- Human Muscle: Not found in humans
- Origin: Manubrium of the sternum
- Insertion: Fascia of the ulna near the elbow
- General Action: Pulls the humerous toward the chest (adduction) and caudally
Pectoralis Major
- Human Muscle: Pectoralis Major
- Origin: Sternum
- Insertion: Humerus
- General Action: Pulls the humerous toward the chest (adduction) and caudally
Pectoralis Minor
- Human Muscle: Pectoralis minor
- Origin: Sternum
- Insertion: Humerus
- General Action: Pulls the humerous toward the chest (adduction) and caudally
- Human Muscle: Not found in humans
- Origin: Xiphoid process of the sternum
- Insertion: Humerus
- General Action: Pulls the humerous toward the chest (adduction) and caudally
External Oblique
- Human Muscle: External oblique
- Origin: Posterior ribs and lumbordorsal fascia
- Insertion: Aponeurosis along the mid-ventral surface
- General Action: Compress the abdominal wall and aid in flexion of the trunk
Internal Oblique
- Human Muscle: Internal oblique
- Origin: Lumbordorsal fascia and iliac crest
- Insertion: Mid-ventral aponeurosis
- General Action: Compress the abdominal wall and aid in flexion of the trunk
Rectus Abdominus
- Human Muscle: Rectus abdominus
- Origin: Pubic crest
- Insertion: Upper ribs and sternum
- General Action: Compress the abdominal wall and aid in flexion of the trunk
Latissimus Dorsi
- Human Muscle: Latissimus Dorsi
- Origin: Thoracic and Lumbar region on the aponeurosis
- Insertion: Humerus
- General Action: Abduction of the arm
- Human Muscle: Sternocleidomastoid
- Origin: Manubrium of the sternum
- Insertion: Mastoid process of the temporal lobe
- General Action: Flex head and to bend it to the right or left
- Human Muscle: Sternocleidomastoid
- Origin: Clavicle
- Insertion: Mastoid process
- General Action: Flex head and to bend it to the right or left
- Human Muscle: Deltoid
- Origin: Clavicle, the shoulder and upper arm
- Insertion: Ulna near the elbow
- General Action: Extends the humerus, turn the head, and flex the elbow
Triceps Brachii
- Human Muscle: Triceps Brachii
- Origin: Humerus and scapula
- Insertion: Olecranon process of the ulna
- General Action: Extend the forearm
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
- Human Muscle: Flexor carpi ulnaris
- Origin: Humerus
- Insertion: Carpals/digits
- General Action: Flex the wrist
Palmaris Longus
- Human Muscle: Palmaris Longus
- Origin: Humerus
- Insertion: Carpals/digits
- General Action: Flex the wrist
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
- Human Muscle: Flexor digitorum profundus
- Origin: Humerus
- Insertion: Distal phalanges of the digits
- General Action: Flex the wrist
Flexor Carpi Radialis
- Human Muscle: Flexor carpi radialis
- Origin: Humerus
- Insertion: Carpals/digits
- General Action: Flex the wrist
Pronator Teres
- Human Muscle: Pronator teres
- Origin: Medial epicondyl of the humerus
- Insertion: Medial surface of the radius
- General Action: Rotates the palm of the hand downward, to the prone position
- Human Muscle: Sartorius
- Origin: Crest of the ilium
- Insertion: Tibia and patella
- General Action: Adducts and rotates the thigh and extends the knee.
- Human Muscle: Gracilis
- Origin: Pubic symphasis
- Insertion: Medial surface of the tibia
- General Action: Adductor of the thigh
Adductor Femoris
- Human Muscle: Adductor femoris
- Origin: pubis
- Insertion: Femur
- General Action: adducts the femur
Adductor Longus
- Human Muscle: Adductor longus
- Origin: Pubis
- Insertion: Femur
- General Action: Adducts the thigh
- Human Muscle: Gastrocnumius
- Origin: Femur
- Insertion: Calcaneous (heel bone)
- General Action: Extensor of the foot
- Human Muscle: Soleus
- Origin: Fibula
- Insertion: Calcaneous
- General Action: Extends the foot
Tibialis Anterior
- Human Muscle: Tibialis Anterior
- Origin: Tibia and fibula
- Insertion: First metatarsal
- General Action: Extends the foot and inverts it
Flexor Digitorum Longus
- Human Muscle: Flexor digitorum longus
- Origin: Tibia and fibula
- Insertion: Terminal phalanges
- General Action: Flexor of the digits