la pareja
couple, partner, mate
to marry, get married
enamorarse (de)
to fall in love (with)
expresar los sentimientos
to express one's feelings
llegar (gu) a conocer
to get to know
mostrar (ue) cariño en público
to show affection in public
quererse (ie)
to love each other
to deceive, trick, or swindle
tratar de (+ inf.)
to try to…
a pesar de
in spite of, despite
sin dudar
without hesitation
avergonzar (üe) (c)
to embarrass
comunicarse (qu) bien/mal
to communicte well/poorly
to divorce, get divorced
dudar en (+ inf.)
to hesitate to (do something)
llevarse bien/mal
to get along well/poorly
mantener la distancia entre los dos
to maintain distance between the two
revelar los secretos
to reveal one's secrets
to separate, get separated
tener celos
to be jealous
tener personalidades/valores incompatibles
to have incompatible personalities/values
We should...
¿Querría usted...?
Would you (formal)...?
el bienestar emocional
emotional well-being
los lazos afectivos
emotional bonds
la relación íntima
intimate relationship
el romanticismo
to get engaged
mirarse (profundamente) a los ojos
to star (deeply) into each other's eyes
salir en pareja
to go out as a couple
to know or be familiar with someone
para toda la vida
for life