US History 1501

  1. Pontiac's Rebellion
    • MID 1700s, after French and Indian War
    • Indian Confederacy that was formed to fight the white encroachment
    • happened because of the white desire to move west
    • Indians attacked 8 British forst
    • Torturous on both sides
    • Now Indians are all hostile, there's no categories
    • CONSEQUENCES Colonists attack Indians
    • Ended with Indians suing for peace
    • Royal Procalamation of 1763, set aside region west of the Appalachians as Indian Country
  2. "Virtual Representation"
    • Last half of the 18th century
    • In both the colonies and Britain
    • Colonists did not feel as though they were represented
    • Members of Parliament represented the colonies, and whenever they voted they thought of what was in the best interest for every British citizen
  3. Intolerable Acts
    • Late 1770s, 1774
    • Britain and the Massachusetts colony
    • British response to the Tea Party
    • Closed the Boston port until all the tea was repayed
    • Altered the Mass charters of 1691
    • limited town meetings in an attempt to stop colonists from getting together and planning resistance
    • lodge soldiers in private homes
    • unified colonies against common enemy
    • Lead up to the Revolution
  4. Battle of Saratoga
    • Late 1700s, 1777
    • During Revolutionary war
    • British versus colonists
    • Benedict Arnold is the big hero
    • Wasn't a huge win, but served a purpose
    • Showed the Americans would not be easily defeated
    • French now wanted to help americans
    • boosted american morale
  5. Shay's Rebellion
    • 1786-1787
    • Daniel Shay led a rebellion in Western Massachusetts
    • Mostly consisted of Farmers, they shut down the courts
    • Governor James Bowdoin sent an army and arrested over 1,000 people
    • Jefferson thought that this rebellion was good
    • Madison thought it was dangerous that liberty edangered by abuses of liberty
    • Nationalists argued the need for a stronger government
    • Wanted to do this with taxes, raised army, and regulate interstate and international trade
    • Needed to curb the excesses of democracy
  6. Federalist 10
    • Written in 1788
    • Part of a series of essays published in newspapers
    • most important am. document on political thought
    • Convince the public to accept the constitution
    • Changed the vision of a good republic
    • before, only small republics worked
    • he wanted to EXTEND THE SPHERE to secure democracy
    • the many different views of the people will result in it being impossible for one group to completely band together
    • i.e. all same religion, most likely not all the same political party
    • This justified western expansion
  7. Samuel Morse
    • Early to mid 1800s, 1832
    • Invented morse code
    • Helped to spread information much faster and across wider expanses faster
  8. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
    • 1787
    • Brought about by the American idea that expansion = stronger republic
    • but some leaders realized that western expansion = conflict with Indians
    • called for eventual creation of 3-5 states North of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River
    • US official signals their intent to settle
    • Territory inhabitants = citizens, not colonists
    • Could not take the land w/o Indian consent
    • Prevented slavery in this area
  9. Indian Removal Act of 1830
    • 1830
    • Reversal of Jefferson's policy of assimilation
    • Act funded the removal of many tribes in the southeast
    • But these weren't savage Indians, these were the ones trying to assimilate
    • Cherokees went to court to resist
    • Put in formal complaints
  10. Worcester v. Georgia
    • 1830s, after announcement of Indian Removal Act
    • Supported Indians in that it said that the state had to right to take them away from their land
    • Only the federal govenerment could mess with their land
    • The Indians were a distinct political identity
  11. War Hawks
    • Pre War of 1812
    • After the British step up impressments and interfere with Indians relations, the Republicans can't take it any longer.
    • They SCREAM for war like hawks
    • Pres. Madison asked congress to declare war against britain
  12. Embargo of 1807
    • Early 1800s
    • Caused by conflict between British and French
    • If the ships went to Europe, they could be impressed by the British, or stopped by the French
    • Therefore, embargo was created that stopped all contact with any country other than america
    • goal was to get europe to lift these blockades cause of lack of american trade
    • result they didn't even notice...
