Adjective. Intellectually in the dark, intellectual or moral ignorance, having no knowledge or understanding. (SYN: Ignorant, unlighted) Noun: Benightedness.
- *We are all benighted in this subject.
- *Not one of my benighted students could say when the war started.
Adjective. Fully formed physically but immature. (SYN: Inexperienced, immature, naive, unsophisticated.) Noun: Callowness. Adverb: Callowly
- *Driving fast cars and smoking filterless cigarettes are callow pursuits.
- *They were surprised by the callow young doctor performing surgery.
- *A callow young man.
Adjective. Unborn plan, in the early stages of development. Very young or very new. (SYN: Undeveloped, rudimentary)
- *The plans for the new building are, at this point, embryonic.
- *The negotiations are still at an embryonic stage.
An organization, state etc, that has only been recently formed and is still developing. (SYN: Emergent, young, inexperienced, immature).
- *The fledgling democracy in the middle east.
- *Citizens are against the fledgling gangs in the neighborhoods.
Adjective. Done or said without preparation, (SYN: Unplanned, improvised, unrehearsed, extemporaneous).
- *An impromptu story about why you showed up late, is a lie.
- *An impromptu performance.
Noun. A feeling that something is true or that something will happen even if you don’t have any facts or proof about it.
*I had a hunch she would win the election.
Adjective. Funny and enjoyable. Adverb: Humorously
*The book is a humorous story about an old lady in the wild west.
Verb. To decide to not do or have something.
*I was asked by my boss to forgo my promotion.
Adjective. To have come before in date. To be older than. (SYN Precede) Antediluvian.
- *The bible antedates the koran by a thousand years.
- *The idea of time travel antedates this generation.
Noun. The fact or condition of being very old. (SYN Ancientness)
- *It is no surprise his slow driving considering the antiquity of his car.
- *Ideas or objects that are too old-fashion are antiquated.
Noun. Something that changes or develops very gradually, so that each part is similar to previous and following parts. Anything that is a continuos whole without clear division into parts.
*Mental development follows a set course along a continuum.
Incumbent upon
Adjective. Used to say that it is someone’s duty or responsibility to do something. (SYN Obligatory)
- *It is incumbent upon you to support your country and defend it.
- *It is incumbent upon parents to control what their kids watch on TV.
Noun. People who will live after you are dead. Future generations. (SYN Future)
- *She is saving her money for posterity. Her kids and grandkids will be rich.
- *Posterity will remember me as unique.
Noun. The knowledge that something will happen before it does.
Noun. Deadlock, situation for which there is no escape. A situation in which it is impossible to continue with a discussion or plan because the people involved cannot agree. A situation in which no progress is possible because of disagreement. (SYN: Dead end, halt, stop, catch-22)
- *The criminal and his lawyer reached an impasse after days of discussion.
- *The doctor reached an impasse when there was no other possible treatment available.
Verb. Stand or wait around idly or without apparent purpose, especially in a public place. Similar to malinger but lacking the connotation of sickness. (SYN: Idle, waste time, hang around)
- *Loitering is not permitted in front of the building.
- *She loiters around the clinic so as to not come back to work.
Verb. Exaggerate or feign illness in order to escape work. To hang around so as to not do something, sickness being the excuse. Avoid work by Pretending to be sick. (SYN: Pretend to be ill, laziness)
- *She always malingered when it was her time to do house work.
- *He malingers every time his boss asks him to do something. He says he is sick.
Adjective. Not developing or doing anything, especially when this is only a temporary state. In a state or period of inactivity or dormancy. (SYN: Still, at rest, motionless) (ANT, Chaotic)
- *After the bad news, the party became quiescent.
- *Cancer could be quiescent for many years before diagnosis.
Adjective. Strongly opposed to social or political change in a way that is unreasonable. (SYN: Ultraconservative, traditionalist, old-fashion, backwards thinking.)
- *My uncle is so reactionary that he thinks that women should not vote.
