
  1. # of phalanges per foot:______
  2. # of metatarsals per foot
  3. the metatarsals can also be referred to as?
  4. # of tarsals bones per foot
  5. total bones in 1 foot
  6. total bones in both feet
  7. Phalanges are Numbered ___ to ___ starting _________ and working _________.
    1-5 medially-laterally
  8. Digits 2-5 contain a ___________, _____________ and ___________ phalynx.
    proximal middle and distal
  9. The 1st digit contains only a _____________ and ______________ phalynx.
    proximal and distal
  10. Metatarsals Distal portion is termed:_________________
  11. Middle portion is termed:________________
  12. Proximal portion is termed:______________
  13. The base of the 5th metatarsal contains a ______________ which is a common fracture site.
  14. Describe sesamoid bones:
    small detached oval shaped bones located near joint spaces
  15. largest sesamoid bone
  16. other locations of sesamoid bones
    plantar surface at head of metatarsals
  17. 7 tarsals
    Calcanus, talus, navicular, cuboid, medial cuniform, intermediate cuniform, lateral cuniform
  18. largest and strongest bone of the foot
  19. 2nd largest bone in the foot
  20. Talocalcaneal joint is also known as the ____________________ joint.
  21. Define calcaneal sulcus:
    deep depression b/w the posterior and middle articulation facets
  22. Define sinus tarsi
    opening in the middle of the subtalar joint
  23. Longitudinal arch demonstrates the ___________ and ____________ aspects of the foot.
    medial and mid
  24. Transverse arch primarily made of the wedge shaped ______________.
  25. Bones of ankle: _______________, _________________ and ________________
    talus, tibia, and fibula
  26. The mortise joint space demonstrated in ____________________________ position.
    15-20 internal rotation oblique
  27. Tibial plafond forms the _________ of the ankle joint.
  28. Distal fibula located _____ posterior in relation to distal tibia.
    more 1/2 in
  29. Weight bearing bone of lower leg:______________
  30. The tibial plateau slopes ______ to ______ degrees posteriorly in relation to the long axis to the tibia.
  31. Define Osgood Schlatter
    tibial tuberosity separated from the body of tibia
  32. Describe the fibula notch of the tibia:
    distal portion of the tibia- flattened triangular notch
  33. The fibula is located ____________ and _____________ to the tibia.
    laterally, posteriorly
  34. Fibula articulations: Proximal with________________ and distally with _______________
    tibia; talus
  35. Longest and strongest bone in body:_____________________
  36. Knee joint location in respect to patella:
  37. patellar surface
    anterior surface convex and rough posterior surface smooth and oval shaped
  38. Patellar surface also termed _____________________________ or ______________________________
    intercondylar sulcus or trochlear groove
  39. Medial condyle lies ___ to ___ degrees __________ than lateral condyle of the femur
    5 to 7 ; distal
  40. Joint between the patella and distal femur:
    femoropatellar joint
  41. inferior border of the patella
  42. superior border termed
  43. patella articulates with
    the distal end of the femur
  44. the knee joint is comprised of
    femoropatellar and femortibial
  45. 4 main ligaments of the knee
    • Anterior cruciate ligament
    • Middle cruciate ligament
    • posterior cruciate ligaments
    • lateral cruciate ligaments
  46. Each knee contains a ____________ and ____________ menisci
    lateral and medial
  47. Menisci serve to
    observe the shock of the knee
  48. Dorsum
    top of foot
  49. plantar
    bottom of foot
  50. dorsoplantar projection
    projection from top of the foot to bottom of foot
  51. plantodorsal projection
    projection from bottom of foot to top of foot
  52. dorsiflexion
    decrease angle of foot moving toes upwards
  53. plantarflexion
    increase angle of foot moving toes downward from normal position
  54. inversion
    moving foot in towards midline
  55. eversion
    bending away from the midline
  56. Image Upload 2
    • A: Tibia
    • B: Calcaneus
    • C: Tuberosity of calcaneus
    • D: Cuboid
    • E: fifth metatarsals
    • F: superimposed cuniform
    • G: Navicular
    • H: subtalar joint- talocalcaneal
    • I: Talus
  57. Image Upload 4
    • A: IP joint of 1st digit of R foot
    • B: proximal phalanx of 1st digit of R foot
    • C: Metatarslal phalange joint of 1st digit of R tech
    • D: head of 1st metatarsals
    • E: body of 1st metatarsals
    • F:bast of 1st metatarsals
    • G: intermediate cuniform
    • I: talus
    • J: Tuberosity of calcaneus
    • K: lateral calcaneus
    • L: Cuboid
    • M: tuberosity at base of 5th metatarsals
    • N: 5 MTP Joint of R foot
    • O: proximal phalanx of 5th digit of R foot
  58. Image Upload 6
    • A: Fibula
    • B: lateral malleolus
    • C: Open Mortise joint of ankle
    • D:Talus
    • E: Medial malleolus
    • F:Tibial epiphyseal plate
  59. Image Upload 8
    • A: fibula
    • B: calcaneus
    • C: Cuboid
    • D: tuberosity and base of 5 Metatarsals
    • E: Navicular
    • F: Talus
    • G: Sinus Tarsi
    • H: Anterior Tubercle
    • I: Tibia
  60. Image Upload 10
    • A: Patella
    • B: femoropetellar joint
    • C: Lateral Condyle
    • D: Patellar surface
    • E: medial condyle
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