Antoine du Prat
- entered his Church at his funeral
- shows corruption of the Church
Brethren of the Common Life
- Holland
- Stark simplicity, helped community, taught in schools, Kempis
Thomas Kempis
"The Imitation of Christ"
"Oratories of Divine Love"
Priests work to revive the church through prayer
Pope Julius II's ecumenical council
Meeting to try to reinvigorate Church's importance
Martin Luther
- 95 Theses
- Father of Protestantism
John Staupitz
Directed Luther to Saint Paul's letters
Archbishop Albert of Magdeburg
Sold indulgences to repay Fuggers for Archbishopship
John Tetzel
Mounted indulgence advertising blitz
Diet at Worms
- Condemned Luther as a heretic
- Charles V
John Eck
Catholic who argues with Luther, calls him a Hussite
Bread and Wine go through spiritual change
Actual flesh and body of Christ
Peasant Revolt of 1525
- Luther turns on peasants that revolt too far.
- Strengthened rulers and peasant economic conditions
Marriage of Maximilian I and Mary of Burgundy (1477)
Rise of the Habsburgs
Peace of Augsburg
Officially recognized Lutherism
John Wyclif
- Shocked at degradation of CHurch in Avignon Captivity
- Church should focus on Holy Scripture
John Hus
- Clergy less necessary
- Are offices needed?
Wittenburg U
- Founded by Elector Fredrick
- Philip Melancthon
- Control of commodities
- Banking
"Address to the German Nobility"
- Luther
- Princes to reform
- Fewer Festivals
- Improve Education
"Freedom of Christian Man"
Christians serve neighbor
- Insist on rebaptism
- Get rid of social distinctions
- Swiss
- Takes wife
- Eucharist is symbolic
John Calvin
- Geneva
- "The Institutes of the Christian Religion" (1536)
- Absolute sovereignty and omnipotence of God=total weakness of man
God decides who would be saved and who damned
"Genevan Catechism" (1541)
- Q and A
- Summary of faith
- Guide for daily living
Genevan Consistory
Religious government
- Wyclif's followers
- Individual interpretation of the Bible
WIlliam Tyndale
English translation of the New Testament
King Henry VIII
Creates Anglicans
"The Act in Restraint of Appeals" (1534)
King is Supreme
"The Act for the Submission of the Clergy" (1534)
Royal permission to pass religious laws
"The Supremacy Act" (1534)
King is the supreme head of the Curch of England
Thomas Cromwell
Pilgrimage of Grace (1536)
Pilgrimage (probably of Grace)
Edward VI
Cranmer prepares first "Book of Common Prayer" (1549)
Mary Tudor
- Catholic
- Basically a bitch
"Elizabethan Settlement"-Parlimentary legislation of E's early reign-GO TO CHURCH!!!
"Thirty-Nine Articles"
Basic tenets of Church of England
Mary, Queen of Scots
Tries to dethrone E, but FAILS
John Knox
- Presbyterian church of Scotland (aih!)
- "Book of Common Order" 1564
Gustavus Vasa
- 1520 Revolt against Denmark
- Olas Petri-Translates New Testament
Christian III of Denmark
Sets up secular, Lutherian Church
Clement VII
Pope interested in art more than disputes
Pope Paul III
Establishes Inquisition with reformers like Gian Pietro Caraffa
Battle of Pavia (1525)
Francis I defeated
Council of Trent
- Catholic reforms
- Validation to Scriptures
- Tridentine-bishops need to stay in diocese
- No Indulgences
"Ursuline order of nuns"
- Angela Merici
- Education of Women
- Combats heresy
"The Society of Jesus"
- Ignatius Loyola
- Jesuits
- "Spiritual Exercises" (1548)-directed individual and will to reform of life
"Index of Prohibited Books"
- Blacklist
- Law, classical lit, and math untouched