psych 230 exam 3 chapter 10

  1. Growth spurt
    period of rapid growth, changes in body propiortions, weight and height increases
  2. Puberty: Primary sex characteristics
    associated with organs directly related to reproduction
  3. Puberty: Secondary sex characteristics
    sign of sexual maturity that do not directly involve sex organs
  4. Brain development (as it pertains to puberty): prefrontal cortex
    regulation of emotions
  5. Brain development (as it pertains to puberty): Cerebellum
    lacking in teen years, lack intelectual(rational) thought
  6. Anorexia Nervosa
    severly underweight, distorted body image, issues with control, often restrict themselfs from eating, may be also binge and purge
  7. Bulimia
    not severly overweight, distorted body image, issues with control, binge and purge behavior is common
  8. Cognitive development (as it pertains to adolescence)
    egocentrism (increase) and imaginary audience (perception that others are judging the adolescence)
  9. Piagets theory: stage 4 (formal operational stage)
    ages 12+, characterized by abstract reasoning and speculation, ability to think more in terms of hypotheticals
  10. Information processing approach
    continued increases in memory and attention, metacognition (knowlege of ones own thought process)
  11. Substance abuse: Alcohol (current drinker)
    have at least 1 drink in the past 30 days
  12. Substance abuse: Alcohol (binge drinking)
    consume 5 or more drinks in a row (mostly males)
  13. Substance abuse: Alcohol (Heavy drinker)
    bringe drink on at least 5 diffrent occasions in the past 30 days
  14. Factors related to cause of substance abuse: Biological/genetic factors
  15. Factors related to cause of substance abuse: physiological factors
    tension reduction
  16. Factors related to cause of substance abuse: social/enviornmental factors
    modeling, operant conditioning
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psych 230 exam 3 chapter 10
psych 230 exam 3 chapter 10