anything organisms do that involves action in response to internal or external stimuli
social structure
the composition, size, and sex ratio of a group of animals
behavioral ecology
the study of the evolution of behavior, emphasizing the role of ecological factors as agents of natural selection
the chemical processes within cells that break down nutrients and release energy for the body to use
groupings of females who are all descendants of one female
remaining in one's natal group or home range as an adult
life history traits
characteristics and developmental stages that influence rate of reproduction
behaviors or behavioral complexes that have been favored by natural selection because they're advantageous to the animals that perform them
living in the same area; pertaining to two or more species whose habitats partly and largely overlap
home range
the total area exploited by an animal or social group, usually given for one year or for the entire lifetime of an animal
reproductive strategies
the complex of behavioral patterns that contributes to individual reproductive success
members of the same species
dominance hierarchies
systems of social organization wherein individuals within a group are ranked relative to one another
any act that conveys information, in the form of a message, to another individual
pertaining to physiological responses that aren't under voluntary control
picking through fur to remove dirt, parasites, and other materials that may be present
sequences of repetitious behaviors that serve to communicate emotional states
ritualized behaviors
behaviors removed from their original context and sometimes exaggerated to convey information
pertaining to amicable associations between individuals
within the group, as opposed to between groups
reproductive strategies
the complex behavioral patterns that contributes to individual reproductive success
pertaining to k-selection, an adaptive strategy whereby individuals produce relatively few offspring, in whom they invest increased parental care
pertaining to r-selection, an adaptive strategy that emphasizes relatively large numbers of offspring and reduced parental care
sexual selection
a type of natural selection that operates on only one sex within a species
a mating system characterized by an association between a female and more than one male with whom she mates
a common behavior in many primate species whereby individuals other than the parent(s) hold, carry, and in general interact with infants