el/la agente de inmigracion
immigration agent
el/la ciudadano/a
el conflicto cultural
cultural conflict
el coyote
smuggler of illegal immigrants
el/la indocumentado/a
undocumented person
el pais de origen
country of origin
correr el riesgo
to run the risk
dejarle pasar
to allow (someone) to pass
detener (irreg.)
to stop, detain
to discriminate
escapar (de)
to escape (from)
estar ansioso/a (por)
to be anxious (about)
estar entre dos culturas
to be (caught) between two cultures
irle bien/mal
to go well/poorly for (someone)
mandar de regreso
to deport
to check, inspect
ser prospero/a
to be prosperous
tener esperanza
to have hope, be hopeful
tener exito
to be successful
tener expectativas
to have expectations
tener la ciudadania
to have citizenship
tener la intencion de (+ inf.)
to intend to (do something)
vivir con la incertidumbre
to live with uncertainty
antes de (+ inf.)
before (doing something)
despues de (+ inf.)
after (doing something)
sufficient, enough
el conflicto cultural/generacional
cultural/generational conflict
la lengua nativa
native language
la raiz (pl. las raices)
dejarle (+ inf.)
to allow (someone) to (do something)
identificarse (con)
to identify oneself (with)
to preserve, maintain
ser consciente de
to be conscious of
tratar de mantener las costumbres
to try to maintain one's customs
gracias por (+ noun or infinitive)
thanks for (noun or present participle)
hace (mucho tiempo)
(a long time) ago
for, in order, toward
around, because of, by, for, through
por eso
for that (reason), that's why
por si acaso
just in case
se me hace
it seems to me (Mex.)