Behavioral Social Med Psych

  1. Social psychology
    Psychology of more than one person
  2. Psychology of learning
    Study of increases and decreases to the likelihood of given behavior
  3. Associationism
    Stimuli become associated with one another
  4. Functionalism
    Psychology considered in terms of functional role in adaptation to environment
  5. Social Facilitation
    In presence of others, well-learned (dominant) responses exaggerated, subordinate responses suppressed
  6. Classical conditioning
    Unconditioned stimuli elicit certain unconditioned automatic responses
  7. Group dynamics
    • Behavior is a function of an individual person and his environment
    • Attitudes/behaviors influenced by other individuals/groups
  8. Operant COnditioning/INstrumental learning
    Law of Effect
    Behavior is increased or decreased based on consequences
  9. INformal Social Communication
    People are most influenced by those whom they interact most frequently
  10. Social Comparison
    • In absence of objective physical standards, people compare themselves with similar others
    • Upward - set goals
    • Downward - look at self more positively
  11. Affiliation
    Innate need to affiliate, especially in ambiguous situations and arousal
  12. Deinvididuation and Individuation
    Withing groups - people have need to stand out and be lost in group
  13. Social Learning Theory
    Law of effect applied to watching other's behaviors and consequences
  14. Cognitive Dissonace and Consistency (Balance Theory)
    • Preference toward consistency
    • Change in attitudes, beliefs to achieve lack of conflicting ideas
  15. Social Loafing, Bystander intervention
    In group, individual responsibility minimized - take fewer risks to contribute
  16. Attribution and Misattribution
    • Attribute own successes to individual factors
    • Attribute own failures to external factors
    • Vice versa for others
  17. Attitude Formation and Change
    • Factors can affect success in persuading an audience
    • Primacy/recency
    • Two-sided arguments
    • Source credibility
    • Repetition
  18. Behavioral Economics
    Likelihood of given behavior decreases as cost increases (not necessarily monetary cost)

    Tend to overvalue immediate rewards, undervalue delayed rewards
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Behavioral Social Med Psych
Behavioral Social Med Psych