semester 1 acp/faom

  1. the four finger measurement is?
    3 cun
  2. the length of the middle phalangeal bone of middle finger is?
    1 cun
  3. index finger from proximal interphalangeal joint to tip is?
    2 cun
  4. between the angles of anterior hairline is?
    9 cun
  5. between anterior hairline and eyebrow is ?
    3 cun
  6. bet. anterior and posterior hairline is ?
    12 cun
  7. from posterior hairline to c7 is?
    3 cun
  8. bet. mastoid processess is?
    9 cun
  9. from suprasternal notch to xiphi-sternal junction is?
    9 cun
  10. dist. bet. the nipples
    8 cun
  11. dist. from the umbilicus to the pubic bone is?
    5 cun
  12. dist. from axillary fossa to inferior border of last rib (at lateral side of costal margin)?
    12 cun
  13. dist. from inferior border of last rib to greater tronchanter?
    9 cun
  14. dist. from axillary crease to cubital crease is?
    9 cun
  15. dist. from cubital crease to wrist crease?
    12 cun
  16. dist. from greater trochanter to center of politeal crease/ patella
    19 cun
  17. dist. from top of pubic bone to medial epicondyle of femur?
    18 cun
  18. dist. from center of popliteal crease to lateral malleolus?
    16 cun
  19. dist. from medial condyle of tibia to medial malleolus?
    13 cun
  20. dist. from gluteal crease to popliteal crease?
    14 cun
  21. dist. from lateral malleolus to sole of foot?
    3 cun
  22. dist. bet. edges of sacrum( at sacroiliac joints)
    3 cun
  23. dist. bet the medial border of two scapulae?
    6 cun
  24. dist. from posterior midline to medial border of scapula?
    3 cun
  25. iliac crest is level with? (s.p.)
  26. end of 12th rib is level with
  27. inferior angle of scapula is level with?
  28. Medial border of root of scapular spine is level with ?
  29. explain how to locate c7 and T1
    • * Run your finger down the neck along the midline·
    • * The first palpable vertebral spinous process is C6·
    • *Ask the patient to extend their neck, C6 will disappear·
    • * The next vertebra down is C7, much more readily palpable, and remains palpable even
    • when the neck is extended.·
    • *Ask the patient to prop themselves up on their elbows and rotate the neck from side
    • to side.·
    • *C7 will rotate slightly, but T1 will not move with the rotation of the neck. T1 is
    • the most prominent vertebra at the base of the neck.·
    • *The vertebra from T1 to T9 are counted downward from C7.
  30. explain how to locate the sternocoastal angle (xiphi-sternal juction)
    * Also called the xiphi-sternal junction

    • *Run the forefinger upward along the lower margin of the ribcage into the
    • depression immediately below the solid bony part of the sternum

    *This is where the cartilaginous xiphoid process meet the bony sternum.

    • *The xiphoid process can vary in size substantially and may either be visible and
    • palpable or invisible and impalpable. In older individuals, the xiphoid
    • may calcify and it you may confuse the lower level of sternum with the
    • lower level of the xiphoid process.
  31. Th conception vessel is also called_______________ and _________________
    • Ren
    • The Conception Vessel
    • “Sea of Yin Channels”
    • Extraordinary Vessel
  32. The Conception vessel ascends_____________.
    Ascends along the midline of the anterior of the body.
  33. as one of the 8 extraordinary vessels it is opened by its confluent point which is _________________.
    *It is one of the 8 extra ordinary vessels.

    *Lu-7 is the confluent (opening) point for Ren
  34. How many points are on the conception vessel?
    24 points
  35. write out the location and the number of the first and last point ->
    • First point -> Ren 1location: at the perineum midway between the anus and the scrotum in men and the anus
    • and posterior labial commissure in women.

    • Last Point -> Ren 24 location : above the chin, in the depression in the centre of the mentolabial
    • groove.
  36. which point is the lou connecting point of the conception vessel?
    Ren15 is the Luo connecting point.
  37. what is a "luo connecting" point?
    • *Where qi of this channel disperses and spreads down over the abdomen.
    • *Luo connecting channels diverge from the primary channel at the luo connecting point.
    • *The actions of the luo-connecting points:
    • *Treating disorders of their interiorly-exteriorly related channel or zang fu
    • *Treating disorders in regions reached by luo connecting channel
    • *Treating psycho-emotional disorders
  38. what is a mu point and what part of the body are mu points located?
    • Mu Points :
    • -> Located on chest or abdomen in close proximity to their respective zang or
    • fu.
    • -> The term “mu” means to gather or collect, where the qi of the zangfu
    • gathers and concentrates on the anterior surface of the body. “Mark
    • Seem’s Mu Point Boogie”
  39. list out the 6 mu points located on the conception vessel and their locations->
    *Ren 3 –Bladder

