comp pt final

  1. what is the bone patter seen on xrays of a pt with sickle cell anemia?
  2. what disease would a pt have if on the xrays a trabecular pattern is seen in the bone?
    sickle cell anemia
  3. what type of blood cell is responsible for transporting hemoglobin and to carry oxygen to the body cells and carbon dioxide transport from the cells
    red blood cell
  4. what organ produces clotting factors?
  5. what are the two types of white blood cells?
    • granulocytes
    • agranulocytes
  6. what are the three types of granulocytes?
    neutrophils, eosinophils basophils
  7. what are the two types of agranulocytes?
    • lymphocytes
    • monocytes
  8. what type of blood cell is the primary defense against microbial infection and are critical for mounting an immune response
    white blood cells
  9. what type of blood cell defends the body thru phagocytosis and enzymatic destruction, they are the first line of denfense of the body
  10. what type of blood cell is involved in inflammatory allergic reactions and infection by parasites?
  11. what type of blood cell is to increase vascular permeability during inflammation of phagocytic cells can pass into the area
  12. what are the three types of lymphocytes?
    • T cells
    • B cells
    • Natural killer cells
  13. what blood cell is involved with the delayed or cellular imune reaction
    T cell
  14. what blood cell plays an important role in the immediate or humoral immune system involving the production of plasma cells and immunoglobulins?
    B cells
  15. what blood cell is involved in phagocytosis, intracellular killin and mediating of the immune and inflammatory response. sever as antigen presenting cells and migrate into tissues
  16. what is active in the blood clotting mechanism, essential in the maintenance of the integrity of blood capillaries by closing thema t a time of injury and participates in clot dissolution after healing?
  17. what is the normal count for platelets?
  18. what is the objective of chemo?
    destroy the cancer cell and keep it from metastasizing, to prevent cancer from recurring, to provide an improved quality of life
  19. what are the contraindicaitons with xerostomia in a cancer pt?
    • avoid hot spicy salty or sharp foods
    • avoid lemon and glycerin swabs
  20. what type of cancer treatment impacts the cancer cells' ability to replicate and survive
  21. what are expected conditions of radiation treatment? 3
    • trismus
    • mucositis
    • xerostomia
  22. diabetes acts as what factors to perio? 3
    conditioning, modifying and accelerating factor
  23. t/f an older pt with diabetes can have mroe severe periodontal disease?
    false-YOUNGER pt
  24. a sudden deterioration of periodontal health may indicate what for a pt?
    • undiagnosed diabetes
    • reduced control of diabetes
  25. t/f perio infections affect blood glucose levels in diabetes
  26. treatment of perio and reduction of inflammation is associated with improved what?
    metabolic control by reduction in level of HbA1
  27. when can insulin increase?
    due to fever, infection, inflammation, trauma, bleeding, pain or stress
  28. what does peripheral neuropothy cause?
    pain, n umbness ortingling of mouth, face and extremities leading to foot ulcerations or infections because they can't feel pain
  29. what organ produces insulin
  30. what is a silent killer?
  31. t/f the average life span of a person is reduced with diabetes
  32. ____ and its complications are the leading cuase of death
  33. what are pregnancy problems associated with diabetes? 3
    • miscarriages
    • babees with birth defects
    • increased weight
  34. what are two retinopathy associated with diabetes
    • blindness
    • glaucoma and catacracts
  35. what GI problems does autonomic neuropathy cause?
    gastropariesis-delayed food absorption, complication in managing blooc glucose leves, food may harden causing obstruction in intestines or stomach and may cause overgrowth of bacteria
  36. what would a pt have who is characterized as having: weakness, fatigue, abnormal pigmentation of skin and mucous membranes, hypertension, anorexia and weight loss, delayed healing and increased susceptibility to infection
    addison's disease
  37. what would a pt have who has these symptoms: hirsutism, weight gain, moon shpaed face, buffalo hump, abdominal straie, hypertension, acne
    cushings disease (FAT and UGLY)
Card Set
comp pt final
hematologic and oncologic disorders and diabetes/endocrine disorders