- moldy feed does not confirm mycotoxicosis
- do not rule out non-moldy feed bc toxin may have been produced and fungi died
- mushroom toxicity- amanita, psilocybe
- alaloid, muscarine
- hepatic, reanl, PS, GI, neuro
- tx patient, not mushroom
- empty stomach, activated charcoal, atropine
- aspergillus, penicillium
- B, G, M1
- dog
- liver
- ddx: anticoag rodenticide, algae, cycad, mushroom
- fish>poultry>K9>Bov>sheep
- aspergillus, penicillium
- kidney
- swine
- grapes
- Fusarium
- prolonged estrus, vulvovaginitis
- female swine
Tricothecene Mycotoxin
- Fusarium
- inhibits protein synthesis
- Dermatonecrosis, bone marrow dyscrasia, stimulate CRTZ (swine)
- poultry less sensitive
Tremorgenic toxins
- aspergillus, penicillium
- tremortin A, penitrem A
- walnuts, pecans, cream cheese
- neuro
- canine
- diazepam
- slobber factor
- alkaloid
- salivation
- bovine, equine
- prevent with atropine
Equine Leukoencephalomalacia (ELEM)
- fusonisin
- carcinogenic
- liquifactive necrosis of white matter
- swine- pulm edema
- do not feed corn screenings
Cyanophyta- Blue green algae
- anatoxin (alkaloid)- natural OP
- neuro, GI, liver, skin, renal
snake venom
- many fractions
- neurotoxin- Mojave
- thrombocytopenia
- early transportation and tx
crotalus, sistrurus
- rattlesnake
- Mojave most toxic
- copperhead
- water moccasin
- can bite while swimming
micrurus, microuroides
- coral snake
- red and yellow, kill a fellow
- red and black, ok Jack
- Gila monster
- non-aggressive
- neuro
Bufo Toad
- cardio active glycosides
- diazepam, propranolol, atropine
- black widow
- painful bite
- ascending paralysis
- (large, swollen areas are not spider bites)
- antivenin, atropine, robaxin, methocarbamol, 10% Ca gluconate
- brown recluse
- non-painful bite
- non-healing wound
- dapsone, hyperbaric O2, SQ dex at wound
- scorpions
- neurotoxic
- atropine, sedation, proranolol
- EP contraindicated
sea turtle, polar bear, bearded seal, walrus
toxin in liver
halogenated organic comp.
- repro effects
- esp. birds
- residue in food
chlorinated naphthalenes
- blocks carotene to vit A
- hyperkeratosis (like vetch)
poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
poly-bromated bibphenyls (PBB)
- 2, 4, 5-T
- ball clay
- teratogenic
- interfere with phorphorin metabolism
- liver
- uncouples ox phosphorylation
- status spongiosis
- control fever, enema, diazepam
trichloro-ethylene extracted soybean oil meal (TCESOM)
- aplastic anemia
- bone marrow dyscrasia
- cattle
- ddx: bracken fern
- fibrinogenic change in lungs due to inhaled irritans
- emphysema, fibrogenic response
- clubbing of fingers
methyliso-cynate (MIC)
- develop Ab
- severe pulm irritation
- edema
polytetra-fluoroethylen (PTFE)
- Teflon
- rapid death
- small birds very sensistive
aflotoxin effects
- aspergillus
- liver
- coagulopathy
ergot effects
- claviceps
- vasoconstriction
- gangrenous extremities
- aspergillus, penicillium
- nephrotoxic
- rhizoctonia
- histaminic
- cholinergic
- salivation
- lacrymation
T2 toxin
- fusarium
- dermonecrosis
- coagulopathy