Hx and P/E
- 2. if lesions <24hrs, attacks <6wks = ACUTE, no inv, referral for allergy testing
- 3. If <24hrs lesions, but attacks >6wks, CHRONIC, inv: CBCd, UA, ESR, LFTs
- 4. if lesions >24hrs, Vasculitis = bx of lesion and referral to derm
Raynaud's Phenomenon Ddx
- C - cryoglobulins / cryofibrinogens
- O - obstruction / occupational
- L - lupus or other CTD
- D - DM, drugs
- H - hematologic problems (PCV, leukemia)
- A - Arterial problems
- N - neurologic problems
- D - disease NYD, idiopthic