- *His reactionary views are not welcome in congress.
Adjective. Not physically active. Tending to spend much time seated; (SYN Inactive, lethargic, lazy) Noun Sedentariness
- *As people get older they tend to become sedentary.
- *Being a baseball player is not a sedentary job.
Adjective. Not supported or proven by evidence. (SYN: unconfirmed, uncorroborated, unjustified)
Noun. A situation in which a difficult decision has to be made between two equally undesirable choices.
Noun. An amusing mistake that is made when someone uses a word that sound similar to the word they intended to say, but that means something completely different.
Adjective. Existing but not yet developed or manifest; hidden; concealed
Verb. Leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another. (SYN: Expatriate).
- *My parents emigrated from Italy a year ago.
- *The bad conditions in his country forced him to emigrate to the states.
Adjective. Soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing. Happening for a brief period of time. (SYN: Short-term, ephemeral, transitory).
- *His happiness was evanescent. He quickly realized he was being lied to.
- *UFO apparitions are evanescent. The come and quickly disappear.
Verb. To make a process or action happen more quickly. ease or speed up a process, help get things done. (SYN: Accelerate, speed up, precipitate)
- *A lawyer helped expedite the process. Now we are getting somewhere.
- *More money would expedite the construction.
Verb. To shock or excite someone so that they do something to solve a problem or improve a situation, etc. (SYN: Revitalize, motivate, stimulate, excite)
- *A good coach should be able to galvanize a team under the worst circumstances.
- *The good advice galvanized the young man to go to to school.
Noun. The ability to keep increasing, developing, or being more successful. The force that makes a moving object keep moving. force of movement, gaining of speed or energy.
- *The vehicle started a at decent speed but it gained momentum as it continued.
- *The economy was losing momentum as drug dealers were getting apprehended.
Verb. To multiply, reproduce, spread, promote, grow. Noun Propagation.
- *The propagation of theories has increased in the last decade.
- *The idea of the end of the world has propagated in the country.
Verb. To give official permission or approval for an action. offer support. (SYN: Authorize, permit allow, endorse)
- *The president sanctioned the new reforms to the constitution.
- *The government did not sanction the invasion to that country.
Noun. A polite word or expression that you used instead of a more direct one to avoid shocking or upsetting someone.
Adjective. Cheerful and hopeful about the future (SYN: Confident).
Adjective. Noisy and difficult to control. (SYN: Unruly, out of control, rebellious)
Adjective. Any substance smuggled against the law. (SYN: Illegal item)
- *Plant and fruits brought illegally from another country are considered contraband.
- *Contraband items are usually less expensive than legal items.
Adjective. Responsible for something bad that happened and deserving blame (SYN: Guilty) Noun Culpability.
- *The person who watches a crime is as culpable as the one committing it.
- *Parents are often culpable for their children’s insecurities.
Adjective. Neglectful of the law. Behaving in a way that society does not approve or illegal. Behavior that has tendency to commit crime. Late in payment. (SYN: Lawless)
- *Jail may not be the best place to rehabilitate delinquent mentally unstable people.
- *Delinquent couples are denied to adopt children.
Noun. Someone who enters or is involved in a situation, place or group where they should not be. (SYN: Intruder, trespasser) Unwanted person.
- *Immigrants feel as interlopers in their new country.
- *Security removes interlopers from the buildings on the daily basis.
Noun. Burglary or theft without breaking in.
- *Criminals who commit larceny are usually friends with the victim.
- *Victims need to have concrete proof in order to blame someone of larceny.
Noun. Not specific wrongdoing, any illegal activity.
- *The governor was fired from office after police found out about his malfeasance.
- *The teacher wonder if the new student had been involved in any malfeasance.
Noun. Small, unimportant offense, little crime. Minor offense.
- *Wetting the bed when I was little was my misdemeanor.
- *Eating the last cookie in the cookie jar is consider a misdemeanor.
