John Who Page34.txt

  1. Who was the son of John?
    Who was the son of John? / Simon Peter / John 21:15
  2. Who was the son of Simon
    Who was the son of Simon Iscariot? / Judas / John 6:71
  3. Who was the son of Simon?
    Who was the son of Simon? / Judas Iscariot / John 13:2
  4. Who was the traitor?
    Who was the traitor? / Judas / John 18:5
  5. Who was the wife
    Who was the wife of Clopas? / Mary / John 19:25
  6. Who was there
    Who was there again the next day with two of his disciples? / John / John 1:35
  7. Who was tired
    Who was tired from the journey? / Jesus / John 4:6
  8. Who was to
    Who was to come into the world? / The Christ, the Son of God / John 11:27
  9. Who was troubled in
    Who was troubled in spirit? / Jesus / John 13:21
  10. Who was troubled when
    Who was troubled when he saw Mary weeping and the Jews who had come along with her also weeping? / Jesus / John 11:33
  11. Who was walking in
    Who was walking in Solomon's Colonnade? / Jesus / John 10:23
  12. Who was walking on
    Who was walking on the water? / Jesus / John 6:19
  13. Who was warming
    Who was warming himself? / Peter / John 18:18
  14. Who was with God
    Who was with God in the beginning? / The Word / John 1:1
  15. Who was with the
    Who was with the disciples a week later? / Thomas / John 20:26
  16. Who washed,
    Who washed, and now sees? / The man who had been blind / John 9:15
  17. Who welcomed
    Who welcomed Jesus when he arrived in Galilee? / The Galileans / John 4:45
  18. Who went and saw
    Who went and saw where Jesus was staying, and spent that day with him? / The two disciples (John's) / John 1:39
  19. Who went and washed, and came
    Who went and washed, and came home seeing? / The man who had been blind / John 9:7
  20. Who went and washed, and then
    Who went and washed, and then could see? / The man who had been blind / John 9:11
  21. Who went around
    Who went around in Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea? / Jesus / John 7:1
  22. Who went away
    Who went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had made him well? / the man who had been an invalid / John 5:15
  23. Who went back across
    Who went back across the Jordan to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days? / Jesus / John 10:40
  24. Who went back and
    Who went back and called her sister Mary aside? / Martha / John 11:28
  25. Who went back inside
    Who went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?" / Pilate / John 18:33
  26. Who went back to the chief
    Who went back to the chief priests and Pharisees? / The temple guards / John 7:45
  27. Who went back to the town
    Who went back to the town and said to the people, "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Christ?" / The Samaritan woman / John 4:28-29
  28. Who went back to their
    Who went back to their homes? / The disciples / John 20:10
  29. Who went down to Capernaum
    Who went down to Capernaum with his mother and brothers and his disciples? / Jesus / John 2:12
  30. Who went down to the
    Who went down to the lake when evening came? / Jesus' disciples / John 6:16
  31. Who went into an
    Who went into an olive grove? / Jesus and his disciples / John 18:1
  32. Who went into the
    Who went into the tomb? / Simon Peter / John 20:6
  33. Who went on
    Who went on to say, "This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled him"? / Jesus / John 6:65
  34. Who went out again
    Who went out again to the Jews and said, "I find no basis for a charge against him"? / Pilate / John 18:38
  35. Who went out and
    Who went out and got into the boat, but that night caught nothing? / The disciples / John 21:3
  36. Who went out as
    Who went out as soon as he had taken the bread? / Judas / John 13:30
  37. Who went out into
    Who went out into the Judean countryside? / Jesus and his disciples / John 3:22
  38. Who went out to meet Jesus because
    Who went out to meet Jesus because they had heard that he had given this miraculous sign? / Many people / John 12:18
  39. Who went out to meet Jesus when
    Who went out to meet Jesus when she heard that Jesus was coming? / Martha / John 11:20
  40. Who went out to meet Jesus,
    Who went out to meet Jesus, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!"? / The great crowd that had come for the Feast / John 12:13
  41. Who went out to the
    Who went out to the place of the Skull, carrying his own cross? / Jesus / John 19:17
  42. Who went to his
    Who went to his own home? / Each (of the chief priests and Pharisees)/ John 7:53
  43. Who went to Jesus
    Who went to Jesus and begged him to come and heal his son? / a certain royal official / John 4:47
  44. Who went to tell Andrew
    Who went to tell Andrew that some Greeks would like to see Jesus? / Philip / John 12:22
  45. Who went to tell his
    Who went to tell his disciples, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going there to wake him up"? / Jesus / John 11:11
  46. Who went to the disciples
    Who went to the disciples with the news: "I have seen the Lord!"? / Mary Magdalene / John 20:18
  47. Who went to the Mount
    Who went to the Mount of Olives? / Jesus / John 8:1
  48. Who went to the Pharisees
    Who went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done? / Some of the Jews who had come to visit Mary / John 11:46
  49. Who went to the tomb and
    Who went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance? / Mary Magdalene / John 20:1
  50. Who went to the tomb early
    Who went to the tomb early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark? / Mary Magdalene / John 20:1
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John Who Page34.txt
john Bible quizzing whos