    *Ren 4 – Small Intestine

    *Ren 5 – San Jiao (Triple Heater)

    • *Ren 12 – Stomach (Influential point of Fu “Hui-Meeting Point”
    • see Rolly Chart)

    *Ren 14 – Heart

    *Ren 17 – Pericardium (Influential point of Qi “Hui-Meeting Point” see Rolly Chart)
  40. are there any influential points (Hui meeting points) located on the conception vessel? if yes list them and their locations :
    *Ren 12: stomach ( inf. pt. of Fu "Hui-meeting point" )

    *Ren 17: pericardium ( inf. pt. of Qi "Hui-meeting point" )
  41. List any points that are contraindicated in the conception vessel, and why:

    *Ren 8 *** Contraindicated to needling *** salt moxa only.

    *Ren 1 *** Contraindicated in pregnancy ***
  42. Ren1 :
    • Ren 1:
    • * at perineum, midway bet. anus and scrotum in men, anus and posterior labial commisure in women
    • Contraindicated in pregnancy
  43. Ren 2 :
    • Ren 2:
    • *on the midline of the lower abdomen at the superior border of the pubic symphysis, 5 cun below the umbilicus
  44. Ren 3:
    • Ren 3:
    • *Mu point of Bladder
    • *4 cun inferior to umbilicus, on the midline of the lower abdomen
  45. Ren 4:
    • Ren 4:
    • *Mu point of Small Intestins
    • *3 cun inferior to umbilicus, on the midline of the lower abdoment
  46. Ren 5:
    • Ren 5:
    • *Mu pt. of San Jiao
    • *2 cun superior to the pubic symphysis
  47. Ren 6:
    • Ren 6 :
    • *Sea of Qi,
    • *1.5 cun inferior to the umbilicus, 3 cun superior to the pubic symphysis.
  48. Ren 7:
    • Ren 7 :
    • *1 cun inferior to the umbilicus, 4 cun superior to the pubic symphysis.
  49. Ren 8:
    • Ren 8 :
    • *center of the navel, do not needle.
  50. Ren 9:
    • Ren 9 :
    • *on the midline of the abdomen, 1 cun above umbilicus, 7 cun below the sternocostal angel.
  51. Ren10:
    • Ren 10 :
    • *on the midline of the abdomen, 2 cun above umbilicus, 6 cun below the sternocostal angel.
  52. Ren 11:
    • Ren 11:
    • *on the midline of the abdomen, 3 cun above umbilicus, 5 cun below the sternocostal angel.
  53. Ren 12:
    • Ren 12:
    • *Mu point of Stomach
    • *Influential Point of Fu
    • *on the midline of the abdomen, midway between the umbilicus and the sternocostal angle.
  54. Ren 13:
    • Ren 13:
    • *on the midline of the abdomen, 5 cun above umbilicus, 3 cun below the sternocostal angel.
  55. Ren 14:
    • Ren 14:
    • *MU point of Heart
    • *on the midline of the abdomen, 6 cun above umbilicus, 2 cun below the sternocostal angel.
  56. Ren 15:
    • Ren 15:
    • *Luo Connnecting Point
    • *on the midline of the abdomen, 7 cun above umbilicus, 1 cun below the sternocostal angel.
  57. Ren 16:
    • Ren 16 :
    • *on the midline of the sternum at the sternocostal angle.
  58. Ren 17:
    • Ren 17:
    • *Mu point of Pericardium (Heart Protector)
    • *Influential Point of Qi
    • *on the midline of the sternum, in depression level with junction of the 4th intercostal space.
  59. Ren 18:
    • Ren 18:
    • *on the midline of the sternum, in the depression level with the junction of the 3rd intercostal space.
  60. Ren 19:
    • Ren 19:
    • *on the midline of the sternum, in the depression level with the junction of the 2rd intercostal space.
  61. Ren 20:
    • Ren 20:
    • *on the midline of the sternum, in the depression level with the junction of the 1rd intercostal space.
  62. Ren 21:
    • Ren 21:
    • *on the midline of the manubrium of the sternum midway between Ren 20 and Ren 22.
  63. Ren 22:
    • Ren 22 :
    • *on the midline, in the center of the suprasternal fossa, 0.5 cun superior to the suprasternal notch.
  64. Ren 23:
    • Ren 23 :
    • *on the anterior midline of the neck, in the depression above the hyoid bone.
  65. Ren 24:
    • Ren 24:
    • *above the chin in the depression in the center of the mentolabial grove.
  66. Du 1:
    • Du 1:
    • *Luo Connecting point
    • *on midline, midway between the tip of coccyx and anus.
  67. Du 2:
    • Du 2:
    • *on midline, in sacro-coccygeal hiatus
  68. Du 3:
    • Du 3:
    • *on midline of lower back, in depression below the spinous process of L4
  69. Du 4:
    • Du 4:
