Different areas associated with language
- wernickes area
- auditory perception
- somatosensory perception
- primary motor function- brocas area
What is dysarthria?
- errors in the production of sound, but language is still intact
- slow and mumbled
- failiure of coordination of respiration, vocal cords, tongue, and lips
What is dysarthria caused from?
- cerebellar
- midbrain
- tract
- cranial nerve damage
What are some hints when interacting with patients that have dysarthria?
- ask patients to repeat and speak slowly
- don't finish sentences for them
- give feedback when you understand
- ask patient to gesture/write
What is it like to be aphasic?
- difficult to talk, struggling to get every word out
- leave small words out and get stuck on certain words/phrases
- person talks, it's just difficult to understand
What is expressive/non-fluent aphasia?
- motor plan for speed is lost
- comprehension of language is intact and aware of speaking problem
- profane language or 1st language may be intact
What is damaged with expressive aphasia?
- brocas area
- typically dominant hemisphere
Hints to interact with patients that have expressive aphasia:
- ask questions with yes or no answers
- use gestures and facial experssions
- tell them what you understand
- ask them to repeat
- do not interrupt
What is receptive/fluent aphasia?
- motor production of sounds intact, but doesn't understand what they're saying
- perception of sounds distorted
- severe defecit in comprehension but words come easy
- reading and writing compromised
Hints to intereact with patients that have receptive aphasia:
- speak maturely- encourage normal language
- don't talk louder and minimize distractions
- stand in visual field
- don't talk about the person
What is conduction aphasia?
- motor production of sounds and perception of sounds intact
- fluent but use subsitituions
- understand language
- mild writing impairment
Where is the problem with conduction aphasia?
- feedback between brocas and wernickes area are reduced
- damage to arcuate fasiculus
What is damaged in receptive aphasia?
wernickes area
What is global aphasia?
- both motor production of speech and comprehension are lost
- severe deficit of expression and comprehension, reading/writing
What is damaged in global aphasia?
brocas and wernickes
What is anomia?
inability to retrieve names
What is circumlocution
talk around forgetten words
What is alexia?
can't read, but all other language functions are intact
What is automatic speech?
singing or swearing is intact, but all other language is gone