quiz #3- cerebral palsy

  1. What is cerebral palsy (basic)?
    • non-progressive developmental, disability, resulting from brain injury within first 5 years of life
    • symptoms may change as child develops by does NOT progress
  2. What are pre-natal causes of cerebral palsy?
    • Infections
    • syphillis
    • influenza
    • viral hepatitis
    • toxins
    • mutliple births
    • maternal disease
    • familia cerebral palsy
    • fetal anoxia
  3. What are some infections that cause cerebral palsy?
    • TO: toxoplasmosis
    • R: rubella
    • C: cytomegalovirus
    • H: herpes
  4. What are toxins that cause cerebral palsy?
    • alcohol
    • teratogenic medications: streptomycin, radiation therapy, HTN meds, epilepsy meds
  5. What is the most common cause of mental retardation?
  6. What are different maternal diseases that cause Cerebral palsy?
    • diabetes
    • renal insufficiency
    • HTN
    • pre-eclampsia
    • malnutrition
  7. What are peri-natal causes of Cerebral palsy?
    • fetal distress
    • prolonged labor
    • prolapsed cord (cord comes out first)
    • placenta previa (placenta comes first then mom hemorrhages)
    • premature
    • low birth weight
    • Rh factor
  8. What are post natal causes of cerebral palsy
    • meningitis
    • trauma/abuse
    • drowning
    • high fever
    • poisons
  9. What are the different types of spastic cerebral palsy?
    • hemiplegia
    • diplegia
    • quadriplegia
  10. What is hemiplegia?
    • 1/3 of cases from prenatal causes
    • most common
    • shoulder is adducted, retracted, adn IR
    • elbow is flexed
    • wrist and hand are flexed
  11. What is diplegia?
    • legs more involved typically after a complicated pregnancy or delivery
    • IR and adduction of hip
    • hip flexion with posterior or anterior pelvic tilt
    • knee flexion
    • plantarflexion
  12. What is quadriplegia?
    all limbs are involved
  13. What is athetoid cerebral palsy?
    • low tone trunk that caves to gravity
    • writhing spontaneous and voluntary movements
    • fluctuating spasticity in extremities
  14. What is athetoid cerebral palsy caused from>
    anoxia at birth or Rh factor
  15. What are neurological/orthopedic problems from athetoid cerebral palsy?
    • neurological: vision loss (cortical blindness), seizures, speech problems, swallowing problems, mental retardation, abnormal sensory integration, behavior/learning disorders
    • orthopedic: scoliosis, subluxed hip, contractures
  16. What is the treatment for cerebral palsy?
    • PT, OT, SpT, dietician, orthotist, ortho surgeon
    • meds to control hypertonicity, seizures
    • partial dorsal root rhizotomy
  17. What is partial dorsal root rhizotomy?
    • dorsal roots are teased out
    • highest response from H-relex will show area responsible for spasticity
    • once spasticity is removed, work on gaining back strength
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quiz #3- cerebral palsy
cerebral palsy