MA 203 A & P

  1. Functions of Skin (5)
    • Protection
    • Perception
    • Temperature Control
    • Absorption
    • Excretion
  2. How Skin Regulate Body Temperature
    • Blood vessels close to skin surface dilate
    • Heat from blood escapes through skin
    • Body cools
    • Blood vessels constrict to warm
  3. How Body Cool Surface
    • Body produces sweat
    • Air evaporates sweat from skin
    • Cooling effect is felt
  4. Skin Layers (3)
    • Epidermis - outer top layer
    • Dermis - middle layer
    • Subcutaneous - inner layer
  5. Skin Layers
    Forms with dermis layer papillae to create uneven surface (finger prints)
  6. Skin Layers
    • Blood vessels, nerves, hair follicles, sweat and oil glands
    • Called "True Skin"
  7. Skin Layers
    Filled with fat globules, blood vessels and nerves
  8. Skin Appendages (4)
    • Sweat Glands
    • Oil Glands (Sebaceous)
    • Hair
    • Nails
  9. Albinism
    • No color
    • Hair yellow or white
    • Eyes red in color (no iris pigment)
    • Must wear sunglasses
    • Must use sunscreen (cover skin)
  10. Vesicle
    • Small circumscribed lesion
    • filled with exudate and lymph
  11. Pustule
    • A round lesion
    • White center
    • Red periphery that usually itches
  12. Macule
    • Variously colored spot
    • Neither elevated nor depressed
  13. Papule
    • Solid, elevated circle
    • Red mass pinhead to pea size
  14. Wheal
    • Blisterlike
    • Elevated mass containing serous fluid
  15. ABCD Rule
    • Shape
    • Border
    • Color
    • Diameter
  16. Transdermal
    Applying medication to skin
  17. What can pass through skin
    • O2
    • Vitamins
  18. What Can't Pass Through Skin
    Carbon Monoxide
  19. Dermis Contains:
    • Blood vessels
    • Nerves
    • Hair follicles
    • Sweatand Oil glands
  20. Trichotillomania
    Hair loss due to pulling out from compulsive behavior
  21. Describe Melanoma
    • Asymmetry
    • Irregular pigmentation
    • Diameter larger than 6mm
  22. Herpes Simplex
    Located around nose and mouth
  23. Verrucae
  24. Wheal
    • Temporary red
    • Itchy spots
    • Caused by allergic reaction or insect bite
  25. Melanin
    • Brown - Black pigment
    • Produced by cells called Melanocytes in epidermis
  26. Erythema
    • Redness of skin
    • AKA Sunburn
  27. Skin
    Diagnostic Testing
    • Used to diagnose disorders and diseases of the body
    • Mostly Allergies
  28. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Acne Vulgaris
    • Inflammatory disease of follicles of sebaceous glands
    • Suggest hormonal dysfunction and oversupply of sebum
  29. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Loss of hair on scalp
    • 2 types: scarring type - irreversible hair loss and nonscarring - usually reversible (male pattern baldness)
  30. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Basal Cell Carcinoma
    • Sloow growing
    • Most common malignant tumor affecting caucasions
  31. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    • Invasive tumor with mastastic potential
    • Highest in fair skinned caucasian males over 60
    • Found on sun-damaged areas
  32. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Malignant Melanoma
    • Occurs between 50-70 years age
    • More in women
    • 4 Types: superficial spreading, nodular, lentigo maligna, and acral lentiginous
    • Exposure to sun
  33. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Acute diffuse / spreading inflammation of skin and subcutaneous tissue
    • Localized swelling, pain, heat, redness
  34. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Any form of skin condition
    • Dry skin, redness, itching, edema, lesions, and scaling
  35. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Noncontagious acute or chronic
    • Dry, red, itchy. scaly skin
    • Watery discharge if becomes chronic
  36. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Infection of hair folicle
    • Formation of pustule
  37. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Boils
    • Hard, pianful nodules enlarge over several days
    • Rupture releasing pus and dead cells
    • Single drainage point
  38. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Begins as nodule
    • Spreads to involve adjacent hair folicles
    • Deep follicular abscesses of several follicles with multi drainage points
  39. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Herpes Zoster
    • Acute infectious process AKA Shingles
    • Severe neuralogic pain along involved nerves
    • Fever, malaise, eruption of vesicles in painful area
    • Caused by varicella zoster virus (chickenpox)
  40. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Most common symptom - facial hair
    • Deepening voice, increase muscle mass
  41. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Contagious superficial skin infection of younger children
    • From flat defined edges (macule) to raised lesion containing serus fluid (vesicle) to lesion with purulent material (pustule)
    • Lesion breaks leaving yellow crust from exudate
  42. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Scar that developed excess dense tissue
  43. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Lyme Disease
    • Tick borne disease
    • Bulls-eye red mark 3-30 days after bite
  44. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Capitis - Head Lice
    • Corporis - Body Lice
    • Pubis - Pubic Lice
  45. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Poison Ivy
    • Dermatitis from contact from poison ivy plant
    • Small blisters
  46. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Chronic inflammatory condition
    • Affected by environment
    • Red papules that are covered with silvery scales
    • Dry cracked and encrusted covering large areas
  47. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Fungus
    • Tinea Capitis - Scalp
    • Tinea Corporis - Body
    • Tinea Pedia - Athlete's Foot
  48. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Chronic skin eruption
    • Makes face and nose look flushed
  49. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Skin infestation by itch mites
    • Intense itching at night
    • Spread by contact or sexual activity
  50. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    • Self limiting reaction to allergens
    • Occurs during stressful or emotional times
    • Produces distinct raised wheals
  51. Skin Diseases / Disorders
    Verrucae (Warts)
    • Noncancerous viral infection of skin
    • Usually on extremities
    • Caused by human papillomavirus
    • Spread by direct contact
  52. Dermabrasion
    • Controlled scraping of top layer of skin
    • Removes scars from acne or accidents
Card Set
MA 203 A & P
Chapter 11 Unit 4