    • *on midline of lower back, in depression below the spinous process of L2
    • * “ming men, life gate”
  70. Du 5:
    • Du 5:
    • *on midline of lower back, in depression below the spinous process of L1
  71. Du 6:
    • Du 6:
    • *on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of T11
  72. Du 7:
    • Du 7:
    • *on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of T10
  73. Du 8:
    • Du 8 :
    • *on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of T9
  74. Du 9:
    • Du 9:
    • on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of T7
  75. Du 10:
    • Du 10:
    • *on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of T6
  76. Du 11:
    • Du 11:
    • *on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of T5
  77. Du 12:
    • Du 12:
    • * on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of T3
  78. Du 13:
    • Du 13:
    • * on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of T1
  79. Du 14:
    • Du 14:
    • *on midline of back, in depression below the spinous process of C7
    • * “meeting of yang channels”
  80. Du 15:
    • Du 15:
    • *on midline at the nape of neck, in depression 0.5 cun inferior to Du 16,
    • *below the spinous process of C1 (caution)
  81. Du 16:
    • Du 16 :
    • *on midline at the nap of neck, in depression immediately below the external occipital protuberance (caution)
  82. Du 17:
    • Du 17:
    • *at the back of head on the midline, 1.5 cun directly above Du16, in the depression directly superior to the external occipital protuberance
  83. Du 18:
    • Du 18:
    • *at the back of head, 1.5 cun superior to Du 17,
    • *midway between Du 16 and Du 20.
  84. Du 19:
    • Du 19:
    • *at the back of head on midline, 1.5 cun superior to Du 18 and 1.5 cun posterior to Du 20
  85. Du 20:
    • Du 20:
    • * “Hundred Meetings” at the vertex of the head,
    • *on the midline in the depression 5 cun posterior to the anterior hairline and 7 cun superior to the posterior hairline.
  86. Du 21:
    • Du 21:
    • *At the top of the head on midline, 1.5 cun directly anterior to Du 20 and 3.5 cun posterior to anterior hairline
  87. Du 22:
    • Du 22:
    • *At the top of the head on midline, 2 cun posterior to anterior hairline
  88. Du 23:
    • Du 23:
    • *At the top of the head on midlnie, 1 cun posterior to anterior hairline
    • * .5 cun posterior to Du 23
  89. Du 24:
    • Du 24:
    • *On the head, 0.5 cun directly above the midpoint of the anterior hairline.
  90. Du 25:
    • Du 25:
    • *On the region of the face, on the tip of the nose.
  91. Du 26:
    • Du 26:
    • *above the upper lip on midline, at junction of upper 3rd and lower 2/3 of philtrum
  92. Du 27:
    • Du 27:
    • *On the face, at the tip of the upper lip, where the skin of the philtrum and the upper lip join.
  93. Du 28:
    • Du 28:
    • *On the inside of the upper lip, at the junction of the frenulum of the upper lip and the gum.
  94. 1.The Governing Vessel is also called ________________ and
    • Du
    • The Governing Vessel
    • “The Sea of the Yang Channels”
  95. the Du channel, It ascends _________________________________.
    Ascends along the midline of the posterior of the body
  96. Du as one of the 8 extraordinary vessels it is opened by it’s confluent point which is _____________.
    • Extraordinary channel with points of it’s own.
    • Si 3 is the confluent (opening) point for Du.
  97. How many points are on the Governing vessel?
    28 pts.
  98. Write out the location and the number of the first and last Du point.
    First point Du 1 : on midline midway between the tip of the coccyx and the anus.

    Last Point Du 28 : inside the mouth, in the superior frenulum, at the junction of the upper lip and gum.
  99. Which point is the luo connecting point of the Governing vessel?
    Du 1 is the luo-connecting point.
  100. Are there any influential points (Hui-Meeting Points) located on the Governing Vessel? Are there any Mu points located on the Governing Vessel? If yes, list them and their locations.
    Mu pts are only located in the front
Card Set
semester 1 acp/faom
midterm review