    • now the entire nation was in depression
  13. On Civil Disobedience
    • Mid 1800s
    • Henry David Thoreau
    • Main critic/opponent of slavery and the Mexican War
    • Was jailed for refusal to pay taxes in protest of the war
    • This work was a centerpiece work for the civil rights movement
    • much like gandhi with its ideas of passive resistance
  14. Dred Scott Decision
    • Mid 1800s
    • Dred Scott lived in a free state for a period of time
    • Therefore he was free
    • 7-2 vote against Scott
    • Has huge impact
    • Slaves are 100% property, 0% human
  15. George Whitefield
    • Alive during the 1700s
    • British colonies
    • Spread the Great Awakening
    • liked slavery
  16. Compromise of 1850
    • 1850
    • This is over what to do with California, a newly admitted state
    • Admitted as a FREE state
    • But with a Fugitive Slave Law
    • -must return slaves if they are found in the state to their owners
  17. Samuel Slater
    • Late 1700s
    • During Industrial Revolution
    • English immigrant
    • made yarn but with an "out work" system
    • First factory
  18. Triangle Trade
    • Reaches height in 18th century
    • Slave trade was abolished on January 1, 1808
    • Between Britain, Africa, and America
    • Slaves go to america
    • Raw materials go to britain
    • processed material go to Africa
    • Rinse and Repeat
  19. Lewis and Clark Expedition
    • After purchase of Louisiana, early 1800s
    • Exploring Louisiana Purchase
    • returned from expedition with detailed maps and drawings
    • these maps were printed and handed out, as advertisement of west
    • Sacagawea was their guide
  20. Banks Plan
    • Mid 1800s
    • General Nathaniel Banks
    • South, and Union lines
    • Wanted to reduce number of blacks fleeing to Union refuge camps
    • Freed people had to sign a contract that basically made them indebted indefinitely to their bosses, basically a slightly paid form of slavery
  21. Emancipation Proclamation
    • Mid 1800s, 1863
    • South, entirety of America
    • Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery
    • did this to weaken south and free slaves
    • made abolition a main goal of the civil war
    • troops would free slaves as they came across them in the south
  22. Laura Secord
    • During the war of 1812
    • Candian, Paul Revere of Canda
    • Born in Mass, and was from a loyalist family
    • She warned the british of the impending american attack
    • This resulted in a British victory
  23. Nativism
    • Late 1700s
    • Colonies/America
    • People opposed immigrants
    • Alien and Seditious Acts
    • Stopped immigrants from being granted certain rights.
  24. Presidential Reconstruction
    • Mid to late 1800s
    • Lincoln was assassinated, so now Johnson in president
    • His sympathy was with the white southerners
    • Took action even when congress wasn't in session
    • 1) would give land back to white southerners who took an oath
    • 2)for a state to be readmitted, it must abolish slavery and repudiate confederate war debts
    • 3) ordered that land be given back to whites
    • 4) Pardoned many people
    • because white southerners were back in power
    • the new white power and black resistance caused A LOT of violence
  25. Second Reconstruction Act
    • Mid to late 1800s
    • South, decision made in Congress
    • enforced black suffrage
    • put military in charge of voter registration and polling
    • Congressional reconstruction replaces presidential reconstruction
    • A lot more fair for the blacks
  26. Freedman's Bureau
    • Mid to late 1800s
    • Government agency that deals with hundreds of thousands of acres of not abandoned land
    • every black family is entitled to a 40 acre plot of land
  27. Presidential Election of 1876
    • 1876
    • Democractic Tilden vs. Republican Hayes
    • Across America, Tilden won by a VERY small margin
    • declared fraud that he had won
    • Hayes was declared the winner
    • Ordered the federal troops out of the south and ended the reconstruction
  28. Sherman's March
    • Mid 1800s
    • End of Civil War
    • Georgia, Savannah
    • Burns Columbia, seizes Savannah
    • Anarchy on Plantations
    • Wanted to completely incapacitate the south and just burn everything they owned and take everything from them
  29. Harper's Ferry
    • Mid 1800s
    • Virginia
    • John Brown and others attacked
    • Seized armory, attacked arsenal @ Harper's Ferry
    • Brown ordered others to liberate slaves and take slaveholders as hostage
    • Colonel Lewis Washington taken as hostage
    • Tried to get slaves to rise up, but they didn't
    • Brown was caught, tried, convicted, and hanged
  30. Eli Whitney
    • Late 1700s
    • South
    • Invented the cotton gin
    • This is what made cotton king and made it so easy to replace tobacco as the next big cash crop
    • cotton growing spread throughout the south
    • firmly fixed slavery in south
  31. Charles Finney
    • Early 1800s
    • Inspired by Religious Revivals
    • National celebrity
    • Popular emotional preaching style, like of the 1st Great Awakening
    • YOU chose God, all about free will
    • Very different message
    • You control yourself
  32. 1) Using Lowell factory sources and Faust’s “Community, Culture, and Conflict” essay, answer the following question. How do the factory owners and Hammond manage labor? Be sure to develop a thesis.
    Both the factory owners and Hammond were strict in some aspects such as religion, but lenient in others specific to their jobs in order to actually increase productivity and satisfaction of their workers.
  33. 1) Using Taking Sides Issue #10 “Did the Industrial Revolution Provide More Economic Opportunities for Women in the 1830s,” Lowell factory sources, and Holt’s “Negro State Legislators,” answer the following question: How does class affect the experiences of white women in the Industrial Revolution and black freemen in Reconstruction?
    African Americans and women both experienced their revolutions very differently, gaining more freedom and less freedom of choice respectively due to their then current position in society.
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US History 1501
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