Microbiology Microbial Diseases

  1. Common modes of infection include __?__.
    • Direct Contact
    • Indirect Contact: Fomite, Horizontal transmission (Vectors)
  2. Virulence factors are present when there are __?__ which are more common in __?__ .
    • Virulence genes
    • Pathogenicity Islands
  3. Examples of virulent gene products include __?__.
    • Toxins (form pores block tln @ ribosome)
    • Capsul (polysaccharide shell)
    • Attachment proteins
  4. __?__ and __?__ are responsible for many skin and soft tissue infections.
    • S. aureus MRSA
    • S. pyrogenes
  5. S. aureus causes __?__ and can produce __?__.
    • Boils
    • Toxic shock superantigen
  6. S. pyrogenes causes __?__.
    Necrotizing facitis
  7. Viruse that usually infect through the upper respritory tract usually cause __?__. Some examples of these viruses include __?__.
    • Skin Rashes
    • Paramyxovirus - Rubella
    • Togavirus - Rubella
    • Poxviridae - small pox
    • Herps!
  8. The __?__ is the primary defense against respiratory tract infections and is inhibited by __?__.
    Mucociliary elevator (physical defense - Innate immune mechanism) dehydration (viscous musous)
  9. __?__ causes many respiratory tract infections due to __?__ virulence capabilty.
    • pneumiae
    • Capsul formation
  10. __?__ cause gastrointestinal infections by __?__.
    • Enterobactericiae
    • injection of type III toxin (Mech. transfers virulent prot. from bact. cytoplasm directly into host cell via syringe like prot inducing cell uptake)
  11. Examples of bacteria that infect the gastrointestinal tract include: __?__...
    Shigella (Shiga toxin), Enteroinvasive E.coli, Salmonella (Salmonutella - food poisoning)
  12. Examples of bacteria that cross the blood-brain barrier include: __?__..
    • N. meningitidis (has Type iv pili - often associated with BBB violation)
    • Strep pneumonia (also causes respritory infections [normal flora])
    • Streptococcus- Neonatal meningitis (#1)
    • E.coli - NeoMen(#2)
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Microbiology Microbial Diseases
Microbiology Microbial Diseases