Ch. 01-05 * Set 5F

  1. 부럽다
  2. 부러워하다
    to envy
  3. 아깝다
    valuable; wasteful
  4. 부끄러움
    shyness, sense of shame
  5. 부끄럽다
    shy; ashamed
  6. 긴장
    • tension
    • ~하다 to be nervous
    • ~되다 to get nervous
  7. 떨다
    • to shake, quiver
    • 떨리다 to shake, tremble
  8. 불안
    • anxiety, uneasiness
    • ~하다 anxious, uneasy
  9. 무섭다
    scary; scared
  10. 분명히
    clearly, obviously
  11. 집중
    • concentration
    • ~하다 to focus, concentrate
    • ~되다 to be focused
  12. 외우다
    to memorize
  13. 의견
  14. 기억
    • memory
    • ~하다 to remember
    • ~나다 to come to mind
    • ~되다 to be remembered
  15. 돌아보다
    to look back, think back
  16. 인상
  17. 추억
    memory, recollection
  18. 깜빡
  19. 상상
    • imagination
    • ~하다 to imagine
  20. 이상
  21. 예상
    • expectation, prediction
    • ~하다 to expect, predict
    • ~되다 to be expected, be predicted
  22. 가능성
  23. 불가능하다
  24. 고생
    • suffering
    • ~하다 to have a hard time
  25. 내내
    throughout, all the time
  26. 포기하다
    to give up, abandon
  27. 그만하다
    to stop, quit
  28. 나타내다
    to show, express
  29. 표현
    • expression
    • ~하다 to express, show
  30. 없애다
    to remove, get rid of
  31. 도움
    help, aid
  32. 담다
    • to put, hold
    • 담기다 to be put in
  33. 꺼내다
    to pull, take out
  34. 묶다
    • to tie, bind
    • 몪이다 to be tied
  35. 풀다
    • to untie, unfasten
    • 풀리다 to come untied
    • 풀어지다 to come untied
  36. 달다
    to hoist, attach, wear
  37. 밀다
    to push
  38. 당기다
    to pull, draw
  39. 끌다
    • to pull, draw; to drag, prolong
    • 끌리다 to be pulled
  40. 덮다
    • to cover, close
    • 덮이다 to be covered
  41. 가리다
    to screen, hide
  42. 숨다
    • to hide
    • 숨기다 to hide (sth), conceal (sth)
  43. 돌려주다
    to give sty back
  44. 내밀다
    to stick out, stretch out
  45. 얻다
    to get, gain
  46. 가져가다
    to take, carry
  47. 벌리다
    to open, spread
  48. 물다
    to bite; to hold sth in one's mouth
  49. breath
  50. 쉬다
    to breath; to rest
  51. 감다
    to close (one's eyes)
  52. 뜨다
    to open (one's eyes)
  53. 놀랍다
    surprising, amazing
  54. 깜짝
    with surprise
  55. 충격
    shock, impact
  56. 당황하다
    embarrassed, puzzled, panic
  57. 외롭다
    lonely, solitary
  58. 그립다
    to miss, long for
  59. 답답하다
    feel heavy; stifling
  60. 불쌍하다
    pitiful, pathetic
  61. 안되다
    sorry, that's too bad
  62. 안타깝다
    regrettable, sad
  63. 무시하다
    to ignore
  64. 분위기
    atmosphere, mood
  65. 어색하다
  66. 아마도
    probably, perhaps
  67. 어쩌면
    maybe, perhaps
  68. 아무래도
    • how hard I think
    • (followed by 것 같다)
  69. 왠지
  70. 어쩐지
    somehow, without knowing why
  71. 만약
    just in case, if by chance
  72. 만일
    • just in case, if by chance
    • (10,000:1)
Card Set
Ch. 01-05 * Set 5F
Survival Korean Vocabulary by Bryan Park vocabulary list. until page 106. 21 sections