Lab practical

  1. How does the microscope view it's slides?
    upside down and inverted
  2. What Kingdom does clostridium tetani fall into?
    kingdom monera
  3. What phyllum does clostridium tetani fall under?
  4. What kind of bacterium is a clostridium tetani?
    endospore-forming bacterium
  5. What are endospores?
    highly reproductive structures which survive harsh conditions
  6. What is anterior?
    the side toward the front of the oganism as it approaches me
  7. what is posterior
    the side farthesy away from you as the organism approaches
  8. what is asymmetrical?
    the same
  9. what is epithelial tissue
    thin layers of cells that line the outer surface of the body
  10. what are the 3 basic shapes of epithelial cells?
    squamouos, cuboidal, and columnar
  11. wjat are the 3 functions of epithelial tissue?
    protection, secretion, and absorption
  12. what are the 3 types of epithelial tissue?
    stratisfied squamous, simple cuboidal, and pseudostratified columnar
  13. what are the 4 connective tissues?
    cartilage, bone, blood, and tendons
  14. what are the 3 types of muscle tissue?
    skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
  15. What is the dorsal side?
    to the back
  16. what is the ventral side?
    to the belly
  17. what is a longitudinal section
    cuts the specimen along or parrallel to the longest axis
  18. what is a transverse section
    a cut that is perpendicular to the long axis
  19. what is an oblique section
    the cut that is made at some angle less than the 90 perpendicular angle of a transverse section
  20. What is a renal cortex?
    outer layer of a kidney
  21. what is the renal corpuscle?
    beginning of a nephron
Card Set
Lab practical
parts of a micro