Sound and Sense Final

  1. The use of words that supposedly mimic their meaning in their sound.
  2. A figure of speech in which someone absent or dead or something nonjuman is addressed as if it were alive and present and could reply.
  3. A fixed form of fourteen lines, normally iambic pentameter, with a rhyme scheme conforming to or approximating one of two main types - the Italian or the English.
  4. The process of measuring metrical verse, that is, of marking accented and unaccented syllables, dividing the lines into feet, identifying the metrical pattern, and noting significant variations from that pattern.
  5. A figure of speech in which an explicit comparison is made between two things essentially unlike. The comparison is made explicit by the use of some such word or phrase as like, as, than, similar to, resenbles, or seems.
  6. A figure of speech in which an implicit comparison is made between two things essentially unlike.
  7. Type of peotry having as a primary purpose to teach or preach.
  8. A meter in which the majority of feet are trochees.
  9. Two successive lines, usually in the same meter, linked by rhyme.
  10. Poetry that attempts to manipulate the reader's emotions in order to achieve a greater emotional response than the poem itself really warrants.
  11. A rhyme in which the repeated accented vowel sound is in the final syllable of the words involved.
    Masculine Rhyme
  12. A poem written in the form of a speech of an individual character; it compresses into a single vivid scene a narrative sense of the speaker’s history and psychological insight into his character.
    Dramatic Monologue
  13. The representation though language of sense experience.
  14. A smooth, pleasant-sounding choice and arrangement of sounds.
  15. An imperfect rhyme in which two words are spelled similarly but pronounced differently.
    Eye Rhyme
  16. The repetition at close intervals of the vowel sounds of accented syllables or important words.
  17. What a word suggests beyond its basic dictionary definition; a word's overtones of meaning.
  18. The central idea of a literary work.
  19. A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used in the service of truth.
  20. A figure of speech in which what is meant is the opposite of what is said.
    Verbal irony
  21. Nonmetrical poetry in which the basic rhythmic unit is the line, and in which pauses, line breaks, and formal patters develop organically from the requirements of the individual poem rather than from established poetic forms.
    Free Verse
  22. An inscription in verse or prose upon a tomb; and, by extension, anything written as if to be inscribed on a tomb.
  23. Italian stanza form composed of eight 11-syllable lines, rhyming abababcc.
    Ottava rima
  24. The writer's or speaker's attitude toward the suject, the audience, or herself or himself; the emotional coloring, or emotional meaning, of a work.
  25. Unrhymed iambic pentameter.
    Blank verse
  26. A reference, explicit or implicit, to something in literature or history.
  27. A figure of speech in which human attributes are given to an animal, an object, or a concept.
  28. Poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet and is sometimes contrasted with narrative poetry and verse drama, which relate events in the form of a story.
  29. A repeated word. phrase, line, or group of lines, normally at some fixed position in a poem written in stazaic form.
  30. In literature, comic imitation of a serious literary or artistic form that relies on an extravagant incongruity between a subject and its treatment.
  31. In literature, a form of satirical criticism or comic mockery that imitates the style and manner of a particular writer or school of writers so as to emphasize the weakness of the writer or the overused conventions of the school.
  32. A meter in which a majority of the feet are anapests.
  33. long narrative poem recounting heroic deeds
  34. Often consists of 14 lines of 8 or 10 syllables divided into three stanzas (two quatrains and a sextet), with the first two lines of the first stanza serving as the refrain of the second and third stanzas.
  35. Poetry on trivial or playful themes that is written primarily to amuse and entertain and that often involves the use of nonsense and wordplay.
    Light verse
  36. The continuation of the sense of a phrase beyond the end of a line of verse
  37. seven-line iambic pentameter stanza rhyming ababbcc
    Rhyme royal
  38. A nineteen-line fixed form consisting of five tercets rhymed aba and a concluding quatrain rhymed abaa, with lines 1 and 3 of the first tercet serving as refrains in an alternating pattern though line 15 and then repeated as lines 18 and 19.
  39. A four line stanza. A four-line division of a sonnet marked off by its rhyme scheme.
  40. The regular patterns of accent that underlie metrical verse; the measurable repetition of accented and unaccented syllables in poetry.
  41. A popular form of short, humorous verse that is often nonsensical and frequently ribald. It consists of five lines, rhyming aabba, and the dominant metre is anapestic, with two metrical feet in the third and fourth lines and three feet in the others.
  42. Verse form that consists of eight short lines rhyming ABaAabAB
  43. Meditative lyric poem lamenting the death of a public personage or of a friend or loved one; by extension, any reflective lyric on the broader theme of human mortality.
  44. Ceremonious poem on an occasion of public or private dignity in which personal emotion and general meditation are united.
  45. unrhymed Japanese poetic form consisting of 17 syllables arranged in three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively.
  46. a humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or applications, or a play on words
  47. any brief and pithy verse, particularly if astringent and purporting to point a moral.
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Sound and Sense Final