1. which patients are good candidates for a power toothbrush? 6
    • ortho patient
    • physical disability
    • geriatric
    • prostho (implants, bridge)
    • agressive brushers
    • patient/caregiver
  2. what are 5 patient instructions about a power toothbrush?
    • use first before recommending to a patient (evidence--based research)
    • patient dexterity
    • timer/pressure sensor (low end do not have this)
    • demonstrate in office if possible
    • advise need for practice (need to use it!)
  3. t/f baking soda on its own as a toothpaste is very abrasive
  4. what would cause scuffed epithelial surface?
    brushing too hard (abrasion on gums)
  5. what does a punctate lesion from?
    pinpoint lesion (brushing to hard or hard bristles)
  6. what are 3 ACUTE alterations needed from toothbrush trauma?
    • scuffed epithelial surface
    • punctate lesion
    • diffuse/reddness/denuded attached gingiva
  7. what is diffuse redness/denuded attached gingiva?
    gingiva that has been worn down
  8. what are 3 causes of toothbrush trauma from horizontal or vertical scrubbing?
    • excess pressure
    • abrasive dentrifice (baking soda)
    • frayed toothbrush
  9. brushing too hard all the time is a ________ alteration
  10. rolled, bulbous, hard marginal gingiva
    gingival cleft -brushing too hard
    facial gingiva-brush the front more than lingual
    R/L handed brusher- more trauma on one side
    these are all ________ ________ or toothbrush trauma
  11. when the margin has moved apically and the root surface is exposed = _______ _______
    gingival recession
  12. what is a remedy of old toothbrushing habits using one toothbrush all the time?
    • switch to a soft toothbrush
    • use correct technique
  13. mechanical habits
    abrasive dentrifice
    horizontal brushing
    tooth prominence
    filament ends not rounded are causes of ______ _____
    dental abrasion
  14. what are the remedies of dental abrasion? 3
    • discuss and educate patient on change
    • change tb/method
    • milder dentrifice/smaller amount
  15. pt assessment includes what four things?
    • personal history of care
    • dental and gingival anatomy
    • dental biofilm
    • personal factors
  16. what are 2 personal factors to consider for a patient?
    • handicap or disability
    • knowledge and appreciation about interdental
  17. what are the objective of the dental hygiene care plan? 3
    • appropriate aids
    • teach pt
    • modivate pt
  18. what is the initial plan of the dental hygiene care plan?
    • simplest plan
    • realistic
    • refine goal as oral care increases
Card Set
tooth brushes/brushing