Zoo test 2

  1. There are about 5,500 living species, most marine although there are about____freshwater species and____ freshwater species in teh US.
    • 200
    • 30 in US
  2. Metazoa
    without tissue
  3. What is the level of organization in Phylum Porifera?
  4. What is the Symmery in Phylum Porifera?
    • None
    • superficially radial
  5. Choanocytes
    Unique flagellated cells that drive water through canals and chambers in the sponge: Aquiferous system
  6. Phylum Porifera has what type of reproduction?
    • sexual by sperm, egg, and ciliated larvae
    • Asexual though gemules and budding
  7. totipotent
    can change cells and change back
  8. All cells are loosley arranged into a gelatinous matrix called the...
  9. Water enters small holes called the...
  10. Water exits large holes called the...
  11. What are the three types of canal sponges?
    • Asconoid
    • Syconoid
    • Leuconoid
  12. Asconoid Sponges...
    • Simple organization
    • rarely exceed 10m in height
    • Choanoderm is one cell thick
  13. Syconoid condition:
    Simple folding of the pinacoderm and choanoderm
  14. As complexity increases in Syconoid sponges what may happen?
    the mesohyle may thicken and appear to be two layers thick
  15. Leuconoid sponges are the
    most common sponge
  16. Additional folding of the choanoderm and further thickining of the...
  17. 4 types of sponge cells are...
    • Pinacocytes
    • Poracytes
    • Choanocytes
    • Archeocytes
  18. Pinacocyte's main functions are..
    • Structure
    • Contraction
    • (like sponge skin)
  19. What are porocytes? and what is their function?
    • Cells that form a pore
    • To allow water flow
  20. Choanocytes do what?
    Line the flagellated canals and chambers
  21. What is a choanocytes main function?
    To create water flow
  22. Archeocytes (Mesenchyme) are found where?
    In the cellular matrix
  23. Archeocytes are what?
    amoeboid cells which can be non-sessile
  24. What are the main functions of Archeocytes?
    • Digestion
    • Secrete structural components such as spongin and spicules
  25. What keeps the Mesohyle together?
    • Spongin
    • spicules (spines)
  26. What is spongin?
    Fibers of collogen
  27. What are spicules?
    Spines, when placed together form a very rigid skeleton
  28. What are the three main classes of sponges?
    • Hexatinellida
    • calcarea
    • Demospongiea
  29. Calcarea sponges have what type of skeleton?
    Calcium carbonate...spicules
  30. Calcarea sponges are how tall?
    about 10cm
  31. Hexatinellida are what kind of sponges?
    • Glass sponges
    • ..spicules made of glass (six rayed)
  32. Where do hexactinellida live?
    Marine and deep water
  33. What is the common sponge?
  34. What type of skeleton does Demospongiea have?
    • It is variable
    • -spicules
    • -spongin
    • BOTH!
  35. Where does demospongiea live?
    Marine and include freshwater species
  36. Sponges are metazoans but don't have....
    True tissues
  37. sponges are an_____group
    Ancient...(dead end)
  38. In asexual sponge reproduction there is...
    • Budding
    • Fragmentation
    • Gemmule formation
  39. Gemmule formation happens in what type of sponges?
  40. Gemmules are formed in what kind of conditions?
  41. Gemmules are______ resistant
  42. Spongilla Lacustris
    is the most common FRESHWATER sponge.
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Zoo test 2