Noun. Someone who commits a crime.
- *Your son is the perpetrator of the sex crime.
- *The police is looking for the perpetrator of multiple burglaries.
Engaging in dishonest and fraudulent business dealings.
Verb. Free someone from blame, responsibility, obligation, guilt. (SYN: Forgive). Noun. AbsolutionThe government did not absolve anyone of paying taxes.
*Many people pray to get absolution of sins.
Verb. To claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong, usually without prove. To assert something without prove. Noun allegation.
- *I am alleged to be the one who cause the confusion.
- *He is alleged to have killed those people.
Verb. Criticizes someone severely. Reprimand (someone) severely. Verbal form of punishment. Noun castigation.
- *He was castigated for not doing his job on time.
- *He used to spend his time castigating subordinates.
Verb. Express severe disapproval and/or criticism. (SYN: Condemnation, reproof, disapprove, reproach). To punish severely. Noun censorious.
- *The law censures the use of recreational drugs.
- *The mayor censured the protests this afternoon.
Noun. Less severe, mildness or forgiveness with regard of punishment. (SYN: mercifulness, indulgence, compassion,sympathy, pity)
- *Police officers have no clemency when they arrest someone for child abuse.
- *You will have to ask the judge for clemency before he makes his decision.
Adjective. Not influenced by considerations of personal advantage. (SYN: unbiased, impartial, not taking side, uninvolved, detached, objective, dispassionate, impersonal) (not uninterested). Adverb Disinterestedly. Noun Disinterestedness.
- *Psychologist are supposed to give a disinterested advice to their patients.
- *Judges are required to be a disinterested mind about the cases they hear.
Adjective. Having, showing, or done with good judgment, to be fair. SYN (sensible, careful, prudent, fair, sound judgment, discerning, intelligent). Adverb Judiciously, noun judiciousness.
- *You have to be very judicious about how much money to invest in the market.
- *Efficiency and judiciousness are characteristic of a good supervisor.
Adjective. Feeling sorry because you have done something bad and showing you dot not intent to do it again. (SYN: Repentant, regretful, ashamed). Noun penitence.
- *You have to look penitent before the judge.
- *Penitence is the first step towards change.
Adjective. Disjointed speaking or writing is not easy to understand, because the words or ideas are not connected in a understandable way.
Adjective. Having to do with the house or family. Happening or produced in one’s country. Noun Domesticity.
- *Lions are difficult to domesticate due to their aggressive behavior.
- *Domesticated snakes are great attractions at the circus.
Verb. Deprive something from someone. Rule out or prevent (a course of action)
- *His drug addiction will foreclose any attempts to go back to school.
- *The last symptom helped us foreclose a lethal disease as part of the diagnosis.
Adjective. Originated or occurring naturally in a particular area. (SYN: Native) Noun indigenousness.
- *Pink dolphins are indigenous to the amazon river.
- *It is hard to find out the indigenousness of many current diseases.
Adjective. Close to, nearness in space, time, or relationship.
- *Due to the proximity of my birthday, I am getting gifts already.
- *He lives in proximity to the hospital in which he works at.
Adjective. Moving, happening, or reacting more slowly than normal Lacking energy or alertness. Slow to respond or make progress. Noun Sluggishness
- *The computer has been sluggish all day long.
- *Consuming recreational drugs makes you feel tired and sluggish.
Adjective. Existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.
Adjective. Existing on or coming from the outside, irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with
Adjective. Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough, exceeding what is sufficient or necessary, not needed. (SYN: extravagant, unnecessary, redundant, nonessential, extra, uncalled for, unwarranted)
Adjective. Not justified, or authorized. (SYN: Unjustified, uncalled for, unnecessary, unreasonable, unjust, groundless, excessive, gratuitous, immoderate, disproportionate, undue, unconscionable, unjustified, indefensible, inexcusable, unforgivable, unpardonable)
Verb. Leave the main subject temporarily in speech or writing.