John Who Page41.txt
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Whose flocks
Whose flocks and herds also drank from the well? / Our father Jacob's / John 4:12
Whose food
Whose food is to do the will of him who sent him and to finish his work? / Jesus / John 4:34
Whose form
Whose form have the Jews never seen? / the Father who sent Jesus / John 5:37
Whose garments
Whose garments did they divide among them? / Jesus / John 19:24
Whose glory did
Whose glory did Isaiah see? / Jesus' / John 12:41
Whose glory does
Whose glory does Jesus want those the Father has given him to see? / Jesus' / John 17:24
Whose glory have
Whose glory have we seen? / The glory of the One and Only / John 1:14
Whose glory means
Whose glory means nothing if he glorifies himself? / Jesus / John 8:54
Whose glory would
Whose glory would Martha see if she believed? / God's / John 11:40
Whose grasp
Whose grasp did Jesus escape? / The Jews / John 10:39
Whose grief
Whose grief will turn to joy? / Jesus' disciples/ John 16:20
Whose guilt
Whose guilt remains now that they claim they can see? / The Pharisees' / John 9:41
Whose hands
Whose hands should Thomas see? / Jesus / John 20:27
Whose heart
Whose heart is troubled? / Jesus' / John 12:27
Whose herds
Whose herds also drank from the well? / Our father Jacob's / John 4:12
Whose hopes
Whose hopes are set on Moses? / The Jews / John 5:45
Whose is all Jesus
Whose is all Jesus has? / The Father / John 17:10
Whose is all that
Whose is all that belongs to the Father? / Jesus / John 16:15
Whose is all the
Whose is all the Father has? / Jesus / John 17:10
Whose joy is
Whose joy is now complete? / John's / John 3:29
Whose joy may be complete?
Whose joy may be complete? / Jesus' disciples / John 15:11
Whose joy may be in
Whose joy may be in his disciples? / Jesus' / John 15:11
Whose joy will be
Whose joy will be complete? / Jesus' disciples / John 16:24
Whose joy will no
Whose joy will no one take away? / Jesus' disciples/ John 16:22
Whose judgment
Whose judgment is just? / The Son's / John 5:30
Whose king is coming,
Whose king is coming, seated on a donkey's colt? / Daughter of Zion / John 12:15
Whose king is seated
Whose king is seated on a donkey's colt? / Daughter of Zion / John 12:15
Whose kingdom is not
Whose kingdom is not of this world? / Jesus' / John 18:36
Whose kingdom is now
Whose kingdom is now from another place? / Jesus' / John 18:36
Whose lambs
Whose lambs should Simon Peter feed? / Jesus / John 21:15
Whose language
Whose language is not clear to the Jews who believed Jesus? / Jesus' / John 8:43
Whose legs did the soldiers break?
Whose legs did the soldiers break? / the two others who had been crucified with Jesus / John 19:32
Whose legs did the soldiers not
Whose legs did the soldiers not break? / Jesus' legs / John 19:33
Whose life did
Whose life did the Sanhedrin plot to take from that day on? / Jesus' / John 11:53
Whose life were
Whose life were the Jews in Judea waiting to take? / Jesus' / John 7:1
Whose light
Whose light did the Jews choose for a time to enjoy? / John's / John 5:35
Whose love
Whose love do the Jews not have in their hearts? / God's / John 5:42
Whose mother said
Whose mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you"? / Jesus' / John 2:5
Whose mother was
Whose mother was at a wedding at Cana in Galilee? / Jesus / John 2:1
Whose name was John?
Whose name was John? / A man who was sent from God / John 1:6
Whose name was Malchus?
Whose name was Malchus? / The high priest's servant / John 18:10
Whose other
Whose other witness is the Father? / Jesus' / John 8:18
Whose parents
Whose parents said, "He is of age; ask him."? / The parents of the man who had been blind from birth / John 9:23
Whose peace
Whose peace does Jesus give his disciples? / Jesus' / John 14:27
Whose people
Whose people live scattered among the Greeks? /The Jews/ John 7:35
Whose praise
Whose praise do the Jews make no effort to obtain? / the praise that comes from the only God / John 5:44
Whose prayer is not for
Whose prayer is not for those whom the Father has given him alone? / Jesus / John 17:20
Whose prayer is not that
Whose prayer is not that the Father take them out of the world? / Jesus' / John 17:15
Whose prayer is that
Whose prayer is that the Father protects them from the evil one? / Jesus' / John 17:15
Whose servant
Whose servant did Simon Peter strike, cutting off his right ear? / The high priest's servant / John 18:10
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John Who Page41.txt
john whos bible quizzing