Lesson 11

  1. airplane
    fei1 ji1
  2. passenger
    cheng2 ke4
  3. dialouge
    dui4 hu4
  4. comrade
    tong2 zhi4
  5. to allow, to permit
  6. inhale smoke, to smoke
    chou1 yan1
  7. seat
    wei4 zi
  8. what business is it of yours?
    guan1 ni3 shen2 shi4
  9. to cough
    ke2 sou4
  10. to smell
  11. a smell, a taste
  12. reasonable
    jiang3 li3
  13. to announce over a loudspeaker, to broadcast
    guan3 bo1
  14. every person, everybody
    ge4 wei4
  15. passenger/traveler
    lu3 ke4
  16. to land (airplane)_
    jiang4 luo4
  17. airport
    ji1 chang3
  18. customs
    hai3 guan1
  19. declaration form
    shen1 bao4 dan1
  20. hurry up
    gan3 kuai4
  21. to come to a complete stop
    ting2 wen3
  22. to fasten
  23. safety belt
    an1 quan2 dai4
  24. safe
    an1 quan2
  25. seat
    zuo4 wei4
  26. international
    guo2 ji4
  27. guest
    ke4 ren2
  28. hotel
    fan4 dian4
  29. driver
    si1 ji1
  30. to pay (a bill for something)
  31. peoples currency, RMB
    ren2 min2 bi4
  32. foreign exchange certificate
    wai4 hui4 quan4
  33. to have a discount
    da3 zhe2
  34. receipt
    shou1 ju4
  35. to get into a car
    shang4 che1
  36. a cab, a taxi
    chu1 zu1 qi4 che1
  37. to rent
  38. to be familiar
  39. internationally, on puporse
    gu4 yi4
  40. make a detour, take the long route
    rao4 lu4
  41. to construct, to repair
  42. oh, is it so?
    oh, shi4 ma
  43. to be familiar with...
    dui4... shu2 xi
  44. very, quite
  45. the last several times
    qian2 ji3 ci4
  46. handle business
    ban4 shi4
  47. rush hour
    shang4 xia4 ban1 shi2 jian1
  48. to get of work
    xia4 ban1
  49. to have a traffic jam
    du3 che1
  50. simply,... at all
    gen1 ben3
  51. cannot move
    zou3 bu dong4
  52. urgent business
    ji2 shi4
  53. how many, how much
    duo1 shao3
  54. to be considered, to count as
  55. small fee, tip
    xiao3 fei4
  56. to take seriously, to pay attention to
  57. revolution
    ge2 ming4
  58. socialism
    she4 hui4 zhu3 yi4
  59. an adverb used to emphaisze the verb or adjective followed
  60. rule, regulation, social etiqutee
    gui1 ju3
  61. to give chagne
    zhao3 jao
  62. luggage, baggage
    xing2 li3
  63. to carry by handle, to carry
  64. luggage box, trunk
    xing2 li3 xiang1
  65. a cover, lid
    gai4 zi
  66. to block
  67. hotel
    lu3 guan3
  68. to reserve a room
    ding4 fang2 jian1
  69. to check, to look up
  70. a written record
    ji4 lu4
  71. to remember or record incorrectly
    ji4 cuo4
  72. do you mean to say that...?
    nan2 dao4
  73. order slip, reservation slip
    ding4 dan1
  74. unoccupied room, available room
    kong4 fan2
  75. to trouble, to bother
    ma2 fan2
  76. to take a bath, a shower
    xi3 zao3
  77. people
    ren2 min2
  78. had better
    hai2 shi4
  79. unfortunate
    dao3 mei2
  80. a moment ago, just now
    gang1 cai2
  81. service personnel
    fu2 wu4 yuan2
  82. to serve
    fu2 wu4
  83. service desk
    fu2 wu4 tai2
  84. bad
  85. noisy
  86. dirty
  87. bed sheets
    chuang2 dan1
  88. quilt
    bei4 zi
  89. pillowcase
    zhen3 tou2 tao4
  90. pillow
    zhen3 tou2
  91. cockroach
    zhang1 lang2
  92. to send, to assign
  93. weather
    tian1 qi4
  94. winter
    dong1 tian1
  95. to change; to exchange
  96. attitude
    tai4 du4
  97. simply too...
    jian3 zhi2
  98. not resemble speech, uncalled for
    bu2 xiang4 hua4
  99. imperialism
    di4 guo2 zhu3 yi4
  100. countenance
    zui3 lian3
  101. to pay, to contribute money
    chu1 qian2
  102. to lose one's temper
    fa1 pi2 qi4
  103. damn it! damn...
    ta1 ma1 de
Card Set
Lesson 11
Lesson 11