Bio Vocab 2/25/10

  1. chromosome
    one of the structures in the nucleus that are made up of DNA & protein
  2. Histone
    A type of protein molecule found in the chromsome
  3. Chromatid
    1 of the 2 strands of a chromosome that become visible suring meiosis or mitosis
  4. Centromere
    the region of the chromosome that holds the 2 sister chromatids together suring mitosis
  5. Chromatin
    the materical that makes up both mitotic and interphase chromosomes
  6. Sex Chromosomes
    one of the pair of chromosomes that determine the sex of an individual
  7. Autosome
    Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome
  8. Homologous Chromosome
    Chromesomes that have the same sequence of genes, same structure, & fair during meiosis
  9. Karyotype
    micrograph of the array of chromosomes visible during metaphase
  10. Diploid
    a cell that contains 2 haploid sets of a chomesome
  11. haploid
    describes a cell, nucleus, or organism that has only one set of unpaired chromosomes
  12. Binary Fission
    a form of a sexual reproduction in a single celled organism
  13. mitosis
    a process of cell division that forms 2 new nuclei, each has the same # of chromosomes
  14. meiosis
    process in cell divison, # of chromosomes decrease to 1/2 orginal # by 2 divisons of nucleus
  15. gamete
    a haploid reproductive cell that unites w/another haploid reproductive cell to form a zygate
  16. interphase
    a period between2 mitotic or meiotic divisons during which cells grow, copy DNA, synthasize protein
  17. asexual reproduction
    reproduction that does not involvethe union of gametes, single parent produces exact copy
  18. prophase
    1st stage of mitosis & meiosis in cell division
  19. spindle fiber
    1 of the micro-tubules that extend across a dividing cell
  20. metaphase
    1 of the stages of mitosis & meiosis, all of the chromosomes move to the cell's equator
  21. anaphase
    a phase of mitosis & meiosis in which chromosomes separate
  22. cytokinesis
    the divison of the cytoplasma of a cell
  23. telophase
    final stage of mitosis or meiosis. nuclear membrane forms around each new set of chromosomes
  24. cell plate
    precuror to new plant cell wall. forms during cell divison & divides a cell in 2
  25. tetrad
    4 chromatids in a pair of homologous chromosomes that come together because of syrapsis duringmeiosis
  26. crossing over
    the exchange of genetic material between homologous chromosomes during meiosis
  27. genetic recombination
    the regrouping of genes in an offspring that results in a genetic makeup that is different from that of the parents
  28. independent assortment
    random distribution of pairs of genes on diff chromosomes to the gametes
  29. polar body
    short-lived product of the formation of gametes by meiosis
  30. sexual reproduction
    reproduction in which gametes from 2 parents unite
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Bio Vocab 2/25/10
Bio Vocab for 2/25/10