Chapter 33 invertebrates

  1. How a sponge feeds and digests its food
    • feed: filter feeders
    • digest: intracellular digestion
  2. Distinguish amoung the 4 classes of Plathelminthes
    • Turbellaria: all free living and mostly marine
    • Monogenea & Trematoda: complex life cycles with alternating sexual and asexual phases.
    • Trematoda that parasitize humans spend part of their lives in snail hosts

    clestoda: tapeworms, have 2 phases life cycle & 2 types of hosts, lack a digestive system.

    Taenia Solium: Pork tapeworm
  3. Name one member of each class
    • Monogenea: fish
    • trematodes: snail
    • Cestoda: Tapeworm
    • Taenia solium: pig
  4. Distinguish amoung the 3 classes of Annelida, give example of each.
    • Oligochaeta: earth worms
    • Polychaeta: Mostly marine, Oarapodia
    • Hirudinia: Leeches, freshwater
  5. Features of Spiders
    cheliceriforms, and have fore pairs of walking legs.
  6. characteristics of echinoderms that distinguish them from other animal phyla
    • 1) endoskeleton
    • 2)spiny skin
    • 3) pentaradial symmentry
    • 4)water vascular system
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Chapter 33 invertebrates