Decision Making Med Psych

  1. Normative decision theory
    • How people should make decisions
    • Expected Utility theory (probability x utility)
  2. Descriptive Decision theory
    • How people actually make decisions
    • Prospect theory
  3. 2-system model of cognition
    • System I - intuition
    • System II - reasoning
  4. Availability
    Liklihood of event evaluated by ease of which examples come to mind
  5. Representativeness
    Probability of diagnosis judged by similarity of the case to diagnostic category
  6. Anchoring, insufficient adjustment
    Inaccurate initial estimate, not enough weight given to new info
  7. Hindsight bias
    Tend to confidently judge that they knew event would occur after it occured
  8. Ego bias
    Tendency to overestimate own performance, underestimate others'
  9. Omission bias
    Felling worse about adverse outcomes due to activity rather than due to inaction
  10. Outcome bias
    Decisions evaluated more favorably if lead to positive outcomes
  11. Framing effects
    Framing of a choice can make difference to decision
  12. Choice bias
    Choosing a given treatment option more often when there are additional alternatives
  13. Sunk-cost Bias
    Choosing to continue with treatment plan with questionable merit due to time and resources already invested
  14. Peak-end rule and duration neglect
    Retrospective evaluations depend on worst and last moments of discomfort
  15. Baye's theorem
    Probability of a hypothesis is a function of new evidence and previous knowledge
  16. Bias
    Systematic deviation from normatively derived solution
  17. Cognition
    Study of human mental processes and role in thinking, feeling, behaving
  18. Fallacy
    Logical argument which has not deductively valid conclusion
  19. Heuristics
    Simple cognitive shortcuts
  20. Rationality
    Basing opinions and actions on reason rather than on intuition/emotion
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Decision Making Med Psych
Decision Making Med Psych