Lab 6 & 7

  1. Image Upload 2
    Pulmonary Emphysema
  2. circulatory system has 3 basic components:
    circulatory fluid (blood or hemolymph), set of tubes (blood vessels), muscular pump (the heart)
  3. Image Upload 4
    human lung slide; inside of the alveoli
  4. Image Upload 6
    human bronchopneumonia slide; pink with white holes, has purple dotted sections
  5. Image Upload 8
    human anthracosis
  6. Image Upload 10
    kidney glomeruli
  7. Image Upload 12
    peripheral nerve, oh no
  8. Image Upload 14
    peripheral nerve c.s.
  9. Image Upload 16
    human spinal chord
  10. Image Upload 18
    mammal motor nerve, actually looks like a neuron
  11. Image Upload 20
    ovary graafian follicles
  12. Image Upload 22
    human sperm smear; tiny purple dots
  13. Image Upload 24
    human testes; remember the coiling of the seminiferes tubules, etc, surrounded by the leydig (Testosterone producing) cells
Card Set
Lab 6 & 7