the tendency of people to see the world only from their own cultural perspective
an organized attempt by one society to eradicate another society or subgroup often not always violent
rights of possession of land
usufructuary rights
is a complex national system of radical cultural and political domination that produces privileges beyond the surplus value generated by capitalism
marriage within ones own group
the process of continuing settler control and domination of Aboriginal Peoples.
internal colonialism
a place of residence and work where a large number of like situated individuals cut off from the wider society for an appropriate period of time together lead an enclosed formally administered round of life
total institution
essentially the removing of articles personal identification and other elements that tell individuals who they are
identity stripping
a lively hood earned by both traditional and modern means
duel economy
promises not fulfilled or interpretations of what was promised by either the treaties or scrip
specific claims
claims involving lands that they have never legally surrendered
comprehensive claims
small cultural and linguistic groups living together or coming together at various seasons and times as part of a larger Aboriginal society also a local unit operating under the Indian Act
the world of the everyday the expected the mundane the explainable